Backgrounder - Repair and overhaul support for Canadian Armed Forces Twin Otters

BG - 13.039 - August 27, 2013

The Government of Canada has awarded Vector Aerospace Engine Services - Atlantic a contract for the repair and overhaul of engines for the Canadian Armed Forces’ fleet of CC-138 Twin Otter aircraft.

The work consists of complete repair and overhaul of the Twin Otters’ Pratt & Whitney PT6A-27 turboprop aerospace engines, associated components and accessories, including technical investigation and engineering support, and publication revision services.

The initial contract is valued at over $1 million and ends on March 31, 2016. The contract also includes seven one-year extension options, which could increase the value of the contract to a maximum of $7.9 million over a 10-year period.

The current fleet

The highly adaptable CC-138 Twin Otter is well suited for Canada’s ever-changing northern climate and terrain. This short takeoff and landing (STOL) utility transport aircraft can land on water, land, snow, and ice.

Powered by twin turboprop engines, the Twin Otter is highly adaptable and has a flight ceiling of over 8,000 metres. It can be outfitted with wheels or skis to land on virtually any surface.

The CC-138 is used in tactical, transport, and support roles to the Canadian Armed Forces’ northern operations. It can carry up to 20 passengers or 2,999 kg of payload, and has a range of 1,427 km.

The Canadian Armed Forces’ four Twin Otters are based in Yellowknife, NWT.


Contact information:

Gertrude Trainor
Minister’s Regional Office
The Honourable Gail Shea, P.C., M.P.
Telephone: 902-566-7887