Chaplain Recruitment

Primary Chaplain Branch Badge

Primary Chaplain Branch Badge

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Canadian Forces Chaplaincy

Our role

  • Foster the religious, spiritual and moral well-being of members and their families
  • Offer a ministry of presence in a multitude of environments (at home and abroad)
  • Participate in the life of the worshipping community
  • Officiate at special functions
  • Advise the Commanding Officer regarding the spiritual and ethical well-being and morale of their unit
  • Liaise with civilian religious faith groups
  • Collaborate with other care providers
  • Provide directed care after critical incidents

Our team

As of 2013, the Canadian Forces Chaplaincy has approximately 220 Regular Force Chaplains and 125 Reserve Force Chaplains.

Admission Requirements

  • Must be an ordained minister, a Roman or Eastern Catholic Pastoral Associate or a religious leader mandated by a nationally registered faith group
  • Must receive approval from a representative of the Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy (ICCMC), the endorsement of the ICCMC and be selected by the Chaplain General
  • Must have a Master of Divinity preparing for ministry or equivalent
    • The Master of Divinity is a university degree accredited by a Province or Territory of Canada and recognized by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
    • The Faith Group is the final authority setting the minimum standards for pastoral ministry in its religious jurisdiction
    • For candidates of Academic institutions from outside Canada, a recognized Canadian University determined by the ICCMC must conduct a prior learning assessment
  • Must have at least 2 years of supervised experience in a civilian ministry

Entry Plan

  • Direct Entry Officer – Regular and Reserve Forces. This is the usual plan of entry into the Chaplaincy. Since the recruitment process is complex and involves both the ecclesiastical authorities and the Canadian Forces, it is essential that the applicants communicate first with their Regional Recruiting Chaplain who will guide them in all aspects of the process.
  • Reserve Entry Scheme Officer (RESO) and Cadet Camp Chaplain: contact your Regional Recruiting Chaplain by November 1st for employment the following summer.

How to get involved?

  • Regular Force Chaplain
    • Full time ministry
  • Reserve Force Chaplain
    • Part time ministry in a Reserve unit
  • Reserve Entry Scheme Officer (RESO) program
    • A program for full time students in Seminary or Theological School to experience chaplain duties
  • Cadet Camp Chaplain during the summer


  • Military/Chaplain training
  • Second-language training
  • Graduate studies
    • Possibility of Graduate studies in pastoral counselling, ethics, ecumenism and canon law (2-3 year programs)
    • Clinical Pastoral Education (1 year program)
  • Full health and dental care
  • Comprehensive pension program
  • 20 days of paid vacation per year (increases after five years of service to 25 days)
  • Excellent fitness programs and facilities
  • Three days for annual spiritual retreat
  • Opportunity for advancement
  • Remain connected with your own faith group

Useful links

 Contact us

  • Toll free at 1 (866) 502-2203; or
  • Call your Regional Recruiting Chaplain:
    • British Columbia, Formation Chaplain, Maritime Forces Pacific/JTF (Pacific) (250) 363-4028
    • Ontario, Ontario, Chaplain, 4th Canadian Division  (416) 633-6200, Local 5111
    • Alberta and Northern Canada, Chaplain, 3rd Canadian Division (780) 973-4011, Local 6040
    • Québec, Chaplain, 2nd Canadian Division  (514) 252-2777, Local 4033
    • Manitoba and Saskatchewan, 1 Canadian Air Division Chaplain (204) 833-2500, Local 5289
    • Atlantic Provinces, Formation Chaplain, Maritime Forces Atlantic/JTF (Atlantic) (902) 721-8662