Music Nova Scotia Job Opportunities

Conference Coordinator, Festival Production Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator, International Delegates Coordinator.

Deadline for Applications: May 25th, 2020, 5:00 PM

Term will be May 17, 2020 - December 6, 2020

Have you collected Employment Insurance in the past five years? Looking to work in the music industry? If so, this is an exciting opportunity for you! Music Nova Scotia is in the process of arranging a series of contract hires under the provincial Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) program. The JCP program is designed to create positions that will provide unemployed, insured participants with opportunities to gain meaningful work experience.

This position is offered as part of the Job Creation Partnerships program of the Government of Nova Scotia. To be eligible for participation in Job Creation Partnerships, you must be an unemployed individual ("insured participant") as defined by Section 58 of the Employment Insurance Act. This means that you are an individual for whom:

  • an unemployment benefit period has been established or has ended within the five years prior to the date of requesting assistance; or
  • a benefit period that included a maternity or parental claim has been established within the five years prior to the date of requesting assistance, after which you remained out of the labour market in order to care for a newborn or newly adopted child and are now seeking to re-enter the labour force.
  • Have been employed with gross insurable earnings of $2000 or higher annually, in at least 5 of the last 10 years.
  • View the full details on the JCP program here.

Job Title: Conference Coordinator 
Location: Halifax, NS 
Hours: 30 weeks – 37.5 hours weekly, with some evenings and weekends

Job Description:
The Conference Coordinator will provide support for the conference component of Nova Scotia Music Week 2020. Under the supervision and direction of the Marketing, Communications & Event Manager and the Executive Director, the Conference Coordinator will work independently and will liaise with the committee members and stakeholders to deliver the project. This person's main focus will be managing the volunteer base, coordinating delegate registration for NSMW.

Primary duties:

  • Assist in the coordination of NSMW conference seminars and workshops
  • Manage volunteer scheduling (100+ volunteers)
  • Oversee volunteer intake and liaise with the local Host Committee Volunteer Coordinator
  • Maintain accurate registration, contact and transportation databases
  • Coordinate registration campaigns
  • Monitor event registration
  • Set up, operate, and supervise the registration desk onsite
  • Conduct and enter data from evaluations from conference participants

Additional duties:

  • Adhere to the project's critical path and update it weekly
  • Prepare registration reports as requested
  • As requested, attend project activities and respond to any conference inquiries onsite during the events
  • Provide assistance in the distribution of NSMW promotional materials prior to and onsite
  • Contribute to the project's final report
  • Instruct volunteers for any conference related activities
  • Attend all professional development educational workshops Music Nova Scotia produces during employment period

Required Qualifications:

  • Strong organizational skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Strong literacy skills (reading/writing/comprehension/spelling & grammar)
  • Strong proficiency in Excel, Word
  • Strong interpersonal skills, especially conflict resolution

Recommended Qualifications:

  • Event/conference production/management experience
  • Experience in human resources or hospitality
  • Mac OS X experience
  • Google Apps (Gmail, Drive) experience
  • Music industry experience
  • Nonprofit experience
  • Ability to work well in groups
  • Comfort in a fast-paced environment

Apply through application link only, please attach your resume in PDF format when applying.

Job Title: Festival Production Coordinator 
Location: Halifax, NS 
Hours: 30 weeks – 37.5 hours weekly, with some evenings and weekends

Job Description:

The Festival Production Coordinator will provide logistic support for the showcasing component of Nova Scotia Music Week 2020. Under the supervision and direction of the Marketing, Communications & Event Manager, the Festival Production Coordinator will work independently and will liaise with committee members and stakeholders to deliver the project. This person's main focus will be assisting with the production of all showcasing performances.

Primary duties:

  • Update the critical path for the event, update regularly, and assign tasks to team members based on deliverables
  • Assist in the production of all showcasing performances
  • Maintain accurate contact, biographical, and production information for artists/groups
  • Assist with the recruitment of multigenre and regional artists and groups
  • Prepare submissions for jury meetings
  • Liaise with the Festival Technical Director to advance production details with showcasing artists
  • Oversee contracting of showcasing artists
  • Update website with showcasing related information via Marcato Festival
  • Communicate registration needs, including delegate pass information, to the Conference Coordinator
  • Conduct and data enter evaluations from artists/groups

Additional Duties:

  • As requested, attend project activities and respond to any showcasing inquiries onsite during the events
  • Instruct volunteers for any showcasing related activities
  • Provide assistance in the distribution of NSMW promotional materials prior to and onsite
  • Monitor event registration
  • Set up, operate, and supervise the registration desk onsite
  • Contribute to the project's final report
  • Attend all professional development educational workshops Music Nova Scotia produces during employment period. 

Required Qualifications:

  • Strong organizational skills
  • Strong proficiency in Excel, Word
  • Attention to detail
  • Strong literacy skills (reading/writing/comprehension/spelling & grammar)
  • Ability to work well in groups
  • Comfort in a fast-paced environment 

Recommended Qualifications:

  • Event/conference production/management experience
  • Music industry experience                 
  • Mac OS X experience
  • Google Apps (Gmail, Drive) experience
  • Nonprofit experience
  • Comfort in a fast-paced environment

Apply through application link only, please attach your resume in PDF format when applying.

Job Title: Marketing Coordinator
Location: Halifax, NS
Hours: 30 weeks – 37.5 hours weekly, with some evenings and weekends

Job Description: 

The Marketing Coordinator will provide support for the marketing and promotions component of Nova Scotia Music Week 2020. Under the supervision and direction of the Marketing, Communications and Event Manager, the Marketing Coordinator will work independently, and will liaise with the committee members and stakeholders to deliver the project. This person's main focus will be assisting in the delivery of a high quality marketing strategy and campaign.

Primary duties:

  • Book radio, print, and website ads                               
  • Assist in creation of advertising campaigns
  • Update website and social media
  • Coordinate event signage
  • Coordinate production of all event collateral                         
  • Lead local host community street team
  • Onsite event partnership fulfillment (signage etc.)
  • Market research 

Additional duties:                                                                             

  • Participate in all project committee meetings
  • Adhere to the project's critical path and update it weekly             
  • As requested, attend project activities and respond to any event inquiries onsite during the events
  • Provide assistance in the distribution of NSMW promotional materials prior to and onsite
  • Contribute to the project's final report
  • Instruct volunteers for any promotion related activities       
  • Monitor event registration
  • Set up, operate, and supervise the registration desk onsite
  • Attend all professional development educational workshops Music Nova Scotia produces during employment period.                                                                           

Required Qualifications:

  • Strong organizational skills
  • Strong literacy skills (reading/writing/comprehension/spelling & grammar) Critical thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to work well in groups                                        
  • Comfort in a fast-paced environment
  • Social media awareness & proficiency

Recommended Qualifications:                                                                                           

  • Mac OS X experience
  • Google Apps (Gmail, Drive) experience
  • Proficiency with Adobe suite of products (Photoshop, InDesign)
  • Music industry experience                                   
  • Nonprofit experience                                                       
  • Experience in marketing or public relations
  • Media (TV/Radio) experience
  • Event production/management experience
  • Basic HTML experience
  • Marcato Festival experience                                    
  • Proficiency with social media productivity tools 
  • Previous office environment experience                          
  • Proficiency in Word, Excel

Apply through application link only, please attach your resume in PDF format when applying.

Job Title: International Delegates Coordinator
Location: Halifax, NS
Hours: 30 weeks – 37.5 hours weekly, with some evenings and weekends

Job Description:

The International Delegates Coordinator will provide support for the conference component of Nova Scotia Music Week 2020. Under the supervision and direction of the Marketing, Communications & Event Manager and the Executive Director, the International Delegates Coordinator will work independently, and will liaise with the host committee members and stakeholders to deliver the project. This person's main focus will be fulfillment of travel and hospitality requirements for our international delegates. 

Primary Duties:

  • Communicate with international delegates regarding their travel needs 
  • Ensure to confirm availability plus convey tentative itinerary to respective traveler for approval
  • Coordinate and prepare daily itineraries for guest delegates using cloud based project management applications
  • Review travel associated invoices as well as statements for accuracy for Accounts Payable
  • Prepare master hotel rooming list for staff, board, crew, sponsors and guest delegates
  • Liaise with host hotel staff and maintain accurate accommodation database

Additional Duties:

  • Adhere to the project's critical path and update it weekly
  • Prepare travel reports as requested
  • As requested, attend project activities and respond to any conference inquiries onsite during the events
  • Provide assistance in the distribution of NSMW promotional materials prior to and onsite
  • Monitor event registration
  • Set up, operate, and supervise the registration desk onsite
  • Contribute to the project's final report
  • Attend all professional development educational workshops Music Nova Scotia produces during employment period

Required Qualifications:

  • Strong organizational skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Strong literacy skills (reading/writing/comprehension/spelling & grammar)
  • Strong proficiency in Excel, Word
  • Strong interpersonal skills, especially conflict resolution
  • Must demonstrate accuracy and thoroughness           

Recommended Qualifications:

  • Event/conference production/management experience
  • Experience in human resources or hospitality
  • Mac OS X experience
  • Google Apps (Gmail, Drive) experience
  • Music industry experience
  • Nonprofit experience
  • Ability to work well in groups
  • Comfort in a fast-paced environment

Apply through application link only, please attach your resume in PDF format when applying.

Music Nova Scotia is an equal opportunity employer; thank you for your interest, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted.

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Stitt
Interim Executive Director 

Music Nova Scotia's 2020 Annual General Meeting And Call For Nominations

Music Nova Scotia’s Annual General Meeting will be held Tuesday, June 23rd 2020 at the Music Nova Scotia office at 2169 Gottingen Street. The meeting will go from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM. All Music Nova Scotia members in good standing are invited and encouraged to attend.  The location is subject to change due to Covid-19, and will possibly be held virtually.  Details will be sent to members if there is a change.

Music Nova Scotia is holding its annual election for its board of directors. There are four (4) incumbents re-offering and four (4) positions in total to fill.  

Music Nova Scotia members are encouraged to nominate anyone who, in their opinion, would be a good candidate for the Music Nova Scotia board of directors. We also invite anyone interested in being nominated to declare their interest by contacting Music Nova Scotia Nominations Committee Chair James Stewart (  

Nominations open May 5, 2020 and close on May 19, 2020 at 5:00 PM.  

In each case, contact will be made with each nominee to ensure that we have the permission of the nominee to let his/her name stand.  

To be eligible for consideration, a candidate must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a Music Nova Scotia Member in good standing (you may sign up and then be nominated) –
  • Believe in the mission, vision, and work of the Society
  • Comprehend and accept the fiduciary duties and responsibilities associated with the actions of the Society
  • Understand the job of a board member
  • Participate in a minimum of one standing committee 
  • Possess the skills needed by the Society

Before May 19, 2020 the candidate must deliver to the Nomination Committee:

  • A completed web form available here.
  • Three (3) letters of support from Music Nova Scotia members in good standing
  • 200 word bio for the ballot
  • Photo

All nominees must provide three letters of support from members in good standing and must be willing to participate in an interview conducted by the Nominations Committee in person or via telecommunications.  

Nominations must be submitted via the web form.  

Please direct all inquiries and questions to James Stewart.  

*Music Nova Scotia board of directors positions are two (2) year terms.  


The Music Nova Scotia Nominations Committee will prepare a list of nominees. The election will be conducted electronically through from June 1st through June 22nd, 2020.  Details on voting procedures will be forwarded to the membership on June 1st.  


Voting Eligibility 

All members in good standing are eligible to vote with the exception of honorary members. Student members are not entitled to a vote.  


All Music Nova Scotia members are encouraged to vote online for the Board of Directors, who will act as guidance for all Music Nova Scotia activities. All members are also welcome to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting, where the results of the election will be announced.  

AGM Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Location: Music Nova Scotia, 2169 Gottingen Street

Halifax, Nova Scotia  

AGM Agenda Considerations:

  • Minutes of preceding general meeting;
  • Consideration of the annual report of the Directors;
  • Consideration of the financial statements, including balance sheet and operating statement and the report of the auditors therein;
  • Election of Directors for the ensuing year;
  • Appointment of Auditors  

Call to Reoffer: April  21, 2020
Reoffer Closes: April 28, 2020
Call for Nominations: May 5, 2020
Nominations Close: May 19, 2020
Candidates Notified: May 21, 2020
Candidates Right to Withdraw: May 23, 2020
E-Voting Opens: June 1, 2020
E-Voting Closes: June 22, 2020
Results: June 23, 2020

Music Nova Scotia Presents Basic Training Online!

Music Nova Scotia Presents Basic Training Online!

Music Nova Scotia is please to present our Basic Training Spring Sessions starting May 12


May 12 2:00 PM Business Basics. 

May 15 2:00 PM Marketing 

May 19 2:00 PM Conference & Showcasing 

May 20  2:00 PM Financial 

May 22  2:00 PM Building Your Team 

May 25  2:00 PM Royalties for Songwriters

May 27  2:00 PM Royalties for Musicians/Master Owners

May 29  2:00 PM Social Media

June 1   2:00 PM Live

June 3   2:00 PM Recording

June 5   2:00 PM Streaming


Register here

More info here


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