
Self-government agreements set out arrangements for Aboriginal groups to govern their internal affairs and assume greater responsibility and control over the decision making that affects their communities. Self-government agreements address: the structure and accountability of Aboriginal governments, their law-making powers, financial arrangements and their responsibilities for providing programs and services to their members. Self-government enables Aboriginal governments to work in partnership with other governments and the private sector to promote economic development and improve social conditions.

Because Aboriginal groups have different needs, negotiations will not result in a single model of self-government. Self-government arrangements may take many forms based on the diverse historical, cultural, political and economic circumstances of the Aboriginal groups, regions and communities involved.

Comprehensive claims settlements also include self-government arrangements.

Federal Policy Guide Aboriginal Self-Government

The Government of Canada's Approach to Implementation of the Inherent Right and the Negotiation of Aboriginal Self-Government.

Self Government Process

The process for completing self government agreements follow these six steps:

  • Submission of Proposal
  • Acceptance
  • Framework Agreement
  • Agreement in Principle (AIP)
  • Final Agreement and Ratification
  • Implementation

Self Government Legislation

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