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My Canada, My Public Service 

(Montage of images of places in Canada like Toronto skyline, Halifax’s Citadel Hill, followed by a montage of images of people

In thousands of places across this nation, beat the hearts of a quarter of a million men and women who, together, form a determined, dedicated force. We are the Public Service of Canada.  (shot of Peace Tower)

(Montage of images of people in various government workplaces, interspersed with banner titles: Policy Development, Regulatory, Science and Technology, Service Delivery, Security)

We are Canada’s largest employer with more lines of business than any other Canadian sector. (Montage continues with workplaces relevant to themes in voiceover)  We are about the health of the nation, the health of the environment; we are about research and development, cutting-edge science, safety and security, expert advice to the decision makers of our country.

Our work is about protecting and promoting our heritage, about celebrating the richness of our cultural fabric, about justice, about serving Canadians where they live and work.

Reaching around the world to reflect who we are, we act with integrity and professionalism. Knowing that the decisions we make, the actions we take, have direct impact on 32 million people across Canada (banner title: 32 million Canadians) and communities from coast to coast to coast.

We work in an environment that supports and develops our talent at all levels. Public Service gives us the chance to grow (banner title: Chance to Grow) and to experience opportunity (banner title: Experience Opportunity), providing the path to satisfying careers (banner title: Satisfying Careers).

What we do is complex. What we do can be dangerous, daunting, painstaking. But this is what we do and this (screen splits into grid of changing  images of people of varying ages, backgrounds and in various settings) is why we do it. We are the Public Service of Canada. (banner title: We are the Public Service of Canada, with changing images of various public servants)

(black screen with copyright 2009 at bottom, followed by Canada wordmark, followed by banner ad with the following text: One employer, thousands of opportunities