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Get exclusive rights to the words, symbols or designs used to distinguish your goods and services. File for a trade-mark or access the Canadian Trade-marks Database.

  • Trade-marks

    Find out what trade-marks are, why they are important to business and how to file for one.

  • Trade-Marks Guide

    Have a name, word, symbol or design that you wish to use exclusively? Learn about trade-marks; what can be registered and the registration process.

  • Trade-marks agents list

    If you need help preparing your application to register a trade-mark, you can access a list of trade-mark agents by region.

  • Canadian Trade-Marks Database

    Before you apply for a trade-mark, search this database for active and inactive trade-marks registered since 1865.

  • Trade-marks Database Tutorial

    Find out the about the benefits of using the Trade-marks Database and how to search it.