Transfer Payments

The Government of Canada transfers money to First Nations, Tribal Councils, Inuit and Métis communities, Northerners and other recipients for the delivery of programs and services that would ordinarily be provided by various levels of government (provincial, territorial, municipal).

What Information is Available?

In this section, find out more about the types of funding agreements that exist at AANDC and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s (TBS) Policy and Directive that guides the management of our transfer payment programs.

You can also learn about the General Assessment tool, used to support the management of funding agreements, or our Default Prevention and Management Policy, which helps us maintain continuity in the delivery of programs and services funded by the department.

This section also contains information about the First Nations and Inuit Transfer Payments (FNITP) system and about reporting on the use of public funds for transfer payments.

Additionally, found within the Reporting section is the Year-End Reporting Handbook and the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements Formats.

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Departmental Plan for Transfer Payments Programs