Financing for innovation 

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Are you looking to finance your innovation activities? Whether you're working on products or services at the research and development phase, or looking to market your innovation at the commercialization stage, there are a number of government programs available to help you. Find out if you qualify.

  • PEI Product Development Fund
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You could receive financing to help you generate new products, add value to existing products, and create new markets through BIO|FOOD|TECH.

  • AgriInnovation Program

    If your business is agricultural, you can apply for an R&D; grant or a loan to get your new agricultural product or technology ready for the market.

  • AgriProcessing Initiative

    If you are a Canadian processor of agricultural products, you could receive money for new machinery to help you update your manufacturing processes.

  • Alberta BoostR
    Applies only to: Alberta

    This crowdfunding platform can help your Alberta businesses raise money through a community of supporters, in exchange for a reward.

  • Alberta Innovates
    Applies only to: Alberta

    You could get support for the research and innovation-based activities of your business from the Alberta Government.

  • Alberta Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit Program
    Applies only to: Alberta

    Your corporation may be able to receive a tax credit for scientific research and experimental development expenditures incurred in Alberta.

  • Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program

    By collaborating with government researchers, you could increase your business' scientific capacity for projects relating to fish health and environmental performance.

  • Atlantic Association of Community Business Development Corporations
    Applies only to: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island

    If you live in a rural region of Atlantic Canada, you can access business counselling, financing and training to help start or grow your business.

  • Atlantic Innovation Fund
    Applies only to: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island

    If your business is in the Atlantic provinces, you could get money to develop new technology.

  • Atuqtuarvik Corporation — Loan Services
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you are Inuit and live in Nunavut, you may get money to start, buy or grow a business.

  • Automotive Innovation Fund

    If you have an incorporated automotive business, you could get funding to build greener, more fuel-efficient vehicles through innovation and R&D.;

  • Automotive Partnerships Canada

    If you are working on next-generation automotive technologies, you could receive financial assistance to support collaborative R&D; activities.

  • Broadband for E-business and Marketing (Muskoka)
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be eligible for financial support to help your Muskoka business develop and exploit e-business strategies and applications.

  • Broadband for E-business and Marketing (North Bay)
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be eligible for financial support to help your business in the North Bay region develop and exploit e-business strategies and applications.

  • Broadband for E-business and Marketing (Timmins)
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be eligible for financial support to help your business in the Timmins region develop and exploit e-business strategies and applications.

  • Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence

    If you create a network of skilled partners in industry and academia to address real-world challenges, you could receive funding for research costs.

  • Canada Feature Film Fund

    If you are an incorporated Canadian film producer, you could receive money to develop, produce and market your movies in English or French.

  • Canada Media Fund

    If you are involved in the Canadian television or digital media industries, you may be eligible for funding.

  • Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program

    As a Canadian farmer or processor, you could receive funding for projects that solve problems other farmers face or that help them grow or market their products.

  • Collaboration Voucher Program
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be able to cut the cost of innovation technical expertise needed to keep your Ontario business competitive.

  • Collaborative Health Research Projects

    If you are in natural sciences or engineering and have a partner from the health science community, you could get funding for your collaborative research project.

  • Collaborative Research and Development Grants

    You could get a university to help you with your research project in natural sciences or engineering if you contribute half the costs of the project.

  • Commercialization Support for Business Program
    Applies only to: Manitoba

    Apply for financial help to commercialize innovative products that aren't yet being manufactured in the province.

  • Community Futures British Columbia — Financing programs for entrepreneurs
    Applies only to: British Columbia

    You could get money to start or grow a business if you live in a rural area of British Columbia.

  • Community Futures Program
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    If you are starting a new business or looking to grow your existing business in the Northwest Territories, you could be eligible for business assistance, funding or counselling.

  • Community Futures Saskatchewan — Loan products for small businesses
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    You could get a loan to start or grow a business if you live in rural or northern Saskatchewan.

  • Connect Canada internships

    You could receive funding of $5,000 to help pay the salary of a graduate student or a post-doctoral fellow for 4 to 6 months to help with your advanced R&D; project.

  • Conservation Fund
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You could receive funding for new conservation programs and technology for your business.

  • Development Innovation Fund

    Learn how your health business could get funding to partner with innovators in low- and middle-income countries to help solve global health issues.

  • Development and Commercialization Fund
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You could receive financial support for the discovery and development project phases of your innovative PEI business.

  • Digital Media Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Your digital media business may be eligible for a refundable tax credit of up to 50% on the cost of developing interactive products.

    Applies only to: Québec

    You could obtain a loan, a loan guarantee or quasi-equity funding to establish environmentally friendly business practices within your business.

  • Engage Grants

    You could access a grant for your science and engineering business to help solve a company-specific problem by collaborating with researchers from a Canadian university.

  • Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    If you live in the Cape Breton or Mulgrave areas, you could get money to help you start or grow your business or to upgrade your website.

  • Enterprise Trade Fund (Film and Sound Industries)
    Applies only to: Yukon

    If your business is involved in the sound or film industry, apply for funding and you could receive up to $50 000 in funding.

  • Enterprise Trade Fund (Small Business)
    Applies only to: Yukon

    Your export-related business could be eligible for funding to open, develop or expand markets or to stimulate Yukon business activities.

  • Entrepreneur Loan Program
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You may be eligible to receive up to $50,000 directly from authorized lenders backed by a government guarantee for your new or expanding business.

  • Farm Credit Canada Products and Services

    You could access capital for your farming or agri-business operation.

  • FedNor Innovation Fund
    Applies only to: Ontario

    If your business is based in Northern Ontario, you could receive funding towards the adoption and commercialization of new technologies.

  • Film Development Fund
    Applies only to: Yukon

    Your Yukon film business may be eligible for up to $35,000 in non-repayable grants to cover expenses associated with the development of film projects in Yukon.

  • Financial programs
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    Are you looking to obtain financing for your business? This program offers term loans, equity, contributions and letters of credit.

  • Fisheries Technology and New Opportunities Program
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    You could access funding for research and development projects (for example, recovery of discards, alternative harvesting and processing technology, quality assurance).

  • Funding programs for Nunavut filmmakers
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you are a filmmaker, producer or owner of a production company based in Nunavut, you may get money to create films, television shows and digital media.

  • Industrial R&D; Fellowships Program

    You could get help to hire a PhD graduate to work on a research project in natural sciences or engineering for your business for 2 years.

  • Industrial R&D; Internship Program (IRDI)

    Your not-for-profit corporation could receive funding to create private sector research internships for science and technology graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.

  • Industrial agreement programs
    Applies only to: Québec

    If your Quebec SME is seeking European industrial or technological partners, these programs could make the process easier for you.

  • Industry-Academic Collaboration Programs
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Learn about financing and support that may help you develop and commercialize innovative techniques, products and services in Ontario.

  • Industry-Partnered Collaborative Research Program

    If you are an academic researcher, you can apply for a grant for a collaborative research project you undertake with a Canadian industry partner who shares an interest in health R&D;.

  • Information technology loans
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    If your business gets at least 60% of its revenue from information technology you may be eligible for this term loan.

  • Innovacorp
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Get the capital and guidance you need to take your emerging technology business to the next level.

  • Interaction Grants

    Your R&D; company could access grants of up to $5,000 to meet with established academic researchers to identify potential research projects.

  • International Science and Technology Partnerships Program

    If you own a small or medium-sized business with R&D; projects in science and technology, you could get money to partner with foreign researchers.

  • Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program
    Applies only to: Manitoba

    Access funding for your small business to advance technology and create long term, high skilled jobs.

  • Metis-Dene Development Fund
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    Are you a majority-owner of a business in the Northwest Territories? You may be able to get money to help you grow your business.

  • Mitacs Accelerate

    Learn how you can expand your R&D; potential by recruiting a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow to research your technology project.

  • Mitacs Elevate

    You could receive funding toward a fellowship program with a recent PhD graduate to work on a research project for two years.

  • Nova Scotia Farm Loans
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Apply for a loan to help fund your agricultural business.

  • Nova Scotia First Fund
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Find out how to commercialize your emerging technology with a venture investment of up to $3 million.

  • Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be entitled to a 30% refundable tax credit, to a maximum of $30,000 per literary work, if you publish or promote work by a Canadian author.

  • Ontario Catapult Microloan Fund for Social Enterprises
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be eligible for a loan of $5,000 to $25,000 for your innovative Ontario-based social enterprise.

  • Ontario Media Development Corporation Interactive Digital Media Fund
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be eligible for funding up to a maximum of $150,000 for the production of your digital media content.

  • Ontario Production Services Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Your production company could be eligible to receive a refundable tax credit for production expenses.

  • Ontario Research and Development Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Find out if you qualify for a tax credit for your research and development expenditures.

  • Ontario Sound Recording Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Your Ontario corporation may qualify for a 20% refundable tax credit for expenses related to the production of a sound recording or music video.

  • Ontario Tax Exemption for Commercialization
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Your start-up corporation may be eligible for a tax exemption if you sell new products developed by Canadian colleges or universities.

  • Ontario business research institute tax credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You could be eligible for a refundable tax credit for scientific research and experimental development in Ontario.

  • Partnership Workshops Program

    If you are an academic wanting to work on collaborative research activities with end-users from the business community, you can apply for a grant to develop a workshop.

  • Pilot and Discovery Fund
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You could obtain up to $25,000 to test an innovation-based idea.

  • Pilot program supporting agricultural multifunctionality
    Applies only to: Québec

    Your agricultural business or group of agricultural businesses could benefit from funding for your community-related projects.

  • Prince Edward Island BioAlliance Commercialization Services Initiative
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You could get financial and technical assistance to help you commercialize your bioscience-related research, products, and services.

    Applies only to: Québec

    You can request reimbursement of travel and hospitality expenses incurred in France, if you have agreed to a Quebec-France partnership to carry out an industrial project.

  • Proof of Principle Program

    If you are an academic researcher whose research, collaborations and training relate to commercialization, you may be eligible for financial assistance.

  • Research and Development Program (waste diversion)
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could receive research funding of up to $50,000 for your solid waste diversion idea.

  • Research and development tax credit
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You can apply for a 15% tax credit for costs incurred from qualified scientific research and experimental development.

  • Saskatchewan Agri-Value Initiative
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    Up to $100,000 of funding may be available for you to establish or grow your agri-business.

  • Saskatchewan Mineral Exploration Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    Your mineral exploration company may be able to offer tax credits to your investors.

  • Saskatchewan Petroleum Research Incentive
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    If your organization conducts research in the area of new and promising technologies for the oil and gas sector, you may be eligible for an incentive.

  • Self Employment Option
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    Interested in starting your own business in the Northwest Territories? If you are unemployed, you could continue to receive benefits and get help to start your business.

  • Sivummut Grants to Small Businesses
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you live in the Baffin (Qikiqtaaluk) region of Nunavut, you could get up to $25,000 to start or grow a business there.

  • Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Apply for funding to help your innovative small business develop new processes or technologies.

  • Southwestern Ontario Development Fund
    Applies only to: Ontario

    As a business or an incorporated, not-for-profit organization you could receive funding to support business expansion and innovation in your region.

  • Space Technology Development Program

    Your organization (Industry or Academia) could receive financial and technical support to perform R&D; on space technologies.

  • Strategic Industries Development Fund
    Applies only to: Yukon

    If your business undertakes a strategic industry-related project, you may be eligible for funding if the project provides positive economic outcomes.

  • Strategic Investments Program — Nunavut Equity Investment Fund
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you live in Nunavut, you could get money to start or grow a business in mining, tourism, cultural industries or fisheries.

  • Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon

    If you live in the North, find out how your business could get money for a project that creates jobs and helps develop the North.

  • Strategic Network Grants

    If you are a researcher, you could get funding from one of two grants for large-scale, multi-disciplinary science and engineering projects.

  • Strategic Project Grants

    If you are an academic researcher, you can apply for a grant for a collaborative research project you undertake with a Canadian industry partner.

  • TECTERRA Geomatics Technology Programs

    If you are an entrepreneur in the geomatics industry, you could access funding and resources that can help you develop and commercialize your business.

  • Tax Credit for R&D; Salary for Biopharmaceutical Activities
    Applies only to: Québec

    If you are in the biopharmaceutical industry, your business may be eligible for more favourable terms for this tax measure.

  • Tax credit for pre-competitive private partnership research projects
    Applies only to: Québec

    Put this tax measure to work for your scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED;) projects carried out in Quebec, in partnership with another private company.

  • Technology Demonstration Program

    You could receive up to 50% of the costs of creating a next-generation manufacturing service for the aerospace, defence, space and security industries.

  • Tourism Development Fund
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Your tourism business may qualify for financial support for innovation, training, and improving investment readiness.

  • Tourism Product Diversification and Marketing Program
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    Get a grant to develop, improve or expand your tourism operation in the Northwest Territories.

  • Validation Certificate for Pre-Competitive Research Consortiums
    Applies only to: Québec

    Do you do pre-competitive research and want to create research consortiums? If so, this tax credit can help you.

  • Value-Added Manufacturing Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could receive funding of up to 50% of eligible start-up costs related to your diverted-waste innovation.

  • Western Diversification Program
    Applies only to: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta

    If your not-for-profit organization is looking to strengthen the economy of Western Canada, you can apply for funding for various initiatives.

  • Youth Employment Program

    You could obtain financial assistance to hire a skilled post-secondary graduate to work on your innovative project.

  • Yukon Advanced Artist Award
    Applies only to: Yukon

    If you are a professional artist, you could be eligible for funding to assist you with your career development.

  • Yukon Agriculture Training Program
    Applies only to: Yukon

    Get funding to strengthen your agriculture and agri-food business through training, skills development, and diversification.

  • Yukon Research and Development Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Yukon

    Receive a tax credit of 15% or 20% for eligible research and development costs.