Financial programs 

Business Development and Investment Corporation, Government of the Northwest Territories

Applies only to: Northwest Territories

If you are unable to get financing through traditional sources, this program may be able to help you through a variety of credit products including:

  • Term loans:
    • Reduced rate and variable interest rate loans
    • Loans to deal with seasonal issues, such as seasonal production and re-supply financing for communities with no all-season access.
  • Venture investments: Investment in your company in return for preferred shares carrying annual dividends.
  • Contributions: Receive up to $10,000 for level I communities and $20,000 for level II communities for feasibility assessments, project start-ups, research projects and occasional short-term projects that create jobs.
  • Stand-by letters of credit: Provided for contract bids, performance security on contracts, or to pay for goods and services.