The DND Unexploded Explosive Ordnance and Legacy Sites Program

Across Canada there are hundreds of old military sites that were once used for training and/or weapons firing. Through the UXO and Legacy Sites Program, DND’s priority is to ensure public safety on UXO legacy sites where the current or intended land use may present a potential UXO risk. Read more...

What is UXO? Why is it dangerous? Read more..

Stay Safe! Visit the School Zone for videos, activities and resources that will help you to know more about UXO and learn how to stay safe. Read more...

Stay safe at work. Working on or near legacy sites. Read more...

Stay safe in the great outdoors. Land and Water Recreation On or Near Legacy Sites. Read more...

If you see something that could be UXO:

1. Don't touch it!
Make sure that you don’t get close to it. Tell your friends to leave it alone - and tell them why. Don’t touch it, move it, or throw things at it.

2. Leave the area
Remember where you saw the object and go back the same way you came.

3. Call 9-1-1 or local police.
As soon as possible, tell an adult, call 9-1-1 or contact local police.