Export financing 

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Although exporting offers many rewards like increased sales and market growth, it can put a strain on your finances. Many exporters seek external financing to support this activity. Various financing solutions are available to help you hire international trade expertise, to help you market and sell abroad, to help boost your working capital and reduce your financial risks.

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Financing programs

Reduce your financial risks

There are ways to reduce your risks without losing out on good opportunities to grow your business.

  • Insurance solutions

    Find export-related insurance that can lessen the risks of doing business overseas and help you increase your working capital.

  • Factoring Arrangements

    Financial institutions may be willing to buy your export account receivables, if these are insured with Export Development Canada.

  • EDC Accounts Receivable Insurance

    Insure up to 90% of your export business against a number of commercial risks.

  • EDC bonding and guarantees

    Learn about your bonding and guarantee options when exporting your goods.

  • Managing Risk in International Trade

    Learn how to develop an export policy that can help protect your business from political and commercial risks when doing business abroad.

Find private sector financing

There are a wide variety of different private sector organizations that may provide financing to meet your needs.

  • Private sector financing

    Your business may be eligible for different types of private sector financing, including debt and equity.