Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Education and First Nation Learners and Communities in the Province of Prince Edward Island

Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Education and First Nation Learners and Communities in the Province of Prince Edward Island   (2.5 Mb, 3 Pages)


The following First Nations as represented by their respective Councils; Abegweit Band and Lennox Island Band (collectively the “First Nations”)


The Government of Prince Edward Island, as represented by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) and the Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning (DIAL)


Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. (AANDC)


Acknowledged/Consented by the Prince Edward Island Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs and Minister of Health and Wellness

Whereas the Parties signed on December 1, 2007 the Canada/Prince Edward Island/Mi’kmaq Partnership Agreement committing to strengthening the relationships between all parties and to establishing an effective process in areas of mutual concern;

Whereas the Parties wish to work collaboratively, collegially and as expeditiously as possible toward improving educational outcomes for all Mi’kmaq learners in Prince Edward Island;

Whereas the Parties agree to work together to foster mutual understanding and respect through the development of culturally affirming policies and programs for all Mi’kmaq learners and their families in Prince Edward Island; and

Whereas the Parties agree to work together to support all Mi’kmaq learners in achieving educational success and in reaching their full learning potential.


First Nation learners in Prince Edward Island achieve or exceed the full educational outcomes of all other learners in Prince Edward Island.

Therefore the Parties Agree That:

  1. This Memorandum of Understanding is intended to enhance administrative cooperation with respect to education for all Mi’kmaq learners in Prince Edward Island and is not legally binding nor is it intended to effect a transfer of program responsibilities among the Parties.
  2. The Parties, respecting each of their authorities, will work to improve educational outcomes for all Mi’kmaq learners in Prince Edward Island by developing and implementing a joint education action plan for the following areas:

    1. Early Childhood and Readiness for School;
    2. Kindergarten to grade twelve educational success;
    3. Transition to post-secondary opportunities;
  3. The Parties agree to work together to ensure successful transitions for all Mi’kmaq learners among early childhood services, schools, post-secondary institutions and other learning environments.
  4. DIAL will work with DEECD and First Nations to pursue post-secondary (college, university), apprenticeship training, adult basic education and adult literacy opportunities.
  5. DEECD and First Nations will work together in the development of new Tuition Fee Agreements, designed to support Mi’kmaq learners who attend public schools.
  6. DEECD will commit to reinvesting a portion of tuition payments received from First Nations.* This fund will be jointly administered by representatives of the appropriate First Nation(s) and DEECD for the purpose of improving education outcomes for Mi’kmaq learners.
  7. The Parties will work together to develop culturally affirming policies and programs for all Mi’kmaq learners and their families.
  8. AANDC will pursue opportunities through targeted annual education funding to further enhance First Nation education in support of the overarching objective of this Memorandum of Understanding.
  9. The Parties agree to work together to develop and implement appropriate performance criteria and indicators to measure improved educational outcomes for all Mi’kmaq learners and to monitor the effectiveness of this Memorandum of Understanding.
  10. This Memorandum of Understanding is a statement of intent by the Parties and can be amended upon written consent of all parties. It is not intended to define, create, recognize, deny or amend any of the rights of the Parties and does not oblige AANDC, DEECD, or DIAL to act in a manner inconsistent with federal, legislative, or regulatory jurisdictions or authorities.

*As per Article 2.3 of the Abegweit and Lennox Island Tuition Fee Agreements, “Commencing on April 1, 2010, and subject to 3.2, the parties will jointly administer a fund equal to $2,150 annually per First Nation student enrolled in Education Programs offered by the District.”

Signed at Charlottetown, province of Prince Edward Island, as of the 30th day of August, 2010.

Signed on behalf of the Abegweit Band

Chief Brian Francis

Signed on behalf of the Lennox Island Band

Chief Darlene Bernard

Signed on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Honourable John Duncan

Signed on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Prince Edward Island as represented by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development

Honourable Doug Currie

Signed on behalf of the government of Prince Edward Island, as represented by the Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning

Honourable Allan Campbell

Acknowledged/Consented by the Prince Edward Island Minister Responsible for Aboriginal Affairs and Minister of Health and Wellness

Honourable Carolyn Bertram