Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Services Portal

Better Data, Better Understanding, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes

The AANDC Services Portal is an on-line tool which will enable First Nation education funding recipients to submit proposals, retrieve reports, and track the progress of their submissions. The Education Information System (EIS) is the computer database that manages the education programs information within the AANDC Services Portal.

This secure system is designed to modernize and replace the old paper-based processes for reporting, while streamlining data collection practices.

It will support AANDC and First Nations in strengthening accountabilities in the delivery of First Nation education. It will also help AANDC and First Nations gain a better understanding of the performance of students and schools. The resulting information will allow AANDC and First Nations to address concerns faster and make enhancements, where necessary, to support improved educational outcomes of students.

Why use the AANDC Services Portal?

The Services Portal will significantly reduce the reporting burden and work effort for First Nations and AANDC. Other benefits include:

  • Consolidated reporting: all education-related reporting has been integrated into one system.
  • Access: First Nations have access to their own data and will have the ability to customize the system views.
  • Consistency: information is collected once, not multiple times, with a common look-and-feel across reports and proposals.
  • Simplicity: the system is user friendly and easy to navigate with many help tools to assist users.
  • Concise data: users will have a better understanding of the issues that affect the success of students and schools and make improved decision making. 
  • Timelier data: relevant and quality information will be available in a more timely manner.
  • Existing system capability: First Nation School Information Systems can upload information directly to the Portal.

The Portal ensures individual privacy is protected by allowing access to only those who require it. Information will be grouped so that no single person can be identified. In order to access the database, all AANDC and First Nation users will need to register and enter a secure password.


  • Request access to the AANDC Services Portal; and 

What Information is Available