Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information 2013

Standard Personal Information Banks

Personal information banks (PIBs) are descriptions of personal information that is organized and retrievable by a person’s name or by an identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned only to that person. The personal information described in the personal information bank has been used, is being used, or is available for an administrative purpose and is under the control of a government institution.

Treasury Board Secretariat has developed Standard Personal Information Banks to describe personal information that may be found in records created, collected and maintained by most federal government institutions to support common internal functions, programs and activities. Institutions may register one or more of these Standard Personal Information Banks, and list them in their chapter rather than develop institution-specific Personal Information Banks.

Individuals seeking access to the institution-specific Personal Information Banks of a particular government institution should consult the institution's Info Source chapter

Title Bank Number
Access to Information and Privacy PSU 901
Accounts Payable PSU 931
Accounts Receivable PSU 932
Acquisition Card PSU 940
Applications for Employment PSU 911
Attendance and Leave PSE 903
Automated Document, Records and Information Management Systems PSU 904
Business Continuity Planning PSU 903
Canadian Human Rights Act - Complaints PSU 933
Discipline PSE 911
Disclosure to Investigative Bodies PSU 913
Electronic Network Monitoring Logs PSU 905
Employee Assistance PSE 916
Employee Personnel Record PSE 901
Employment Equity and Diversity PSE 918
Executive Correspondence PSU 902
Evaluation PSU 942
EX Talent Management PSU 934
Governor In Council Appointments PSU 918
Grievances PSE 910
Harassment PSE 919
Hospitality PSU 908
Human Resources Planning PSU 935
Identification and Building-Pass Cards PSE 917
Internal Audit PSU 941
Internal Communications PSU 915
Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace PSU 906
Library Services PSU 936
Lobbying Act Requirements PSU 937
Members of Boards, Committees and Councils PSU 919
Occupational Health and Safety PSU 907
Official Languages PSE 906
Outreach Activities PSU 938
Parking PSE 914
Pay and Benefits PSE 904
Performance Management Reviews PSE 912
Personnel Security Screening PSU 917
Professional Services Contracts PSU 912
Public Communications PSU 914
Real Property Management PSU 948
Recognition Policy PSE 920
Relocation PSU 910
Security Incidents PSU 939
Security Video Surveillance and Temporary Visitor Access Control Logs and Building Passes PSU 907
Staffing PSE 902
Training and Development PSE 905
Travel PSU 909
Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service PSE 915
Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents PSE 908
Workplace Day Care PSE 930

Access to Information and Privacy

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include requests made by individuals to obtain access to information under the control of the institution in accordance with the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act, the replies to such requests, and information related to their processing. These records may include requests for correction of personal information; informal requests; records related to complaints, investigations and requests for judicial review; consultations received from other institutions; and requests for advice received from institutional officials that raise privacy or access to information concerns. Personal information may include the name of the requester, proof of citizenship, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, e-mail address and other processing information related to the request, as well as personal information contained in institutional records that are relevant to the request.

Note: Personal information contained in institutional records relevant to the request is not used for administrative purposes.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who exercised their rights under the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act, including individuals who made informal requests to obtain information under the control of the institution.

Purpose: The information described by this bank is used to administer the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act as well as processing and responding to informal requests. This information may also be used during consultations with other government institutions, during investigations by the Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners and Ad hoc Commissioners responsible for investigations within the Office of the Information Commissioner and Office of the Privacy Commissioner and during court reviews. Aggregate information (does not identify individuals) is used to report to Parliament on the administration of the Acts

Consistent Uses: Non-personal information may be used to provide reports on Access to Information and Privacy activities to management, Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada and other institutions. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 930

Bank Number: PSU 901

Accounts Payable

Description: This bank describes information related to individuals who are issued payments by government institutions, including the Receiver General for Canada. Payments may be issued by cheque or electronically and may involve travel and hospitality claims, education course fees, program payments, isolation allowances, membership fees, awards, ex gratia, and other sundry payments.  Personal information may include name, contact information, financial information, nature of expenses/claim, employee identification number, other identifying numbers, signature, and Social Insurance Number.

Note: Individuals seeking access to this bank should specify whether they are an employee, claimant from the general public, contractor or representative of a company, corporation or association, and provide details of the payment such as amount, type, date(s), payment number, and type of program or service and name of institution.  Personal information may be found in Departmental Financial Management Systems and in Public Works and Government Services Canada's Standard Payment System. 

Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of government institutions; claimants from the general public, contractors, and representatives of companies, corporations, and associations.  

Purpose: Personal information is used to support the payment of financial benefits and entitlements in relation to expenses, fees, claims and other non-payroll payments.  For many institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to sections 33 and 34 of the Financial Administration Act.  For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.  The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act and may be used to issue various income reporting slips.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada (Receiver General for Canada) for payment purposes (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Receiver General Payments - PWGSC PCU 712). Where applicable, information may be shared with the Bank of Canada and financial institutions of foreign countries for transactions purposes.  In some cases, the Social Insurance Number and other information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency and the Province of Quebec, and is used for data matching purposes, including income verification (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Information Returns (Infodec) - CRA PPU 150).  Information may be used or disclosed for financial reporting and program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 99/004

Related Record Number: PRN 914

Bank Number:  PSU 931

Accounts Receivable

Description: This bank describes information related to individuals who remit monies payable to government institutions, including the Receiver General for Canada.  Payments may be made in cash or electronically. Types of remittances include reimbursement of overpayments, payments for goods or services, including government merchandise (e.g., publications, coins, stamps, memorabilia, etc.), royalties, loan payments, etc.  Personal information may include name, contact information, credit information, financial information, nature of remittance, employee identification number, other identification numbers, signature, and Social Insurance Number.

Note: Individuals seeking access to this bank should specify whether they are an employee, member of the general public, contractor, representative of a company, corporation, or association, and provide details of the monies remitted such as amount, type, date(s), relevant account number, and type of program or service and name of institution.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who remit monies to the institution/Receiver General for Canada, including representatives of companies, corporations, and associations; current and former employees of government institutions.

Purpose: Personal information is used to support the collection of monies owing to the institution/Receiver General for Canada in relation to goods and services, loans and investments, etc.  Personal information is collected pursuant to various federal laws and regulations.  For the specific legal authority for the collection, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.  The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act and may be used to issue income reporting documentation.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada (Receiver General for Canada) to process payments to the federal government (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Receiver General Payments - PWGSC PCU 721). Information may be shared with financial institutions of foreign countries for transactions purposes.  Information may also be shared with collection agencies for debt recovery purposes.  In some cases, the Social Insurance Number and other information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency and the Province of Quebec, and is used for data matching purposes, including income verification (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Information Returns (Infodec) Data Bank - CRA PPU 150).   Information may be used or disclosed for financial reporting and program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 99/004

Related Record Number: PRN 914

Bank Number: PSU 932

Acquisition Cards

Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of an institution's acquisition card program.  Acquisition cards are used for the procurement and payment of goods and services, but not for travel-related expenses or for vehicle operating and maintenance expenses.  The personal information may include the card holder's name, contact information, language, employee identification number, card number, expiration date, credit limit, and information related to any audits or compliance processes and investigations.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who apply for an acquisition card and those who are issued such cards.

Purpose: Personal information is used to administer an acquisition card program and may be used to issue, cancel, and renew cards, and to monitor transactions to ensure compliance.  For many institutions, information is collected pursuant to Part III of the Financial Administration Act. For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada to monitor the operation of the acquisition card program and to take corrective action when required. Information may also be shared with the private sector card issuer, namely, financial institutions. The information may be also be used or disclosed for program evaluation, enforcement (refer to Standard Personal Information Banks: Security Incidents - PSU 939 and Discipline - PSE 911), and for reporting to Senior Management.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 914

Bank Number: PSU 940 

Applications for Employment

Description: This bank describes personal information related to individuals who have submitted applications for employment or provided curricula vitae (solicited or unsolicited) and related correspondence. The personal information provided by individuals on application forms, curricula vitae, and correspondence may include name, contact information, employment status and history, educational background, marital status, date of birth, gender, official language proficiency, employment equity, physical disability considerations, citizenship, Personal Record Identifier, Client Service Number, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and other personal information.

Class of Individuals: Public service employees and non-public service employees seeking employment with the institution; individuals whose names have been provided as employment references, personal references, or both; and individuals referring another individual for a position.

Purpose: To maintain an inventory of potential candidates that may be used for consideration in a staffing process when vacancies arise within the institution.

Consistent Uses: Relevant information would be transferred to an employee personnel record (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901) if the individual accepts an offer of employment. This information may also be used for planning and evaluation purposes. The information may also be transferred to another institution, if the other institution is deemed to be more appropriate for potential employment opportunities for the individual. The data collected and maintained may be used for statistical purposes, training requirements, and other development opportunities. The personal information about individuals self-identified in employment equity groups may be used for statistical purposes by the institution and may be shared with the Public Service Commission of Canada, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, and the Canada Public Service Agency for the same purpose.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.  

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 920

Bank Number: PSU 911

Attendance and Leave

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank may include absence reports and leave applications, as well as physicians' certificates associated with sick leave, all of which include the individual's Personal Record Identifier and correspondence about attendance and leave. The annual record of attendance and leave may be attached to the Employee Personnel Record. Some attendance and leave information exists in automated form in institutional personnel databases, especially in time/attendance, leave control and absenteeism systems.

Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.

Purpose: The purpose of these records is to support administration of employee attendance and leave within government departments and agencies.

Consistent Uses: To record attendance and authorize leave. To support decisions on pay and benefits, such as those concerning leave and termination of employment, and to evaluate use of leave and rates of absenteeism.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.  

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 941

Bank Number: PSE 903

Automated Document, Records, and Information Management Systems

Description: The automated system described by this bank is used to capture and manage documents, records (including e-mail) and information received and/or created by the institution in support of the institution's functions and activities. Documents and e-mail received by the institution may be entered into the automated system in an electronic format or summarized (profiled) and entered manually into the system.

Class of Individuals: Any individual about whom the institution may collect information in support of a function, program or activity. All employees of an institution, including contractors, agency employees and students, as well as any individual corresponding with the institution.

Purpose: This type of an automated system is used to manage the life cycle of the institution's document, records and information collections, as well as facilitating access thereto. The automated system is used to ensure the information is available to support the operations of the institution, and then disposed of appropriately. The automated system also makes searching and retrieving information from the institution's information collections faster and easier.

Consistent Uses: The information may be used in an aggregate format to report on system use, growth of the information collection, etc. The automated system may also be electronically integrated with the institution's correspondence tracking system that is used to manage the tracking of incoming correspondence to ensure that responses about departmental policies, programs, initiatives and issues are prepared in a consistent and time-efficient manner. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 944

Bank Number: PSU 904

Business Continuity Planning

Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of Business Continuity Management functions which include the development and timely execution of plans, measures and procedures to minimize interruption to the availability of critical services and assets in the event of an emergency or disruption of service. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, employee personnel information and medical information. Personal information may also include the names and contact information of individuals identified by employees as emergency contacts. 

Class of Individuals: Employees of the government institution; Ministers and exempt staff and other personnel of offices of Ministers or Ministers of State; emergency contacts identified by employees; private sector emergency response officials and service providers; and other federal, provincial or municipal officials who may need to be contacted in the event of an emergency or disruption of services.

Purpose: Personal information is used to plan and respond in a timely and effective manner to an emergency or to a disruption of service, to establish a list of employees, appropriate officials and their contact information. The list may be used to contact such individuals in the event of an emergency or the execution of the Business Continuity Plan.  Some institutions may also require that supervisors maintain a list of direct reports, home telephone numbers and the emergency contacts identified by the direct reports.  For most government institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to the Financial Administration Act (as required under the Policy on Government Security) and the Emergency Management Act.  For those institutions not subject to these Acts, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with other federal, provincial, and municipal institutions, police, fire and other emergency response agencies as required. Some information may be shared with/described in the Standard Personal Information Banks Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901 and Occupational Health and Safety - PSE 907.  Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation and reporting purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 928

Bank Number: PSU 903

Canadian Human Rights Act - Complaints

Description: This bank describes information related to complaints filed pursuant to part III of the Canadian Human Rights Act.  Complaints under part III of the Canadian Human Rights Act may be filed against any federally regulated organization and concern allegations of discriminatory practices based on any of the prohibited grounds.  Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, criminal checks/history, educational information, employee identification number, employee equity information, employee personnel information, nature of complaint, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers, medical information, physical attributes, and signature. 

Class of Individuals: Individuals and representatives of individuals or groups who make a complaint, respondents, and witnesses.

Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to Part III of the Canadian Human Rights Act and is used to record, enquire into and resolve complaints of discrimination. 

Consistent Uses:  Information may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada to provide evidence for the hearing of a complaint by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, the Federal Court of Canada and / or the Supreme Court of Canada.  Information may be also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 926

Bank Number:  PSU 933


Description: This bank describes personal information related to the application of discipline standards in the federal public service and related penalties, including termination of employment, suspension, demotion to a position at a lower maximum rate of pay and financial penalties that may be applied for breaches of discipline or misconduct in government institutions.  Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, date of birth, employee identification number, employee personnel information, financial information, legal advice, medical information, nature of the misconduct and the disciplinary measure, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, and signature.

Class of Individuals: Employees and former employees of the institution who are/were the subject of the alleged misconduct, interviewees, medical practitioners, representatives or bargaining agents, and witnesses. 

Purpose: Personal information is used to investigate alleged misconduct in government institutions and to determine the need for, and nature of, disciplinary actions.  Information is also collected to support decisions on pay and benefits, attendance and leave, transfer, demotion and termination of employment.  For many institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to paragraph 12(1)(c) of the Financial Administration Act.  For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.

Consistent Uses: Some discipline measures may also be described in Standard Personal Information Bank Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901.  Information concerning grievances is described in Standard Personal Information Bank Grievances - PSE 910.  Where applicable, information may be shared with the following entities: 1) the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat in cases of terminations / demotions, interpretation / application of cases involving important jurisprudential issues, and other special instances;  2) professional regulatory bodies, as required; and 3) law enforcement agencies in the event of an alleged criminal offence. Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: (1) For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.  (2) Documentation concerning a specific employee including documentation related to disciplinary action - the time limit for disposal is that specified in applicable collective agreements or a minimum of two years following the date of disciplinary action, provided no further disciplinary action has been recorded in the meantime. (3) In cases where a disciplinary action has been rescinded, the onus is on the institution to ensure that the documentation of the action concerned is immediately destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 926 and PRN 946

Bank Number: PSE 911

Disclosure to Investigative Bodies

Description: This bank describes personal information about individuals that may be requested by and/or disclosed to an investigative body pursuant to paragraph 8(2)(e) of the Privacy Act. The records may include any personal information that an institution collects about an individual and that is subsequently requested by an investigative body listed in Schedule 2 of the Privacy Regulations.

Class of Individuals: Individuals whose personal information has been requested by federal investigative bodies pursuant to paragraph 8(2)(e) of the Privacy Act.

Purpose: To document requests received from investigative bodies pursuant to paragraph 8(2)(e) of the Privacy Act and the responses to such requests. In accordance with subsection 8(4) of the Privacy Act, records of such requests and disclosures shall be maintained by institutions and upon request be made available to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Consistent Uses: The information may be used for compiling statistics and for audit purposes. Investigative bodies that receive personal information as a result of disclosures pursuant to paragraph 8(2)(e) of the Privacy Act may subsequently share such personal information with other federal investigative bodies or law enforcement agencies, for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of a law and/or the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: Institution-specific

Related Record Number: PRN 937

Bank Number: PSU 913

Electronic Network Monitoring Logs

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank relate to the use by individuals of government institutions electronic networks. Logs containing details of network use by individuals are compiled and are reviewed by appropriate officials of the institution when there is suspected misuse or potential compromise of a government institution's electronic network, as defined by the government institution's policies or the Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks. Examples of information that may be in the records include network logs that may link an employee's workstation to an Internet Protocol address, listings of sites visited and information on any transactions conducted, including date, time, duration and nature of the visit or transaction. The records may also include information on the use of authorization codes assigned to particular individuals, including successful or unsuccessful use of the codes, date, time and frequency.

Class of Individuals: Employees of the government institution and other individuals using federal government electronic networks, including: student employees; contract staff and agency personnel; members of the public; Ministerial staff; or Members of Parliament that send e-mail to the government institution or specific individuals within the government institution.

Purpose: The information contained in the records may be compiled to support the investigation of suspected or alleged misuse, or deliberate or inadvertent impairment or compromise of government electronic networks by persons employed by the institution or by other individuals from outside the institution.

Consistent Uses: The information may be used to substantiate any disciplinary action taken where violation of institutional policies or the Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks is determined. If an internal investigation determines that criminal actions may have taken place, the information may be shared with appropriate police authorities. This information may be used to provide reports to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 932

Bank Number: PSU 905

Employee Assistance

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank are treated in a confidential fashion that is relative to an employee's involvement in an Employee Assistance Program.  These records may include notice of voluntary or mandatory (supervisory work performance related) referral; records of reference to, or reports and correspondence from a health professional or rehabilitation agency; and only non-medical interpretations concerning an employee's work capability or limitations. All personal medical data shall be maintained in a medical protected status under the control of the Occupational and Environmental Health Services Agency. Records relating to work performance deficiencies, absenteeism and disciplinary matters are to be held in the appropriate institutional record (with its related personal information bank) and not held with Employee Assistance Program files. 

Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.

Purpose: The purpose of these records is to document information necessary for the administration of the Employee Assistance Program. To determine the need for employee assistance counselling, referrals for medical evaluations and participation in rehabilitation programs.

Consistent Uses: To support decisions regarding employee assistance measures.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 922

Bank Number: PSE 916

Employee Personnel Record

Description: This bank describes information about an individual's employment with government institutions. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information (including any military service, professional certifications or designations), citizenship status, date and place of birth, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, delegated authorities given or assets loaned to employees (e.g., staffing and financial signing authorities, usage of institutional materiel), alternative work arrangements (e.g., telework, compressed work week), information related to superannuation, benefits, training and development, grievances, security incidents, any other employment-related requirements (e.g., firearms permits, security clearances, passport/visa information), financial information (for pay administration), medical information (including any special needs identified under duty to accommodate, or in the event of an emergency), other identification numbers, signature and Social Insurance Number. 

Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of government institutions, emergency contacts of employees, and may also include spouses, dependants, and beneficiaries.

Purpose: Personal information is used to facilitate personnel administration in the employing institution and to ensure continuity and accuracy when an employee is transferred to another institution. For most government institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of the Public Service Employment Act.  For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.  The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act.

Consistent Uses: Information is disclosed to Canada Revenue Agency (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Information Returns (Infodec) Databank - CRA PPU 150) and to the Province of Quebec (where applicable) for income tax purposes. Information is also disclosed to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada for employment insurance and pension purposes.  Information may also be disclosed to Public Works and Government Services Canada to facilitate payment of salary including direct deposit (refer to Central Personal Information Bank Public Service Compensation Systems - PWGSC PCE 705).  Where applicable, information may also be disclosed to various provincial health insurance plans or third-party group insurance companies. Where required, information may be used to confirm the identity of employees for access to government and departmental websites and databases. Selected information is shared with previous employers for the purpose of finalizing payments, including retroactive payments and the recovery of outstanding amounts owing to the Crown.  Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005 and 98/018

Related Record Number: PRN 920

Bank Number: PSE 901

Employment Equity and Diversity

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information on employees such as education, work history and career aspirations, and training and development, which is collected by means of questionnaires and/or interviews or compiled from employees' files or automated data systems. The information is collected on a voluntary basis, and respondents are asked to identify whether they are male or female, whether they are an aboriginal person, and whether they have a disability or are a member of a visible minority group. The Personal Record Identifier may be used to identify employees in instances where government institutions are not able to employ an anonymous questionnaire, as well as when these identifiers are required to locate employee records.

Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.

Purpose: Related records provide documentation for the implementation of the employment equity policy in government institutions. Data are collected to provide a comprehensive picture of employees by sex and by target group status (e.g., women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minority groups). This information is used to compile a personnel profile of employees and to compare the situation of target group members with non-target group members within a government institution and with their counterparts in the general labour market. The Personal Record Identifier (PRI) may be used to link information in this bank with that in another bank containing employee information (e.g., the Personnel Management Information System) in order to obtain statistical information, where the securing of such information would be consistent with the uses for which the personal information was collected. Self-identification information may be obtained from the departmental records as described in the Standard Personal Information Bank Staffing - PSE 902.

Consistent Uses: The department may collect data for statistical purposes, for purposes relating to individuals, or for both. Personal data are released to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat for statistical purposes only (refer to Central Personal Information Bank Employment Equity Data Bank - TBS PCE 739). The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes in the government's employment equity program to identify and eliminate systemic discrimination in employment and to introduce temporary special measures to ensure that target groups participate in and are equitably represented in the federal public service. It may also be used for policy and planning purposes related to employment equity.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 942

Bank Number: PSE 918

Executive Correspondence

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include general correspondence to the Minister or Secretary of State, their Staff and other senior executives within the institution. Records used in preparation of responses to incoming correspondence may also contain personal information about individuals that is sometimes provided by institutional officials to address issues and concerns raised in the incoming correspondence. Personal information may include the name of the correspondent, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, e-mail address and other personal information that may be included by the originator and/or respondent within the content of the correspondence.

Class of Individuals: General public, Members of Parliament, and officials representing other levels of government or international governments and agencies, external organizations and/or businesses.

Purpose: To manage, in a consistent and time-efficient manner, the receipt of, and responses to, correspondence or inquiries received from outside the institution that require replies from senior executives of the institution.

Consistent Uses: Incoming correspondence may be forwarded to other federal or provincial institutions for a full or partial response if it is determined by the receiving institution that the issue(s) contained within the correspondence fall under the jurisdiction of, and should be addressed by, the other institution(s). In some cases, incoming correspondence and the response may be copied to another federal or provincial institution where the correspondence impacts on their roles and responsibilities. The information may be used in an aggregate format to report on system use, growth of the information collection, etc. The Executive Correspondence Management System may be integrated with the institution's Automated Document, Records and Information Management System (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Automated Document, Records and Information Management Systems - PSU 904).

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 943

Bank Number: PSU 902


Description: This bank describes personal information related to a government institution's evaluation function and activities.  Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, demographic information, financial information, identification numbers, gender, job titles, and opinions and views of, or about, individuals, which in some cases, are collected with informed consent.

Class of Individuals: Program participants, managers, employees, or partners of the program or institution, including government representatives from other jurisdictions, representatives of businesses and private sector organizations, academics or other experts in the program area, and other stakeholders including members of the general public. 

Purpose: Personal information is used in data collection and analysis when undertaking evaluations. In some cases, a limited amount of personal information, (typically names and /or titles of academics or other experts) may appear in evaluation reports where informed consent has been given by the person or persons to whom the information relates. For many institutions, information is collected pursuant to sections 7 and 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act. For those not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with the deputy head of the institution, the Departmental Evaluation Committee, and program managers.  Information may be also be shared with (1) other federal institutions or other partners involved in managing or delivering the program and in undertaking the evaluation; (2) Treasury Board Secretariat officials; and (3) consultants performing evaluation work on behalf of the institution. Final evaluation reports are made publicly available.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/004

Related Record Number: PRN 916

Bank Number: PSU 942

EX Talent Management

Description: This bank describes information about government institution employees in the Executive (EX) category who register for the EX Talent Management tool.  Personal information may include name and contact information of the individual and supervisor, employee identification number, employment equity information, biographical information, educational information, employee personnel information, date of birth, gender, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, photograph, and signature.

Class of Individuals: Employees at the EX-01 to EX-03 category and levels who choose to register for this tool.  The tool is mandatory for employees at the EX-04 and EX-05 levels (Assistant Deputy Minister levels).

Purpose:  Personal information is collected by Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat  for the purpose of assisting government institutions in managing executive talent through activities such as succession planning, and the identification of talent gaps and learning and development needs and responding strategies (refer to Central Personal Information Bank EX Talent Management  - TBS PCE 715).  In addition, with respect to EX 04 and EX 05 levels, the purpose is also to support the collective management system of Assistant Deputy Ministers.  For institutions that participate, Treasury Board Secretariat will return analysed data which can then be used by the institutions to identify trends and critical gaps, for the EXs, Levels 1-5. Participating institutions may also receive aggregated enterprise-wide data reports for benchmarking purposes.  For many institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to the Financial Administration Act and the Public Service Employment Act.  For those institutions not subject to these Acts, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.

Consistent Uses:  Information collected for executives who are at the ADM or equivalent level may be shared with the Clerk of the Privy Council's Committee of Senior Officials.  Information may also be shared with/described in the Standard Personal Information Banks: Performance Management Reviews - PSE 912, Training and Development - PSE 905, and Human Resources Planning - PSU 935.  Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: Institution-specific

Related Record Number: PRN 920

Bank Number: PSU 934

Governor in Council Appointments

Description: This bank describes information that is collected to support Governor in Council appointments to federal institutions. The personal information collected may include the individual's full name, contact information, official language of choice, date of birth, country of birth, citizenship, gender, marital status, Social Insurance Number, unique identification number (e.g., unique employee number), terms and conditions of appointment including remuneration (e.g., salary, honoraria, per diem rate) and benefits, signature, physical limitations and any other relevant medical information, photographs or other image recordings, educational background, employment status, work history, professional affiliations, credit card and financial institution information, government security clearances, biographical information (including information about family members), conflict of interest declarations, appointment date and duration and resignation dates, if applicable.

Class of Individuals: Current and former appointees and their family members.

Purpose: The personal information collected is used to support the identification and selection of individuals to serve as Governor in Council appointments which include Chairpersons and Chief Executive Officers of Crown Corporations, Heads of Agencies, and Boards of Governors. Successful individuals are named through an Order in Council - a process that is managed by the Privy Council Office. The personal information is also used to manage the administration of expenses (e.g., travel) and compensation and benefits packages, conduct performance evaluations, maintain an inventory of current and former appointees, record potential conflicts of interest and any compliance action required, and to communicate with these individuals.

Consistent Uses: Personal information about the appointee is contained in the Order in Council document which includes full name, contact information, the position to which s/he is being appointed, the length and tenure of the appointment, and the terms and conditions of the appointment (e.g., remuneration, benefits, vacation leave, etc.). This information is provided by the Privy Council Office to the institution (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Governor in Council Personnel Records - PCO PPU 020).  Additionally, this information may be used in the preparation of reports for senior management and broader audiences (e.g., Annual Reports) and communications materials (e.g., press releases, biographies, etc.) that may be disseminated in multiple formats, including the institution's website. In some instances, the Privy Council Office receives notes and performance ratings to support the conduct of performance evaluations of selected individuals (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Governor in Council Personnel Records - PCO PPU 020). The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Information Returns (Infodec) Databank - CRA PPU 150) and, where applicable, the Province of Quebec Income Tax Act.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: Institution-specific

Related Record Number: PRN 938

Bank Number: PSU 918


Description: This bank describes personal information related to the grievance process, through which employees may formally seek redress/resolution of any disagreements pertaining to terms and conditions of employment.  In addition to the formal process, this bank also describes personal information related to any informal conflict management process.  Personal information may include name, contact information, employee personnel information, biographical information, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, nature of the grievance, medical information; opinions and views of, or about, individuals; and signature.

Note: For those institutions subject to the Public Service Labour Relations Act, section 208 of the Act gives an employee the right to present an individual grievance unless an administrative procedure for redress is provided under any Act of Parliament, other than the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Class of Individuals: Current and past employees of government institutions, their representatives or bargaining agents, and any other witness or individual who may be involved in the grievance process including individuals who serve as mediators, adjudicators, or arbitrators. 

Purpose: Personal information is used for informal conflict resolution and/or to administer individual or group grievances at each of the levels in the grievance process.  For most government institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to sections 207 and 208 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act and sections 66 and 76 of the Public Service Labour Relations Board Regulations.  For those institutions not subject to the Act or Regulations, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.     

Consistent Uses: Information concerning grievances filed under the Public Service Labour Relations Act may be shared with the Public Service Labour Relations Board (refer to Central Personal Information Banks: Applications for Extension of Time - PSLRB PCE 710, Applications for an extension of time in respect of a grievance - PSLRB PCE 715, Complaint/Grievance Mediation - PSLRB PCE 726, Complaints under Section 190 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA) - RLT PCE 730, and Requests for Review of Decisions – PSLRB PCE 793.  Certain complaints may be referred to mediation, adjudication, or arbitration by the Public Service Labour Relations Board (refer to Central Personal Information Banks: References of Grievances to Adjudication - PSLRB PCE 791 and Reference to Adjudication of Individual Grievances - PSLRB PCE 792).  In these cases, information may be disclosed to individuals who are appointed by the Public Service Labour Relations Board or by a government institution to serve as mediators, adjudicators or arbitrators.  Full-text versions of decisions are posted on the Public Service Labour Relations Board website. In some cases, information may be shared with the Canadian Human Rights Commission where a party to a grievance raises an issue involving the interpretation or application of the Canadian Human Rights Act within the context of a request for arbitration of the grievance.  Aggregate information may be used or disclosed for annual reporting purposes. Some information about grievances may also be shared with/described in Standard Personal Information Banks Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901 and Discipline - PSE 911.  Information may also be used or disclosed for evaluation purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 926

Bank Number: PSE 910


Description: This bank describes personal information related to complaints of harassment.  In addition to the formal process, this bank also describes personal information related to any informal conflict management process. Personal information may include name(s) of complainant(s) and respondent(s), contact information, employee personnel information, employee identification number, biographical information, employment equity information, medical information, physical attributes, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, and date and nature of the alleged harassment.

Class of Individuals: Employees and other persons working for a government institution

Purpose: Information is used to investigate and resolve harassment complaints (including through early resolution processes and mediation) and to determine any appropriate action resulting from the complaint, including discipline.  For most government institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of the Public Service Staff Relations Act.  For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.

Consistent Uses:  With consent, information may be disclosed to third party mediation services.  Complaint allegations, draft and final reports will be disclosed to both the complainant and the respondent, in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness. If the complaint is founded, complainants may be informed verbally whether corrective or disciplinary measures will be taken as a result of their complaint; if the complaint is found to be frivolous or in bad faith, respondents may be informed verbally whether corrective or disciplinary measures will be taken. With consent, information may be shared with legal counsel if the complaint is pursued at a tribunal or in the courts.  Where applicable, information may be disclosed to security officials of the institution (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Security Incidents - PSU 939) and law enforcement agencies where alleged violations of the Criminal Code of Canada may have occurred, such as in cases of assault.  When a disciplinary action results from an investigation, information may be shared with/described in Standard Personal Information Bank Discipline - PSE 911.  Information may be also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 922 and PRN 926

Bank Number: PSE 919


Description: This bank describes information related to the provision of beverages, meals, tours or other entertainment reimbursed by government institutions. Personal information may include name, contact information, employee personnel information, employee identification number, and financial information.

Class of Individuals: May include employees of the government institution who incur hospitality expenses, their spouses, other attendees, private sector hospitality providers and/or other individuals who may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund (i.e. who receive a fee, honorarium or per diem allowance).

Purpose: Personal information is used to administer the hospitality expenses and reimbursements of government institutions. For most government institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to the Financial Administration Act. For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.

Consistent Uses: Where applicable, hospitality expenses incurred by the Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, exempt staff, and by senior level employees (i.e. Deputy Minister, Associate Deputy Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister, and equivalent) may be proactively disclosed on government institutions' websites. Information may be shared with/described in Standard Personal Information Bank Accounts Payable - PSU 931. Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation and reporting purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 99/004

Related Record Number: PRN 933 and/or PRN 935

Bank Number: PSU 908

Human Resources Planning

Description: This bank describes information related to salary management and human resources planning, including reporting and forecasting functions.  Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, educational information, employee identification number, employee equity information, employee personnel information, and opinions and views of, or about, individuals.

Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of government institutions, job applicants, students, casual and contract employees, and Interchange Canada participants. 

Purpose:  Personal information is collected to assess current and future human resources and salary requirements.  Information may be used for a number of activities, including succession planning, facilities management, duty to accommodate persons with disabilities, determining vacancy and turnover rates, and workforce adjustment. Some information may be collected by means of employee exit interviews, which are used to identify issues, trends, and needs in the organization.  For many institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, Public Service Employment Act, Employment Equity Act, and the Canadian Human Rights Act (section 16).  For those institutions not subject to these Acts, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.   

Consistent Uses:  Personal information may be shared with other government institutions in cases of transfer of section of the public service under the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act. Personal information may be shared with provincial or municipal governments, and institutions thereof, or private sector institutions in cases of devolution or privatization of a program or activity. Some employee information may also be shared with/described in the Standard Personal Information Banks Employment Equity Program - PSE 918, Employee Personal Record - PSE 901, Pay and Benefits - PSE 904, Staffing - PSE 902, Training and Development - PSE 905, and Official Languages - PSE 906. Information may be also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator

RDA Number: Institution-specific

Related Record Number:  PRN 949

Bank Number: PSU 935

Identification and Building‑Pass Cards

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank may include photographs, signatures, surnames, given names and card numbers of pass holders, identification forms and correspondence related to the issuance and maintenance of identification and building-pass cards and access control records.

Class of Individuals: May include employees and those individuals on assignment or contract who require access to a federal institution.

Purpose: The purpose of these records are to maintain information relating to the issuance, use and cancellation of identification and building-pass cards and to assist in ensuring the security of government institution facilities and the safety and security of individuals and assets present in such facilities.

Consistent Uses: To issue identification and building-pass cards. Additionally, with the consent of the individual concerned, photographs held on file may be used for identification purposes in support of personnel security screening. The identification and building-pass database may record entry and exit times from facilities and may be used in the event of security-related incidents such as thefts or emergency situations. In such cases, the information may be shared with appropriate law enforcement agencies and emergency workers.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 931

Bank Number: PSE 917

Internal Audit

Description: This bank describes personal information related to a government institution's internal audit program, or horizontal audits directed, led or performed by the Office of the Comptroller General (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat) or the Office of the Auditor General. Personal information may include name, contact information, signature, employee identification number, financial information, gender, and other personal information in relevant records held by the institution.

Note: Personal information in the institution's records may be disclosed to the Office of the Auditor General for the purposes of audits or studies.

Class of Individuals: Employees and former employees of the institution, contractors, representatives of companies.

Purpose: Personal information is used to perform the institution's internal audit program. In some cases, the audit program may include an investigative function (e.g., fraud, investigation). For many institutions, information is collected pursuant to sections 7 and 16 of the Financial Administration Act. For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with responsible managers, and in some cases, the Departmental Audit Committee, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors, and/or the Office of the Auditor General. Information may be also be shared with: 1) Human Resources for disciplinary measures (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Discipline – PSE 911); 2) Security (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Security Incidents – PSU 939); 3) Investigative personnel and law enforcement agencies in the event of an alleged criminal offence; and 4) consultants performing internal audit work on behalf of the institution's Chief Audit Executive.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 99/004

Related Class of Record Number: PRN 916

Bank Number: PSU 941

Internal Communications

Description: This bank describes information used to communicate with individuals internal to the institution and may include employee surveys (which are considered to be public opinion research), internal communications material, internal mailing and distribution lists, success stories, and information posted to social media sites including wikis, blogs, and other collaborative technologies that are utilized or hosted by the institution.  Personal information may include name, work contact information, user names and passwords, employee personnel information, biographical information, photographs, video and audio recordings, views and opinions of, or about, individuals, and Internet Protocol routing addresses.

Note:  This information may be stored in either hard copy format or electronically (e.g., in databases or on websites, including social media applications, etc.). Although Internet Protocol addresses are not specifically requested by an institution, they may be captured electronically when an e-mail is received.

Class of Individuals: Employees and other individuals with access to institutional networks including individuals who have prepared information for dissemination, such as publication on the institution's intranet, or who act as contact points within the institution.

Purpose:  Personal information is used to manage internal communications.  For many institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act, and in accordance with the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada.  For those institutions not subject to the Act or the Policy, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine the legal authority for the collection.

Consistent Uses:  The names, photographs, recordings and other personal information about individuals who work for the institution may be included in documentation posted on the institution's intranet: e.g., within speeches, newsletters, etc.  Information may be used or disclosed to provide statistical reports to management as well as for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: Institution-specific

Related Record Number: PRN 939

Bank Number: PSU 915

Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace

Description: This bank describes information related to disclosures of alleged wrongdoing in the public sector, as defined in the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act.  Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, employee personnel information, employee identification number, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, and other personal information which may be contained in the investigation documentation.

Note: refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Case Review and Investigations Files - PSIC PPU 005.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who report an alleged wrongdoing in the public sector, as defined in section 8 of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, as well as individuals who make allegations or are alleged to have committed wrongdoing, witnesses, and any other party affected by the allegation(s).

Purpose: Personal information is collected under the authority of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, to investigate and resolve reports of alleged wrongdoing in the public sector.

Consistent Uses: With consent of the individual(s) concerned, information may be disclosed to a conciliator or to legal counsel for the purposes of bringing about a settlement. If the investigation reveals potential fraud or other criminal wrongdoing, information may be shared with internal security officials (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Security Incidents - PSU 939) or other authorities having the powers to investigate under federal, provincial and municipal statutes. Some information may also be shared with/described in the Standard Personal Information Banks Discipline - PSE 911 and Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service - PSE 915. Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation and other reporting purposes. 

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 926 and PRN 931

Bank Number: PSU 906

Library Services

Description: This bank describes information about individuals who use the facilities, collections, and services of libraries of government institutions.  Services may include loans, reference and research, and alerting and current awareness services, including consideration of client requests for new acquisitions.  Personal information may include name, contact information, organization affiliation, research topic, other identification numbers, including user card number and expiration date and client barcode number.

Class of Individuals: Full-and part-time, casual, and term employees of government institutions, agency employees, members of the general public, researchers, and employees of non-government institution libraries.

Purpose: Personal information is used to support the delivery of library services of government institutions, such as identifying user preferences, researching topics, analyzing trends in information needs, processing inter-library loans, and controlling the circulation of material.  

Consistent Uses:  Information may be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 944

Bank Number: PSU 936

Lobbying Act Requirements

Description: This bank describes information collected by designated public office holders (e.g., current and former Deputy Heads, Assistant Deputy Ministers, senior members of the Canadian Forces, etc.) for the verification of lobbyist activities when requested by the Commissioner of Lobbying.  Personal information may include name, contact information, financial information, biographical information, date, and time of the communication/lobbying activity, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, and subject matter.

Class of Individuals: Designated public office holders and lobbyists as defined in the Lobbying Act.

Purpose:  Information is collected pursuant to section 5 of the Lobbying Act to verify arranged meetings, telephone calls, and correspondence between public office holders and lobbyists.  Lobbyists who have oral, arranged communications with designated public office holders must report these communications to the Commissioner of Lobbying; in turn, designated public officer holders must verify these communications if requested by the Commissioner of Lobbying. 

Consistent Uses:  Information may be made accessible to the public via the website of the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying (refer to Information-Specific Personal Information Bank Lobbyist Registry - OCL PPU 039).  Information may be also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: Institution-specific

Related Record Number: PRN 904

Bank Number: PSU 937

Members of Boards, Committees and Councils

Description: This bank describes information used in the identification and selection of individuals to fill positions on institutional Boards, Committees and Councils. The personal information collected may include the following: full name, contact information, official language of choice, date of birth, country of birth, citizenship, gender, marital status, Social Insurance Number, unique identification number (e.g., unique employee number), terms and conditions of appointment including remuneration (e.g., salary, honoraria, per diem rate) and benefits, signature, physical limitations and any other relevant medical information, photographs or other image recordings, educational background, employment status, work history, professional affiliations, credit card and financial institution information, government security clearances, biographical information (including information about family members), conflict of interest declarations, letters of reference/recommendation, appointment date, and duration and resignation dates, if applicable.

Class of Individuals: Candidates, as well as current and former members of Boards, Committees, and Councils, their family members, and individuals whose names have been provided as personal references.

Purpose: The personal information collected is used to support the identification and selection of individuals to serve on oversight or governance bodies. The information may be used to provide advice to the Minister or Head of the institution to fill existing and/or forthcoming vacancies and to maintain an inventory of potential candidates. The personal information is also used to manage the administration of expenses (e.g., travel) and compensation and benefits packages, conduct performance evaluations, maintain an inventory of current and former appointees, record potential conflicts of interest and any compliance action required, and to communicate with these individuals.

Consistent Uses: This information may be used in the preparation of reports for senior management and broader audiences (e.g., Annual Reports), planning and evaluation purposes, and communications materials (e.g., press releases, biographies, etc.) that may be disseminated in multiple formats, including the institution's website. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act, for the Canada Revenue Agency (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Information Returns (Infodec) Databank - CRA PPU 150) and, where applicable, the Province of Quebec Income Tax Act.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: Institution-Specific

Related Record Number: PRN 938

Bank Number: PSU 919

Occupational Health and Safety

Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of a government institution's occupational health and safety activity, including the prevention of accidents and injuries or illnesses related to occupations, authorization of leave and benefits associated with work-related injury or illness, employee assistance services, fitness to return to work assessments, duty to accommodate, health and ergonomic assessments, health and safety complaints, injury compensation, and rehabilitation and retraining.  Personal information may include name, contact information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, financial information, nature of complaint, medical information, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, and signature. 

Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of government institutions, including casual and contract employees; private sector health practitioners; health and safety professionals; attendants for persons requiring assistance; family members who are part of the same household and eligible for corporate rates for Wellness programs; and individuals designated as emergency contacts of employees

Purpose: Personal information is used to administer occupational safety and health activities in government institutions, which includes the promotion of a safe and healthy workplace for employees and others, provision of corporate Wellness programs, the prevention of accidents, occupational injuries and illnesses and, where applicable, the investigation of occurrences of such injuries and illnesses.  Information may be collected pursuant to paragraph 7(1)(e) and subsection 11.1 of the Financial Administration Act; sections 114 and 240 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act; Part II of the Canada Labour Code and Part XVI of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, the Government Employees Compensation Act, and the National Joint Council Directives. 

Consistent Uses: Information may be used or disclosed for the following reasons: to support decisions related to worker's compensation and injury-on-duty leave; as a means of preventing injuries and illnesses and subsequent disabilities arising out of, or aggravated by, conditions of work; to establish that individuals subject to certain identified occupational risks are able to continue working without detriment to their health or safety or to that of others; and to establish the conditions under which certain individuals with identified illnesses or disabilities are able to continue to work under controlled conditions.  Information may be shared with private sector health care providers.  Information may be used to communicate with contacts of employees in emergency situations.  Information concerning occupational health evaluations and all personal medical information is retained by the Medical Services Branch, Health Canada under medical confidential status (refer to Central Personal Information Banks: Occupational Health Medical Records - HC PCE 701 and Public Service Health Medical Advisory Committee - HC PCE 702).  Information with respect to safety and health complaints and causes of accidents/injuries for accident prevention and health protection purposes is used to support the effective administration of each institution's safety and health activity; such information is also disclosed to the institution's work place health and safety committee.  Information is also used to process payments and charge-backs with respect to injury compensation claims.  Information related to injury compensation claims, including related correspondence and amounts paid, is retained by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and is shared with the institution of the affected employee and, where applicable, the relevant provincial or territorial workers' compensation board. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada holds information pertaining to employee compensation amounts, which are charged to institutions and distributed on a cost-recovery basis (refer to Personal Information Bank: Federal Workers Compensation - HRSDC PPU 032). Information may also be shared with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, specifically, with safety officers for the purposes of accident and refusal to work investigations and the stipulation of corrective measures.  Information may be shared with/described in other Standard Personal Information Banks pertaining to human resources activities including: Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901; Attendance and Leave - PSE 903; Employee Assistance - PSE 916; Pay and Benefits - PSE 904; and Grievances - PSE 910. The investigation and settlement of vehicle accidents is also described in Standard Personal Information Bank Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents - PSE 908. Information may also be used or disclosed for planning and program evaluation purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 922

Bank Number: PSU 907

Official Languages

Description: This bank contains course enrolment and attendance information; language training applications containing basic personal data, such as first official language, date of birth, and Personal Record Identifier for purposes of identification; language knowledge examination scores; training certificates and correspondence about the official languages qualifications of employees. The bank may also contain duplicate input forms for the Official Languages Information System. Language examination, exemption and training records are attached to the employee personnel record.

Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.

Purpose: The purpose of the information described by this bank is to provide documentation for administration of official languages policies as they pertain to employees of the federal public service, to document and support decisions pertaining to official languages qualifications and language testing and to document the language training needs and accomplishments of employees.

Consistent Uses: To support and document decisions concerning individual employees on staffing, entitlement to bilingual bonus, transfers and promotions; and to aid in determining the linguistic status of employees and auditing of the administration of official language programs. Information may be disclosed to the Public Service Commission and Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat for recruitment and staffing purposes (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Banks: for the Public Service Commission of Canada: Executive Resourcing - PSC PCE 746; for Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat: Employment Equity Data Bank - TBS PCE 739). 

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 923

Bank Number: PSE 906

Outreach Activities

Description: This bank describes information related to individuals who participate in outreach activities sponsored by government institutions. Such activities may involve consultations through various means, including hard-copy correspondence, e-mail, contests and competitions, success stories or the use of social media sites including wikis, blogs, and other collaborative Internet technologies that are used or hosted by the institution. In some cases, individuals will be given prior notice that consultations will be recorded or videotaped. Types of activities may include surveys, symposia, conferences, forums, roundtables, seminars, and workshops. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, credit information, dietary restrictions and preferences, employee identification number, financial information, Internet Protocol addresses, medical information, and opinions and views of, or about, individuals.

Note: Wherever possible, individuals seeking access to this bank should specify the title and date of the outreach activity.

Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of government institutions, representatives of other levels of government, representatives of the academic and business communities, members of the general public (including parents and guardians where minors are concerned), and event speakers and facilitators.

Purpose: The information is used to enable individuals to participate in national and/or international outreach activities sponsored by government institutions. Such activities facilitate information exchanges in areas of common interest to institutions and their stakeholders and allow for the sharing of knowledge, expertise, and best practices. Personal information is collected pursuant to various federal laws and regulations. For the specific collection authority(ies), consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

Consistent Uses: With notification, the proceedings of some outreach activities that are audio or videotaped may be made publicly available, including on the Internet. With consent, the information may be used to establish mailing lists to inform participants of future events or to contact individuals to seek views on issues of mutual interest. Information may be also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: Institution-specific

Related Record Number: PRN 904

Bank Number: PSU 938


Description: This bank describes personal information related to parking permit applications and parking space permit holders of spaces on government institution-owned or leased property. Personal information may include name, work and home contact information, biographical information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, financial information, medical information (for those individuals who apply for parking for disability requirements), vehicle identification information, rating factors, and signature.

Class of Individuals: Federal employees of the institution, passengers, contractors or other individuals, property owners or representatives.

Purpose: Personal information is used for the administration of parking privileges and to authorize payroll deductions.  For most government institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act.  For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses: Where government or other property is damaged, the accident may be reported to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (refer to Central Personal Information Bank Protection of Personnel and Government Property - RCMP PPU 055) or to other policing authorities, or to the person(s) in charge or in control of the property.  Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services for the purpose of payroll deduction (refer to Central Personal Information Bank Public Service Compensation Systems - PWGSC PCE 705).  Payroll deduction information may be shared with/described in Standard Personal Information Bank Pay and Benefits - PSE 904.  Information may also be used or disclosed for evaluation or reporting purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 901

Bank Number: PSE 914

Pay and Benefits

Description: This bank describes information related to the administration of pay and benefits within government institutions. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, date of birth, date of death, employee identification number, employee personnel information, financial information, and Social Insurance Number. 

Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of government institutions.

Purpose: Personal information is shared with Public Works and Government Services and is used to disburse salaries and allowances and to process deductions and orders for garnishment and diversion of funds.  Personal information is collected under various Acts including the Financial Administration Act, the Government Employees Compensation Act, and the Public Service Labour Relations Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act, Canada Pension Plan, and the Employment Insurance Act, and for some institutions, the Social Insurance Number  is shared with Public Works and Government Services to create the Personal Record Identifier.

Consistent Uses: Information is shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada (refer to Central Personal Information Banks: Public Service Compensation Systems -PWGSC PCE 705 and Public Service Pensions Data Bank - PWGSC PCE 702). Information, including the Social Insurance Number, is disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Information Returns (Infodec) Databank - CRA PPU 150) and the Province of Quebec (if applicable) for taxation and pension purposes.  Information may also be shared with the Department of Justice Canada to administer the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act and the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Banks: Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance - JUS PPU 125 and Garnishment Registry - JUS PPU 150).  Information may be shared with third party service providers, for select institutions. Some information on pay and benefits may also be shared with/described in the Standard Personal Information Banks Employee Personnel File - PSE 901, Grievances - PSE 910, and Discipline - PSE 911.  Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation. 

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 941

Bank Number: PSE 904

Performance Management Reviews

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank may include appraisals, reports and correspondence concerning an employee's work performance in terms of skills, abilities, accomplishments and interests.

Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.

Purpose: The purpose of these records is to maintain information regarding the level of performance on individual employees within government institutions and to determine the level of performance of individual employees, including the identification of training and development needs, approval of performance pay and annual increments, retention of employees, extension of probation and rejection of employees on probation.

Consistent Uses: To support decisions regarding promotions, transfers, demotion, employee assistance, discipline and termination of employment.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 946

Bank Number: PSE 912

Personnel Security Screening

Description: This bank describes information that is related to security screening assessments of individuals working or applying for work with a government institution. Personal information may include name(s), contact information, biographical information, biometric information (e.g., fingerprints, digital photographs, etc.), character assessments (e.g., loyalty, trustworthiness, etc.) citizenship status, credit information, criminal checks/history, date of birth, educational information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, financial information, other identification numbers, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, physical attributes, place of birth, signature, and military service information. The bank may also describe personal information about any immediate relatives, including name, contact information, date of birth and death, and relationship to applicant.

Note: Some institutions have developed Institution-Specific Personal Information Banks to account for information used in the security/reliability screening of their own employees: Department of National Defence, Personnel Security Investigation File - DND PPU 834; Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Security/Reliability Screening Records – RCMP PPU 065; and Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Employee Security - CSIS PPE 815. In addition, Public Works and Government Services Canada has established the following Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank to account for information used in the security/reliability screening of private sector industry personnel: Industry Personnel Clearance and Reliability - PWGSC PPU 015.

Class of Individuals: May include general public, including volunteers, all current and former employees, contractors, immediate relatives, current and former spouse/common law partner, agency, casual employees, and students, individuals who give character references (including neighbours), current/former employers.

Purpose: Personal information is used to support decisions for granting or reviewing for cause the reliability status, security clearance or site access of individuals working or applying to work through appointment, assignment or contract. A review for cause may result in the revoking of the individual's reliability status, security clearance or site access. For many institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 7(1) of the Financial Administration Act and as required under the Policy on Government Security. For those institutions not subject to the Act or the Policy, consult the institution's Access to Information Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses: Where applicable, information, including fingerprints, may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service to conduct the requisite checks and/or investigation in accordance with the Policy on Government Security (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Banks: Forensic Science and Identification Services and Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services - RCMP PPU 030; Security Assessments/Advice - CSIS PPU 005). The security screening status may be shared with Human Resources officials to update the individual's personnel file (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901). Information may be shared with entities outside the federal government, including credit bureaus. Some information may be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Class of Record Number: PRN 920 and/or PRN 931

Bank Number: PSU 917

Professional Services Contracts

Description: This bank describes information contained in agreements between government institutions and a person or firm to provide goods, perform services, to construct works or to lease real property.  Personal information may include name, contact information (including business name), biographical information, educational information, financial information, evaluations/assessments, Social Insurance Number, other identification number (e.g. Business Number) and signature.

Class of Individuals: Individuals representing themselves or employed through private companies (including temporary help services) who have submitted responses to Requests for Proposals and who have been engaged through contracts or standing offers with government institutions and individuals who are provided as professional references.

Purpose: Personal information is used to manage the contracting process, which includes the request for and receipt of proposals, evaluation of bids, selection of contractor, preparation, negotiation, execution, and award of contract, the disbursement of funds for services, deliverables, or both as specified within the contract, and post-contract evaluation.  For most government institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act.  For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.  The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act.

Consistent Uses: Information is used to maintain an inventory of potential contractors.  Information may also be used to recover overpayments and debts owed to the Crown and, where applicable, to enable execution of orders of garnishment, attachment, or diversion of funds in accordance with the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and related regulations. Information may be used to confirm the identity of contractors (where required) for access to governmental and departmental websites and databases and for the loan of equipment and/or supplies. Information, including the Social Insurance Number and Business Number, is disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency in T4A-NR Supplementary and T1204 slips (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Information Returns (Infodec) Databank - CRA PPU 150) and the Province of Quebec (if applicable) for tax purposes. The information may be shared with/described in Standard Personal Information Banks Accounts Payable - PSU 931 and Accounts Receivable - PSU 932 for payment administration. Selected information on contracts for $10,000 or more, including the fact that a contractor is a former public servant in receipt of a Public Service Superannuation Act pension, may be made available on institutions' websites, in compliance with proactive disclosure procedures.  Information may also be used or disclosed for evaluation or reporting purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 99/004

Related Record Number: PRN 912

Bank Number: PSU 912

Public Communications

Description: This bank describes information used to communicate with individuals external to the institution and may include general inquiries (received by e-mail, telephone, fax) and responses, the distribution of public awareness and communications material, the dissemination of reports, publications, and other documentation, success stories, public opinion research, and information posted to social media sites including wikis, blogs, and other collaborative Internet technologies utilized or hosted by the institution.  Personal information may include name, contact information, user names and passwords, employee personnel information, biographical information, photographs, video and audio recordings, views and opinions of, or about, individuals, and Internet Protocol routing addresses.

Note: This information may be stored in either hard copy format or electronically (e.g., in databases or on websites, including social media applications, etc.). Although Internet Protocol addresses are not specifically requested by an institution, they may be captured electronically when an e-mail is received.

Class of Individuals: Members of the public, representatives of private sector organizations and other government institutions (i.e., municipal, provincial/territorial, and international), employees and other representatives of federal government institutions, who have requested information from, or submitted information to, a government institution; parents and guardians of minors; employees and other individuals with access to institutional networks, including individuals who have prepared information for dissemination, such as publication on the institution's extranet or internet sites or who act as contact points within the institution.

Purpose: Personal information is used to disseminate information about the functions, programs, and activities of the institution, including about employees of the institution. For many institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act, and in accordance with the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada.  For those institutions not subject to the Act or the Policy consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses: The names, photographs, recordings and other personal information about individuals who work for the institution may be included in documentation posted on the institution's extranet or Internet sites; e.g., within speeches, newsletters, etc.  With consent of the individual, information may be shared with other areas of the institution for program-specific mailing/distribution lists and/or telephone lists. Responses to enquiries and any other relevant information are accounted for by the institution-specific personal information bank related to the program area that sent the response.  Requests for information may be transferred when the requested information, e.g., inquiry or complaint, falls under the responsibility of another institution (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Executive Correspondence - PSU 902).  Some information may also be posted on government institutions' websites for proactive disclosure purposes. Information may also be used or disclosed to provide statistical reports to management as well as for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: Institution-specific

Related Record Number: PRN 939

Bank Number: PSU 914

Real Property Management

Description: This bank describes information related to the management of federal real property or other real property used or acquired by a government institution. Real property refers to any right, interest or benefit of land, which includes mines, minerals and improvements on, above or below the surface of the land. Personal information may include name, biographical information, contact information, size of family, credit history, rental / lease terms and conditions, financial information, information with respect to property transactions, including appraisals, and description of property, including photographs.

Class of Individuals: Former or current tenants or applicants for tenancy of federal real property, real property owners, licensees, lessees, and property appraisers.

Purpose: Personal information is used to administer real property activities, which are related to the planning, acquisition, use and disposal of real property. Personal information is collected pursuant to a number of acts, principally, the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, Federal Real Property and Federal Immovables Act, Federal Real Property Regulations, Department of Canadian Heritage Act, National Capital Act, Financial Administration Act, Historic Sites and Monuments Act, Department of Natural Resources Act, and Expropriation Act.

Consistent Uses: Information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: to collect debts owed by tenants as a result of their tenancy; for credit checks; for property tax payments, that is, information may be disclosed to municipalities in which the properties are located for tax assessments and administration of the payments-in-lieu of taxes program and for evaluation or reporting to senior management. Information may be shared with or described in the Standard Personal Information Banks Accounts Payable – PSU 931, and Accounts Receivable – PSU 932.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: To be determined

Related Record Number: PRN 948

Bank Number: PSU 948

Recognition Policy

Description: The records containing the information described in this bank relates to information on employees who have been nominated for awards under the federal government's Recognition Program or similar institutional policies or programs. Such information may include curricula vitae, narratives in support of meritorious contributions related to their duties or practiced suggestions for improvement of public service operations and completed recommendation reports.

Class of Individuals: Employees who have been nominated for awards under the federal government's Recognition Program or internal recognition programs.

Purpose: To identify individuals who have been nominated for awards in accordance with Recognition Policies.

Consistent Uses: The information in these records is used to establish precedents for awards and to provide an audit trail for the disbursements of funds.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 940

Bank Number: PSE 920


Description: This information is used to document the processes involved in the relocation of employees and their families. The personal information collected includes the individuals' name and job title, organization name, work telephone, work address, job classification and level, Personal Record Identifier, name of delegated departmental officer or manager, signatures, name of spouse or common-law partner, names of children and/or extended family members, special medical needs that may need to be accommodated, monthly statement of credit card expenses, personal declarations of expenses when receipts are not obtainable or have been inadvertently destroyed, mortgage or rental cost information, legal fees and real estate fees.

Class of Individuals: Employees who relocate and their spouses or common-law partners, their children and/or extended family members. Also includes individuals representing third party suppliers, such as moving and storage companies.

Purpose: The purpose of this information is to document and administer the relocation of individuals and their family members. This includes information related to relocation planning, selection of new accommodations, shipment of personal and household effects, and move authorizations and claims.

Consistent Uses: Non-personal information may be used to provide reports on employee relocations to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001 and 99/004

Related Record Number: PRN 936

Bank Number: PSU 910

Security Incidents

Description: This bank describes information related to physical, administrative, and technical security, which may include: security complaints and breaches, privacy breaches, threat and risk assessments, workplace violence, theft, fraud, vandalism, accidental damages, emergency and increased threat situations, or threats to the national interest of Canada. Personal information may include name, contact information, physical attributes, employee identification number, employee personnel information, criminal charges/investigation information, financial information, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, and signature.

Note: Individuals seeking access to this bank should provide the type of incident, the location, and approximate date of the incident.

Class of Individuals: May include employees of government institutions and other individuals involved in security incidents.

Purpose: Personal information is collected to report and investigate security incidents and to ensure that vulnerabilities are identified and the risk of future occurrences reduced. For many institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of various Acts, including the Financial Administration Act and as required under the Policy on Government Security, Public Service Employment Act, Criminal Code, and the Defence Production Act.  For those institutions not subject to these Acts, or the Policy, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses: Information may be disclosed to entities such as: the departmental security office, the departmental IT security office, departmental Access to Information and Privacy office, departmental legal services, and the appropriate lead security agency which may include: the appropriate law enforcement authority for incidents suspected to be criminal offences; the Privy Council Office for incidents involving the compromise of Cabinet confidences; the Canadian Security Intelligence Service for incidents involving threats to the security of Canada; Public Safety Canada for incidents and threats affecting the availability of critical assets and services; the health and safety committee and to Health and Safety Officers appointed under the Canada Labour Code for incidents which can be considered as a "hazardous occurrence" or involve employee injury; and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat for incidents that have an impact on government operations or that could require revisions to operational standards or technical documentation. In the case of privacy breaches, information may also be disclosed to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Information may also be shared with human resources officials and managers, as required, to determine appropriate action and to support decisions regarding discipline or investigations. In this case, information may also be described in the Standard Personal Information Banks Discipline - PSE 911, Employee Personnel Record – PSE 901, Personnel Security Screening - PSU 917, and Security Video Surveillance and Temporary Visitor Access Control Logs and Building Passes – PSU 907. The information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 931

Bank Number: PSU 939

Security Video Surveillance and Temporary Visitor Access Control Logs and Building Passes

Description: This information relates to video surveillance recordings generated by closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras located on the perimeters of, or within institutionally operated buildings and facilities. Additionally, in support of employee and visitor access control, the records related to these subjects contain the actual access logs/registers used to issue temporary employee passes and temporary visitor passes. Personal information collected may include recorded visual images, data logs, signatures, surnames, given names, telephone numbers, temporary pass control numbers and visitor company/organization information related to the issuance of temporary visitor passes.

Class of Individuals: Employees, and those on assignment or contract and visitors who require access to a federal institution or any other person within proximity of video surveillance equipment.

Purpose: This information is used to enhance the security of government facilities and of individuals and assets present in such facilities. Video surveillance can be conducted in real time or recordings can be used to investigate past occurrences, security incidents or emergency situations. Access logs/registers, temporary passes and any other records related to employee and visitor access control may also be used to monitor or investigate current or past security incidents.

Consistent Uses: To assist security officials in the monitoring of activities and/or the issuance of temporary access passes. Additionally, records and recordings may record entry and exit times from facilities and may be used in the event of security-related incidents such as thefts or emergency situations. In such cases, this information may be shared with appropriate law enforcement agencies and emergency workers. Video information that reveals evidence of illegal activity, employee misconduct or accidents may be disclosed to appropriate staff relations, enforcement or investigative bodies for further investigations, charges or disciplinary actions.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.  

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 931

Bank Number: PSU 907


Description: This bank describes information about recruitment and staffing activities, which includes solicited and unsolicited applications for employment, position reclassifications, secondments, deployments, and other work assignments or arrangements within government institutions. Personal information may include name, contact information, assessment/test results, biographical information, citizenship status, date and place of birth, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personnel information, financial information, official language proficiency, medical information, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, and signatures.

Note: Individuals requesting information described by this bank should provide a competition number, if applicable.    

Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution and other individuals who apply for employment in the institution including through recruitment initiatives, as well as individuals who provide references or are supervisors of applicants.

Purpose: Personal information is used to administer recruitment and staffing activities in government institutions, which includes maintaining an inventory of potential candidates for future staffing actions.  For most government institutions, personal information is collected pursuant to the Public Service Employment Act, the Employment Equity Act, and the Canadian Human Rights Act (section 16).  For those institutions not subject to these Acts, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses:  Information may be disclosed to the Public Service Commission, Treasury Board Secretariat and other government institutions for recruitment, employment equity, and staffing purposes, including complaints (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Banks: for the Public Service Commission of Canada: Applicant Inventories and Referrals - PSC PPU 015; Assessment by the Personnel Psychology Centre - PSC PCU 025, Second Language Evaluation (SLE) Test Results - PSC PPU 030, Executive Resourcing - PSC PCE 746, Analytical Environment - PSC PCE 761, and Investigations, Mediation and Conciliation - PSC PPU 010; for Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat: Employment Equity Data Bank - TBS PCE 739 and Workforce Adjustment Monitoring (WFAM) System - TBS PCE 804).  Information relating to staffing complaints may be shared with the Public Service Commission (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Investigations, Mediation and Conciliation - PSC PPU 010) and the Public Service Staffing Tribunal, when required.  On request, selected information may be disclosed to a participant in a staffing process. Information may also be shared with third party service providers to manage recruitment initiatives.  Information may also be used or disclosed for human resources planning and studies (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Human Resources Planning - PSU 935) and staffing decisions may also be described in Standard Personal Information Bank Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901. Voluntary self identification information relating to employment equity programs and services is also described in Standard Personal Information Bank Employment Equity and Diversity - PSE 918.  Selected information about reclassifications may be proactively disclosed on government institutions' websites.  Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation and reporting purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 919 and PRN 920

Bank Number: PSE 902

Training and Development

Description: This bank describes personal information collected to support an institution's training and development programs (e.g., mentoring, career orientation, developmental work assignments or arrangements, etc.). Personal information may include name, contact information, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personnel information, financial information, biographical information, and assessment and training results.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who are employed by federal institutions who register for training or development courses or programs.

Purpose: Personal information is used to register and pay for approved training and development activities.  Where applicable, government institutions may receive information from the Canada School of Public Service or other course providers about registration costs and training results.  For most government institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of the Public Service Staff Relations Act and the Public Service Employment Act.  For those institutions not subject to these Acts, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses: Information may be used to link voluntary self-identification data to information contained in other banks (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Employment Equity and Diversity - PSE 918) for the purpose of implementing and evaluating government policies relating to employment equity and diversity.  Some information may also be shared with/described in the Standard Personal Information Banks Accounts Receivable - PSU 932, Performance Management Reviews - PSE 912 and Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901. Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 927

Bank Number: PSE 905


Description: This bank describes information about employees who travel on official institutional business. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, financial information and passport/visa information, travel history, travel claims, accommodations, meals, or preferences. Travellers may also be requested to provide date of birth and gender when booking travel arrangements.

Class of Individuals: Employees of government institutions, Ministers, Parliamentary Secretary, exempt staff, and other individuals (may include term or casual employees, temporary staff, volunteers, students, consultants and contractors, or witnesses) who travel on official institutional business, their spouses or common-law partners and dependants.

Purpose: Personal information is used to process travel requirements for individuals who travel on behalf of the institution. For most government institutions, personal information is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act. For those institutions not subject to the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses: Travel expenses incurred by the Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, exempt staff, and by senior level employees (i.e., Deputy Minister, Associate Deputy Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister, or equivalent) may be proactively disclosed on government institutions' websites. Some institutions may share information with Public Works and Government Services Canada to establish the Traveller Profile (refer to Central Personal Information Bank Shared Travel Services Initiative (STSI) Traveller Profile - PWGSC PCE 706). In some instances, information may also be shared with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (e.g., official delegations to events in foreign countries). Information may also be shared with/described in Standard Personal Information Banks Accounts Payable - PSU 931 and Accounts Receivable – PSU 932. Information may be used or disclosed for program evaluation and reporting purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/001 and 99/004

Related Record Number: PRN 934 and/or PRN 935

Bank Number: PSU 909

Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service

Description: This bank describes information related to the responsibilities of employees set forth in codes of conduct, including codes for values and ethics, as well as conflict of interest and post-employment measures.  Personal information may include name, contact information, financial information, credit information, biographical information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, views and opinions of, or about, individuals, and signatures.

Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of government institutions, family members, and other individuals with whom the employee may have a business interest.

Purpose:  Personal information is used to resolve situations of potential and actual conflicts of interest in current and post-employment and to support decisions on transfers, discipline and termination of employment if conflict of interest exists. For most government institutions, personal information is collected under the provisions of the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service (the Code) in accordance with the Financial Administration Act.  For those institutions not subject to the Code or the Act, consult the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator to determine collection authority.

Consistent Uses:  In some cases, information may be disclosed to the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, for the purpose of obtaining advice on possible conflicts of interest, the establishment of a blind trust or for approving reimbursement for costs associated with such a divestment.  In cases where an allegation of wrongdoing is made, information may be disclosed to Public Sector Integrity Canada, which may make recommendations where warranted to Deputy Heads of institutions (refer to Institution-Specific Personal Information Bank Case Review and Investigation Files - PSIC PPU 005).  Information may be shared with human resources officials where a conflict of interest results in discipline or termination of employment (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Discipline - PSE 911). Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 920 and PRN 926

Bank Number: PSE 915

Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents

Description: The records containing information described in this bank may contain reports on accidents; claims of damages; legal decisions; settlement transactions and correspondence concerning accidents involving government-owned and leased vehicles, ships, boats and aircraft as well as privately-owned vehicles, ships, boats and aircraft used on official business. Records concerning occupational health and safety, as well as authorization of leave and benefits associated with work-related injury or illness are described in Standard Personal Information Bank Occupational Health and Safety - PSE 907.

Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.

Purpose: The purpose of these records is to maintain information regarding vehicle, ship, boat and aircraft accidents involving employees of a government institution.

Consistent Uses: To determine liability for such accidents and to approve damage settlements.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 922 and PRN 945

Bank Number: PSE 908

Workplace Day Care

Description: The records containing information described in this standard bank may contain information collected from employee surveys conducted by departments for the purpose of estimating employee demand for workplace day care and from workplace day care centre records for evaluating the workplace day care policy. Such information may include employee or user personal data, data on their children, anticipated demand for day care and probability and reasons for enrolling a child in a department sponsored workplace day care centre.

Class of Individuals: All federal employees included in Schedules I and IV of the Financial Administration Act.

Purpose: These records are to be used to determine whether sufficient employer interest and demand exist to merit further consideration (viability study) by the department of the possibility of establishing a workplace day care centre. They will be used to determine the level of ongoing federal rental support for the workplace day care centre. This information will also be used for the purposes of evaluating the day care centre policy.

Consistent Uses: The information in these records will be used for administrative and statistical purposes associated with the establishment of a day care centre. It will also be used for the evaluation and monitoring of the federal public service workplace day care policy. The information may be disclosed to Treasury Board, the department, an authorized committee of the department, a custodian department and the Board of Directors of the Day Care Centre. Together with the linked information from the files identified below, this information will form the basis for tabulations of the extent and type of employee day care users.

Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time that specific types of common administrative records are maintained by a federal government institution, including the final disposition of those records, please contact the institution's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 949

Bank Number: PSE 930

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Categories of Personal Information

The Description section in a personal information bank (PIB) describes the personal information in the records to which the bank relates. Treasury Board Secretariat has established the following categories of personal information, which give examples of specific elements of personal information that fall under each category. The purpose of the categories is to reduce the number of personal information elements that need to be listed in the Description section. These categories are representative of the personal information collected by most institutions, and they now appear in many of the registered PIBs.

  • Biographical information (e.g. work history, curriculum vitae, family information, hobbies, interests, etc.)
  • Biometric information (e.g. blood type, eye or facial scan, DNA, finger / hand prints, etc.)
  • Contact information (e.g. work and / or home information, including postal and e-mail addresses, telephone, fax, cell phone numbers, etc.)
  • Citizenship status (e.g. citizen, landed immigrant, etc.)
  • Credit card information
  • Credit history (e.g. credit reports / scores, liens, bankruptcies, third-party collections, etc.)
  • Criminal checks / history (e.g. information related to criminal record checks, investigations, charges, conviction dates and locations, pardons, etc.)
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Employee identification number (e.g. Personal Record Identifier, RCMP regimental number, Canadian Forces service number, etc.)
  • Employment equity information (i.e. information about aboriginal peoples, members of visible minorities, persons with disabilities, and women)
  • Employee personnel information (e.g. records of attendance and leave, notices of disciplinary action, alternative work arrangements, decisions concerning compensation and fitness for work, official languages qualifications, salary, deductions, level of security clearance, performance reviews and appraisals, rating board assessments, including evaluation notes from staffing boards, training and development course applications and evaluations, etc.)
  • Financial information (e.g. income, investments, mortgages, loans, orders of garnishment, financial institution information for direct deposit and other banking purposes, including name and branch number of institution, account number(s) and name(s) on accounts, etc.)
  • Gender
  • Language (e.g. mother tongue, official and other languages, etc.)
  • Medical information (e.g. psychological assessments, physical disabilities, blood type, medical conditions, etc.)
  • Name (e.g. last name (surname/family name), given names (first, second or more), maiden name, nicknames, aliases, etc.)
  • Opinion or views of, or about, individuals
  • Other identification numbers (e.g. fishing license, driver's license, etc.)
  • Photos
  • Physical attributes (e.g. height, weight, colour of hair and eyes, physical markings (scars, tattoos, body piercing), etc.)
  • Place of birth
  • Place of death
  • Signature
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN)