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Are you looking for talented employees? Do you want to attract more customers? Making your business accessible to persons with disabilities can help. Your business will get a reputation for being open to all. Start implementing changes now as an investment in your future — make the necessary renovations to your building, train your employees, and update your website so that it's easy for all visitors to find what they want. Be prepared to provide your customers with the highest level of service and to provide your employees with the best work environment possible. A growing population of persons with disabilities is looking for businesses that are accessible. Let your business be one of them.

Currently, only Ontario has a law in place requiring businesses to be accessible to everyone. However, other provinces are considering doing the same thing. If you live in a province or territory that does not yet have accessibility regulations for businesses, don't wait until they are created in your region. It may be only a matter of time before all of Canada implements these standards. Ensure that your facility, your website and your employees are more welcoming to everyone with disabilities now. Making it easier for the many Canadians with disabilities to do business with you makes good business sense.

  • Making Ontario Accessible
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Find out what you need to do to make your business or workplace accessible for people with disabilities.

Accessible workplace

If you want to attract the right employees to your business and ensure that they are productive, make them feel comfortable and welcome.

Accessible service delivery

What's the best way to beat the competition? Know what your customers want and supply it quickly, while building good client relations. Be sure that you and your employees know how to provide excellent service to everyone: in person, on the phone or on your website.

Accessible tourism and transportation

If you have a tourism or transportation business, there are regulations, standards and guidelines concerning accessibility to your vehicles, buildings, and services.