Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations

The Minister works with Métis and Non-Status Indian organizations, as well as with provincial governments where appropriate, to find practical ways to improve the life chances of Métis and Non-Status Indians.

AANDC provides funding to support bilateral and tripartite processes and to support Métis, Non-Status Indian and off-reserve Aboriginal organizations, so they can better represent their constituents, become more accountable, develop partnerships and develop and train their personnel. In addition, AANDC provides modest funding to organizations for projects that recognize the contributions of Métis to Canada. The Minister maintains a bilateral relationship with each of the two national Aboriginal organizations which represent Métis and Non-Status Indian interests: The Métis National Council and the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples.

Bilateral discussions provide a forum where these organizations can meet federal ministers to discuss priority issues with respect to the people they represent, helping to inform federal policies, raise political awareness of the concerns and interests of Métis and Non-Status Indians.

In addition, the Minister is responsible for federal participation in tripartite negotiation processes that involve Métis and off- reserve Aboriginal organizations and provinces.

Tripartite negotiation processes enable provincial, regional and urban Métis and off-reserve Aboriginal organizations to engage with provincial and federal governments to build effective partnerships and to participate in negotiations of practical measures to strengthen organizational governance capacity, support their service delivery institutions and discuss better access to federal and provincial programs and services.

What Information is Available?

In September 2003, the Supreme Court of Canada made a ruling in favour of two Métis men which affirmed Métis Aboriginal rights in Canada. In this section learn more about the Powley case by consulting the Powley Frequently Asked Questions and the Frequently Asked Questions for general information on Métis.

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