Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (CJIRU)

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To provide specialized, timely and agile Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defence (CBRN) response to the Government of Canada.



The events of September 11, 2001, led to the immediate CBRN response capability of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to be assigned to a new dedicated high readiness unit, the Joint Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defence Company (JNBCD). Since February 1, 2006, this unit has been a part of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM). Its name was officially changed to the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit – Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CJIRU-CBRN) in September 2007. CJIRU has three key mandates:

  • Respond to CBRN events in conjunction with other elements of the National Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Response Team;
  • Provide an agile integral part of the CANSOFCOM Immediate Reaction Task Force (IRTF); and
  • Specialized support to CAF expeditionary operations.

CJIRU - CBRN is an integral component of CANSOFCOM, and provides a rapid response capability for SOF missions throughout the world.

Domestically, CJIRU - CBRN is a branch of the CBRNE Response Team in association with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), responsible for CBRN counter-terrorism operations. Additionally, they provide direct and indirect CBRN support to CANSOFCOM operations.

Internationally, CJIRU-CBRN provides CBRN support to CAF elements in all theatres of operations.



CJIRU-CBRN accepts members of the CAF, regular or reserve, in the role of operator or supporter. To apply for service with the unit, a CAF member must demonstrate a high level of teamwork and maturity. Individuals that come to CJIRU-CBRN experience a different type of atmosphere than traditional units, and will need to adapt to the challenges these changes present. Typically, members that have an interest in science or learning new technology will find the transition easier. A member of CJIRU-CBRN is committed to achieving the expectations of the unit and will demonstrate good conduct in military and personal life.



CJIRU-CBRN is constantly evolving and developing unique capabilities to deal with new CBRN threats. Members of the unit sustain a high level of preparedness and readiness, maintained through a comprehensive training routine. These skills are further developed through partnerships with other government organizations.The unit is comprised of a unique combination of Regular and Reserve Forces with a high level of motivation, dedication and professionalism. The unit will spearhead the development of the new CBRN Operator occupation as a trade within the CAF. As the unit grows it will become an integral part of the forces, providing trained professionals that can respond to any threat.