Wage subsidies 

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Are high wage expectations making you reluctant to put up that Help Wanted sign? A wage subsidy program can put the perfect employee within your reach.

  • Agriculture Development Fund
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    Access funding to undertake agriculture or food research and development.

  • Alberta Innovates r&D; Associates
    Applies only to: Alberta

    You could get financial help with hiring a Master's or PhD graduate to conduct research and related activities for your business.

  • Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit

    If you hire an apprentice, you could get a tax credit equal to 10% of that person's salary.

  • Apprenticeship Training Assistance
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    Hiring an apprentice? You may be able to obtain a subsidy to cover a portion of their wages.

  • Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may qualify for an annual tax credit of up to $10,000 per qualifying apprentice to a maximum of $40,000 over a 48 month period.

  • Business growth and competitiveness — Youth internships
    Applies only to: Ontario

    If your business is in Northern Ontario, you could get help to hire a recent graduate to work on your information and communications technology project.

  • Canada Summer Jobs

    If you hire students for the summer, this subsidy could help you cover 50% of their wages.

  • Career Focus

    You could get money to help you hire and pay college or university graduates, if you can give them useful work experience.

  • Child Care — Quality Improvement Funding Support
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    You can apply for funding to increase the wages of eligible employees at your child day care facility, or to offer them bonuses.

  • Co-op Education and Apprenticeship Tax Credits
    Applies only to: Manitoba

    Are you ready to grow your workforce? Get help to recruit and retain qualified young workers.

  • Co-operative Education Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be eligible for a refundable tax credit of up to $3,000 if you hire an Ontario co-op student.

  • Community Futures Program
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    If you are starting a new business or looking to grow your existing business in the Northwest Territories, you could be eligible for business assistance, funding or counselling.

  • Connect Canada internships

    You could receive funding of $5,000 to help pay the salary of a graduate student or a post-doctoral fellow for 4 to 6 months to help with your advanced R&D; project.

  • Continuing Education Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Apply for funding to hire a substitute at your daycare while your employees upgrade their skills.

  • Early Childhood Enhancement Grant
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You can apply for a grant to improve employee salaries and benefits at your daycare.

  • Employ PEI
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    As a PEI business owner, you can apply for a wage subsidy to hire and train eligible individuals for up to a year.

  • Employer signing bonus
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Find out if you qualify for a signing bonus when you hire a youth as a new apprentice in certain trades in Ontario.

  • Employer wage subsidy
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    You could receive temporary wage reimbursements when you create permanent jobs or annually-recurring seasonal jobs in your business.

  • Employment Incentives Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could receive technical and financial assistance to hire a qualified employee who has had a workplace injury.

  • Employment Integration Program for Immigrants and Visible Minorities (PRIIME)
    Applies only to: Québec

    You could receive a subsidy to hire immigrants and members of visible minorities to help them integrate into the labour market.

  • Employment integration — Wage subsidies
    Applies only to: Québec

    Do you need financial support to hire employees? If so, this measure can help you.

  • Energy Training Program for Students
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Find out how you could receive a wage subsidy to hire a student for a work term in your energy sector business.

  • Environmental Youth Corps

    Your environmental business may be eligible to create a full-time internship for skilled graduates in your industry.

  • Film Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Receive a fully refundable corporate income tax credit for the cost of hiring Nova Scotia residents to work on your film or video production.

  • Film and video tax credit
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    Apply for a refundable provincial corporate income tax credit for your Newfoundland and Labrador film project.

  • ForeFront Internship Program
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If your business is working on commercializing medical or health-related technologies you could get funding for interns.

  • French in the Workplace Program
    Applies only to: Québec

    Get a tax credit by offering your employees free on-site French courses right in your workplace.

  • Get Youth Working Program
    Applies only to: British Columbia

    If you hire youth between the ages of 15–29, you could be eligible for a $2,800 hiring incentive for each of up to three new employees.

  • Graduate Employment Program
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    Apply for a wage subsidy to hire a recent post-secondary graduate in your for-profit or not-for-profit business.

  • Graduate Transition Program
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    Are you currently looking to hire new employees for your business? Hire a recent graduate and you may be able to get a subsidy to help pay his or her wages.

  • High Demand Youth Internship Program

    If your business is in a high demand sector, you could be eligible to apply for a wage subsidy to hire and train youth to work for your business in the near future.

  • Housing Internship Initiative for First Nations and Inuit Youth

    Your housing-related Aboriginal business may qualify for wage subsidies to hire and train First Nations or Inuit youths.

  • Human Resources Planning Program
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You could obtain up to $1,000 to hire human resource expertise.

  • Industrial R&D; Fellowships Program

    You could get help to hire a PhD graduate to work on a research project in natural sciences or engineering for your business for 2 years.

  • Industrial R&D; Internship Program (IRDI)

    Your not-for-profit corporation could receive funding to create private sector research internships for science and technology graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.

  • Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards

    If you are a university student, you could gain research work experience in the natural sciences and engineering to complement your studies.

  • Industry-Academic Collaboration Programs
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Learn about financing and support that may help you develop and commercialize innovative techniques, products and services in Ontario.

  • Innovation and Development Labour Rebate Program
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    If your business develops or commercializes new products, processes and services, you may be eligible for a tax credit.

  • Investment Agriculture Foundation funding programs
    Applies only to: British Columbia

    If you are part of the agriculture and food processing industry in BC, you could be eligible for funding.

  • Job Creation Partnerships
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You may be eligible for funding to hire unemployed workers.

  • Linkages
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    You could receive a wage subsidy to hire a youth for a job placement in your business.

  • Métis Employment Services
    Applies only to: Alberta

    Thinking of hiring? If so, your business may qualify for wage subsidies of up to 50%.

  • Manitoba Works — Wage Subsidy for Employers
    Applies only to: Manitoba

    Apply for a wage subsidy to help pay for on-the-job training for your employees.

  • Mitacs Accelerate

    Learn how you can expand your R&D; potential by recruiting a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow to research your technology project.

  • Mitacs Enterprise
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You could receive funding to help pay the salary of a graduate with technical and business-management expertise for a competitive 6-month internship.

  • Northern Ontario Development Program
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Apply for financing to grow your business in Northern Ontario.

  • Northern Ontario Development Program — Business Growth and Competitiveness
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Find out how you could get funding to support your business activity in Northern Ontario.

  • Nova Scotia Business Inc. Payroll Rebate
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could receive a payroll rebate for your export or growth sector-oriented project.

  • Nunavut Prospector's Program
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    Find out how you could get up to $8,000 for prospecting projects in Nunavut.

  • On-the-Job Training Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could hire a qualified employee at no cost, in return for providing training and work experience.

  • Ontario Exporters Fund
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Apply for funding to help you hire an export manager to develop an export plan for your existing business.

  • Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    If you are an Ontario film or television producer, you may qualify for a refundable tax credit based on labour expenses for productions in Ontario.

  • Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You could be eligible for a tax credit toward the labour and marketing costs of your digital media production.

  • Ontario Job Creation Partnerships
    Applies only to: Ontario

    If you are planning a new business project that benefits the community, you could be eligible to hire a subsidized job seeker.

  • Ontario Labour Market Partnerships
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You can apply for funding to deal with labour force changes.

  • Ontario Youth Employment Fund
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be eligible for funding towards the cost of wages and training for new employees if you provide job placements of 4 to 6 months to youth in Ontario.

  • Rural Jobs Initiative
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    Apply for a wage subsidy to hire someone who lives in PEI to work for you outside of the Greater Charlottetown area and the Urban Core of Summerside.

  • START Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Financial incentives are available for you to hire ready-to-work Nova Scotians.

  • Science Horizons Youth Internship Program

    If your business or not-for-profit organization undertakes environmental science projects, you could receive up to $12,000 to hire an intern for at least six months.

  • Science and Technology Internship Program

    If your business is in the geomatics, geology, mining, forestry or energy industry, you could get money to hire a recent graduate of natural sciences.

  • Skills Link

    Need employees? You could receive money to hire and train a youth between the ages of 15 and 30 to work on your project.

  • Strategic Cooperative Education Incentive
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could get up to $10.00 per hour to help pay for a university or community college co-op student to work at your business.

  • Student Work and Services Program — Paid Employment Component
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    Apply for a wage subsidy to hire a post-secondary student in your for-profit or not-for-profit business.

  • Summer Jobs Service (Northern Ontario)
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Find funding to hire a student for your Northern Ontario business this summer.

  • Summer Jobs Service (Ontario)
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You can apply for a hiring incentive if you hire a student for a summer job placement.

  • Support for hiring persons with disabilities
    Applies only to: Québec

    Thinking of hiring a person with a disability? If so, find out about financial options that can help you offer them a job.

  • Support for hiring workers who have suffered employment injuries
    Applies only to: Québec

    You may be able to obtain a grant to hire workers who have suffered employment injuries.

  • Supported Child Care Grant
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Apply for a grant to create or sustain an inclusive child care program for children with special needs.

  • TECTERRA Geomatics Technology Programs

    If you are an entrepreneur in the geomatics industry, you could access funding and resources that can help you develop and commercialize your business.

  • Tax credit for an on-the-job training period
    Applies only to: Québec

    Does your enterprise need a trainee? If so, you could qualify for a tax credit.

  • Tax holiday for foreign researchers
    Applies only to: Québec

    If your business does scientific research and experimental development, you could obtain financial assistance to recruit foreign researchers.

  • Training on the Job
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    If your business is in the Northwest Territories you could get a wage subsidy to train your employees and increase the skills of your workforce.

  • Training-on-the-job program
    Applies only to: Alberta

    You may receive funding when you hire an employee who was injured on the job and who is unable to perform previous duties.

  • Wage Incentive — One-job Pledge
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    You could receive wage reimbursements for 52 weeks to hire a recent post-secondary graduate.

  • Wage Subsidy for Persons with Disabilities
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    You could obtain a wage subsidy of up to $12,500 if you hire a person with a disability to work for you.

  • Work Ability
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    You could be eligible for wage subsidies to provide participants with job exposure to make them "job ready".

  • Workplace Training — Employer Information
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If you are planning to hire new employees, you may be able to get a reimbursement for up to 70% of workplace training costs.

  • Young Canada Works in Both Official Languages

    Your incorporated non-profit organization may be eligible for an opportunity to create an internship or summer job.

  • Youth Employment Program

    You could obtain financial assistance to hire a skilled post-secondary graduate to work on your innovative project.