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International Polar Year 2007-2008:
A Valuable Opportunity for Canada

International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 marks the largest-ever international program of scientific research focussed on the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Thousands of scientists and researchers from more than 60 nations around the globe are expected to participate in IPY during the 24-month period beginning March 2007.

In addition to presenting Canada with a valuable opportunity to work together with researchers from around the world, IPY will also create a more complete scientific understanding of the North that can be applied to address issues related to our environment and the well-being of our communities.

What’s New

  • Government of Canada Program for IPY: Highlights and Achievements

    The Government of Canada Program for IPY is nearing the end of the implementation of a six-year program. This report provides information about Canada's IPY program, as well as highlights achieved and important results to date. Read More...
    • This report includes key information about the scope of the science undertaken during IPY 2007-2008 by Canadian scientists funded through the Government of Canada's Program for IPY. It details the efforts to ensure the health and safety of Canadian and foreign scientists working in Canada's North during this intensive period of research. It highlights the training and capacity building initiatives for students, Northerners and early career scientists as well as the communications and outreach initiatives for raising awareness of IPY science and issues facing the North. Also discussed is the role of data availability, protection and storage, as well as initiatives focusing on research licensing and permitting in the North.
  • Polar Science Education and Outreach Resource Book Now Available!

    A new book, Polar Science and Global Climate: An International Resource for Education and Outreach is hot off the press. This resource was produced by the International Education and Outreach Sub-Committee for International Polar Year. The book brings together a wealth of materials on teaching and communicating about the polar regions that were created as part of IPY. The hope was to capture all the activities undertaken during IPY and share them with educators, students, and emerging polar researchers as a legacy of the polar year. Read More...
    • What will you find inside? Over 100 pages of hands-on science classroom activities, an introduction to IPY and polar science, tips for giving science presentations and for teaching polar science, examples of IPY public outreach activities from around the world and a CD with electronic worksheets to print. Check the international IPY website to find out more.

      If you would like to receive a copy of this free resource, please contact the Canadian IPY Office at . Please note that limited copies are available.
  • Canadian Arctic Research Licensing Initiative Request for Proposals

    The Government of Canada Program for International Polar Year (IPY) is currently requesting proposals for the Canadian Arctic Research Licensing Initiative (CARLI) from territorial research licensing regulators for the development of Territorial/Regional research licensing retrospectives, web based tools, guidelines and training material, and for workshops and meetings to discuss and deliver these new initiatives.
    • There will be two deadlines in which to submit proposals:
      - September 7th 2010 at 11:59 PST for funding in fiscal year 2010-2011 and/or 2011-2012; and
      - January 24th 2011 at 11:59 PST for funding in fiscal year 2011-2012.
  • Latest Research Findings on Arctic Ocean and Marine Mammals

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada has released the key findings from their International Polar Year research projects. Read More...
    • To learn more about the important science being undertaken at DFO and changes in ice cover, ocean temperatures, sea levels and acidification, as well as new information on species invasion, impacts of severe Arctic storms and ecosystem health, check out the report .
  • IPY “From Knowledge to Action” Conference Website Launched!

    The IPY “From Knowledge to Action” Conference is taking place in Montreal on April 22-27, 2012. The IPY 2012 Conference is the final event of International Polar Year 2007 - 2008, the largest international program of interdisciplinary polar research ever undertaken.
    • This conference will provide an opportunity to apply and disseminate the knowledge and scientific results from IPY from around the world and focus on next steps. For more information and updates on this conference, visit the conference website
  • Recent Book Release – "Hunters of the Alpine Ice" Hits the Shelves

    The NWT Ice Patch Study, an International Polar Year project funded by the Government of Canada, has recently released a book Hunters of the Alpine Ice : The NWT Ice Patch Study.
    • The 40-page book draws on over five years of research carried out by archaeologists, Aboriginal elders, biologists, geologists and educators examining ancient hunting artifacts and biological samples preserved in ice patches in the Mackenzie Mountains. Completed in partnership with the Tulita Dene Band, the book has been written for highschool students and contains fascinating material on Shuhtaot'ine (Mountain Dene) traditional knowledge and land use.
  • International Polar Year Featured in Canadian Geographic

    The January/February 2010 issues of Canadian Geographic and Géographica feature Arctic science and Canada’s International Polar Year (IPY) projects.
    • The production of these magazines is the result of collaboration between the International Polar Year Federal Program Office and the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.

      In addition to the main articles in each issue, there is also information about the history and background of IPY, as well as expanded coverage online. Find out more on Canada’s contribution to IPY with Canadian Geographic . Also check out the Canadian Atlas Online features a new theme on “Canada and the International Polar Year” including: an interactive map, lively text, award-winning photography, superb Flash animations, games and quizzes!