National Assessment of First Nations Water and Wastewater Systems - 2009–2011

The National Assessment is a rigorous and comprehensive assessment of water and wastewater systems serving 571 participating First Nations that was conducted between 2009 and 2011. On July 14, 2011, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development announced the results of the assessment, enabling First Nations and the Department to focus resources on priorities and improve the provision of safe drinking water in First Nation communities.

The following page contains:

Understanding the Results of the National Assessment

The National Assessment results provide a substantial amount of information, much of which is fairly complicated and technical in nature. To help clarify the results and what they mean to First Nations, the Department has developed a series of informative fact sheets, including:

These fact sheets are supported by a list of detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) addressing all aspects of the National Assessment process.


The results of the assessment are compiled by individual community, as well as regionally and nationally. While the reports are fairly lengthy and contain meticulous details, a series of fact sheets have been developed to summarize the results and explain what they mean to First Nation communities across Canada.

The detailed regional and national reports are available below, each with an accompanying fact sheet:

National Report

Regional Reports

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada's Response to the National Assessment of First Nations Water and Wastewater Systems – 2009–2011

In response to the findings and recommendations of the National Assessment, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has developed a Response Plan, which builds on existing programs and initiatives to support First Nation communities in providing residents with safe, reliable, and healthy drinking water.

What Information is Available?

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