Elementary / Secondary Education Programs

First Nations and their regional organizations have responsibility for managing and delivering education programs and services in a number of band-operated schools on reserve across Canada. In addition, AANDC delivers services directly on reserve in seven federally-operated schools and covers the tuition costs for First Nation children attending provincial schools off reserve but who still live on reserve.

In 2011-2012, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) invested approximately $1.55 billion in First Nation K-12 education and more than $322 million in post-secondary education to support First Nation and Inuit students across Canada. This funding was in addition to the approximately $200 million to support infrastructure costs for education facilities. This funding supported approximately 116,400 students in kindergarten to grade 12 and about 22,000 post secondary students.

The breakdown of the 2011-2012 funding is as follows:

  • $1.3 billion for elementary and secondary instructional services, student support services and targeted programs (i.e. New Paths for Education, First Nation Student Support Program, Education Partnerships Program, and Special Education). Also this amount includes funding for the Education Information System
  • $167 million for
    • James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement / Northeastern Quebec Agreement
    • Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey Education Agreement
  • An estimated $91 million to support First Nation communities in the delivery of education services through Band Support Funding (BSF) and Band Employee Benefits (BEB) related to education services

First Nation Elementary and Secondary Schools

Approximately 60 per cent of First Nation students attend schools on reserve. In support of these students, AANDC provides funding support directly to Band Councils and First Nation education organizations. First Nations, or their regional organizations have responsibility for managing and delivering education programs and services in band-operated schools on reserve.

For students who live on reserve but attend provincial schools off reserve, AANDC pays the tuition amount that the applicable province charges for non-Aboriginal students. This is paid to the First Nation or directly to the provincial Ministry of Education, depending on the agreement in place.

AANDC delivers services directly on reserve in seven federally-operated schools.

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