427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (427 SOAS)


On February 1, 2006, the unit was renamed 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (427 SOAS) and became a part of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM). 427 SOAS provides dedicated special operations aviation effects as part of high-readiness Special Operations Task Forces for domestic and international operations. Bearers of a proud legacy, the Lions enable CANSOFCOM to be where it’s needed, when it’s needed, no matter how challenging the conditions may be.


427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (427 SOAS) is an air force unit embedded as an integral element of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM). With a distinguished history of excellence dating back to 1942, 427 SOAS leverages aerospace power expertise for their primary role of providing dedicated SOA effects as part of high-readiness Special Operations Task Forces for domestic and international operations. The squadron also supports a secondary role of the provision of tactical and admin/utility aviation for domestic contingencies to include support to secondary Search and Rescue.


Comprised of Regular, Reserve and Civilian personnel, 427 SOAS requires highly motivated and operationally fit personnel from all elements and military occupations in the CF. Ideal members exemplify core CF values – duty, loyalty, integrity, courage – are committed to a relentless pursuit of excellence, understand shared responsibility, and possess an indomitable spirit, creativity, and humility.