Mobile Site and Apps

You can now access the official Government of Canada mobile application and mobile site for the commemoration of the War of 1812. The app and mobile site includes information about the commemoration, key battles and heroes, and related national historic sites.

iPhone App

Download the official War of 1812 iPhone app for free at the iTunes App Store

Mobile Site

Blackberry and other mobile platform users can access War of 1812 content that is optimized for mobile use at

Other Apps

NFB - The Loxleys and the War of 1812

This immersive interactive graphic novel follows a fictional family from Upper Canada torn apart by the conflict with the United States some 200 years ago.

The Loxleys and the War of 1812 – An interactive graphic novel for tablets.

Download The Loxleys and the War of 1812 application for free at the iTunes App Store

Royal Canadian Mint

Royal Canadian Mint - CATCH-A-COIN App

Download the CATCH-A-COIN game on Google Play and the iTunes App Store.

Parks Canada - Edifica - History in hand

Edifica is your own personal guide to uncovering the major sites of the War of 1812, as well as the historic places of Canada's beautiful port cities: Victoria, Québec and Halifax.

Edifica - History in hand: Discover our new app! 

Download Edifica for free on Google Play and the iTunes App Store.


Library and Archives Canada – Faces of 1812 Exhibition

Podcast on Faces of 1812 Exhibition

Watch this Podcast on the Faces of 1812 Exhibition