Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities


The Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities follows the Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality 2008-2013, which ended on March 31, 2013. It reaffirms the Government of Canada's commitment to promote official languages and enhance the vitality of official-language minority communities in three priority sectors : education, immigration and communities.


The Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013-2018 is the Government of Canada's official languages strategy for the period from April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2018. Although the strategy outlines the Government's major policy directions, it is not the only action being taken. The Roadmap is just one of the many components making up the Government of Canada's Official Languages Program.

Roadmap Initiatives

The Roadmap invests in the following initiatives:


Canadian Heritage

  • Support for minority language education
  • Support for second-language learning
  • Summer language bursaries
  • Official-language monitors
  • Exchanges Canada

Health Canada

  • Networks, training and access to health services (education component)

Justice Canada

  • Training, networks and access to justice services (education component)

Public Works and Government Services Canada

  • Language Portal of Canada

National Research Council Canada

  • Strengthening the language industry and technologies


Citizenship and Immigration Canada

  • Language training for economic immigrants
  • Immigration to official-language minority communities (including Support to Francophone immigration in New Brunswick)


Canadian Heritage

  • Support for official-language minority communities
  • Intergovernmental cooperation
  • Community Cultural Action Fund
  • Music Showcases Program for Artists from official-language minority communities
  • National Translation Program for Book Publishing
  • Market Access Strategy for Artists from official-language minority communities

Health Canada

  • Networks, training and access to health services (communities component)

Justice Canada

  • Contraventions Act Fund
  • Training, networks and access to justice services (communities component)

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

  • Enabling Fund for official-language minority communities
  • Official-language minority communities Literacy and Essential Skills Initiative
  • Social Partnership Initiative in official-language minority communities

Industry Canada

  • Economic Development Initiative for regional operations

Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (FEDNOR)

  • Economic Development Initiative (FedNor)

Canada Economic Development (CED) for Quebec Regions Canada

  • Economic Development Initiative (CED)

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

  • Economic Development Initiative (ACOA)

Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FEDDEV)

  • Economic Development Initiative (FedDev)

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD)

  • Economic Development Initiative (WD)

Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CANOR)

  • Economic Development Initiative (CanNor)

The Mid-Term Report of the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013: Acting for the Future includes an overview of Roadmap objectives, a review of action areas, and an assessment of the road travelled to date.

  • Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013: Acting for the Future Mid-Term Report (2012)
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