ecoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities Program (EANCP) 2011–2016

The EANCP has received a large number of applications for 2013/14 funding. Proposals are currently going through the evaluation process. Proponents can expect to receive funding decisions by late September 2013. We thank you for your patience.

If you require additional information, please contact the program through

Information for Applicants


Application deadline
  • This program is not currently accepting applications for funding. Our application deadline for fiscal year 2013-2014 closed on June 7th, 2013 at 12 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time. We thank all of those who have applied.

    Updated information regarding the application deadline for fiscal year 2014-2015 will be posted on this webpage as it becomes available. Thank you for your interest in the program.
Completing the Funding Application form
  • It is strongly recommended that proponents refer to the Instructions for Completing the Funding Application for tips on how to correctly complete each section of the Funding Application form.
  • The Instructions for Completing the Funding Application are found in the Funding Application form.
Sending questions to EANCP
  • It is recommended that all proponents contact EANCP at about their proposed project before submitting an application.
  • Proponents with specific questions regarding their application may contact EANCP at in advance of the deadline and before submitting an application.
  • EANCP staff will NOT provide feedback on draft applications and will NOT comment on whether a project is likely to receive funds or not. The program is aiming for a fair and transparent process.
  • Questions asked after May 27, 2013 may not receive an answer before the June 7, 2013 deadline.
Submitting an application
  • Applications and associated documentation must be submitted by email to
  • Our electronic server will not accept emails that exceed 10 MB.   If your application documents exceed 10 MB, please submit your application in multiple emails with each email clearly describing the attachment(s) and referencing the name of the project.
  • Emails containing .zip files may be blocked by our electronic server. 
Confirming the program has received your application
  • You will receive an email from EANCP to confirm the receipt of your application.  If you do not receive an email confirmation, your application has not been received by EANCP and will NOT be considered for funding.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the proponent to ensure that the application has been received on time by EANCP.
Ensuring your application is complete
  • Please use the Application Checklist (section 10 of the Funding Application) to ensure that your application is complete. Only applications that are complete and submitted on time will be considered.
Funding considerations
  • Only one (1) project will be considered per community per fiscal year (in the case where more than one application is submitted per community).
  • In cases where a project (once implemented) is likely to generate revenue through a provincial/ territorial program (e.g. feed-in tariff, standing offer), EANCP may consider funding for such projects at a reduced funding level.
Sharing information
  • Project information may be shared with other funding programs.

Table of Contents

Program Overview

The ecoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities Program 2011-2016 (EANCP) is focused exclusively on providing funding support to Aboriginal and northern communities for renewable energy projects. It is delivered by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) and is part of a suite of clean energy programs funded by the Government of Canada that address action on climate change.

The main objective of EANCP is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from electricity and heat generation in Aboriginal and northern communities by supporting the development and implementation of renewable energy projects. EANCP provides funding support for the development stages of renewable energy projects (Stream A projects) and for the engineering and implementation of renewable energy projects integrated with community buildings (Stream B projects).

Eligible Recipients

Eligible funding recipients include:

  • Aboriginal and Northern Communities across Canada
  • Northern communities (i.e. north of the 60th parallel)
  • Band Councils
  • Tribal Councils
  • National Aboriginal organizations and other Aboriginal organizations
  • Aboriginal community groups
  • Territorial governments and northern organizations

Eligible Projects, Work Activities, and Funding Levels

STREAM A – Renewable Energy Projects

Renewable energy projects that will result in over 4,000 tonnes of GHG reductions over their lifecycle (typically considered to be 20 years). Projects in this Stream are often ‘stand-alone’ projects that produce energy for a group of buildings or an entire community. For projects under Stream A, proponents may request a maximum of
up to $ 250,000 per project.

Eligible work activities under Stream A include:

  • Prefeasibility and feasibility studies (e.g. geotechnical, hydrological, aquatic)
  • Engineering and costing
  • Environmental assessments
  • Partnership development and negotiations
  • Project management

STREAM B – Energy Projects Integrated with Community Buildings

Renewable energy projects directly integrated with new or existing community buildings. Projects in this Stream produce energy for one or more community buildings. For projects under Stream B, proponents may request a maximum of up to $100,000 per project.

Eligible work activities under Stream B include:

  • Engineering
  • Purchase, shipping, and installation of renewable energy equipment

For all projects, any funds previously received through the program between 2007-2011 will be included in the maximum funding level allowed for the project from the 2011-2016 program. For example, if a Stream A project (previously known as a Large Energy Project) received $150,000 under EANCP 2007-2011, it may be eligible to receive $100,000 under EANCP 2011-2016.

Eligible Resources and Technologies

Eligible renewable energy resources and technologies include:

  • Residual heat recovery from diesel systems in off-grid communities;
  • Bioenergy utilizing direct combustion of woody biomass;
  • Ground source heat pumps, water source heat pumps, and geo-exchange heating/ cooling systems;
  • Wind;
  • Solar photovoltaic, solar hot water, and solar air heating; and
  • Hydroelectricity of less than 50 MW.

Eligible Expenditures

Work activities supported through ecoENERGY funds must be completed and all funds expended by March 31, 2014. Eligible expenditures must be directly related to the project. Eligible expenditures will be reimbursed by EANCP based on a payment schedule, and the receipt of a project final report and financial statements that show the expenditures have been made for the approved work activities. Work activities completed prior to the approval of a project will not reimbursed by EANCP. Expenditures become eligible as of the date of approval.

EANCP funding can cover partial or full costs of items in the following expenditure categories:

  • Professional fees:  Fees for contractor or other professional services.  Examples are fees paid to an engineering firm to complete an electrical interconnection study, and/ or fees paid to an environmental professional.
  • Salaries and wages:  Wages for people hired specifically for the project that are paid directly by the funding recipient.  An example is a wage paid to a temporary employee of a Band Council that is acting as the manager for the EANCP project on behalf of the community.
  • Equipment and facilities:  Costs for equipment or facilities necessary to undertake the project.  Examples include equipment to measure stream flows in a hydroelectric prefeasibility study, or solar panels to be installed on the roof of a community owned building.
  • Travel expenses:  Cost for all travel, accommodation and meals that are paid directly by the funding recipient in direct relation to the project.
  • In-house operating expenses directly related to the project:  This may include items like the cost of printing, telephone calls, etc. that directly support the project.
  • Other expenses directly related to the project:  This category can be used to cover expenses for items that do not fall into one of the above categories.  An example might be a fee that is required to obtain a license or permit for the project from a regulatory agency.

Required Application Documents

Proponents must submit all of the following documents with their application. Failure to provide any of the documents listed below may result in an incomplete application and it may not be considered for funding.

  1. Funding Application

    • All of the questions in the Funding Application form must be completed. Applications presented in other formats will not be accepted. It is strongly recommended that proponents refer to the Instructions for Completing the Funding Application for tips on how to correctly complete each section of the Funding Application form.
  2. Project Budget

    • Both tables of the Project Budget Template must be completed: "Expenditure details" and "Contributions from other sources".
    • For each expenditure listed in the project budget, the proponent must provide details about the purpose/ deliverable of the expenditure as it relates to the project.
    • Cost estimates should be as accurate as possible.
  3. Letter of support

    • For example, a Band Council Resolution showing a quorum of support for the project is required if the project proponent is a First Nation under the Indian Act. At minimum the letter of support/ BCR should make reference to the proposed project, the application for funding to ecoENERGY, and support for the proposed project and work activities.
  4. RETScreen analysis

    • The RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis Software is a "decision support tool" for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
    • Proponents must use the Version 4 Method 2 Analysis Type (selected on the Start page under Project Information). The completed RETScreen must include the Energy Model, Cost Analysis, Emissions Analysis and Financial Analysis.
    • A completed RETScreen must be provided in .ret format (a photocopy, pdf or faxed copy is not acceptable).
    • The software can be downloaded free of charge   from Natural Resources Canada.

Assessment Criteria

Applications will be reviewed to ensure that the proponent has completed and submitted all of the required application documents and that the application meets all of the eligibility requirements of the program (eligible recipient, eligible project and work activities, eligible technology, and eligible expenditures). Complete applications that meet all of the eligible criteria will be assessed for funding by EANCP’s Project Review Committee against the assessment criteria that reflects the objectives of the program.

EANCP's Project Review Committee will assess complete applications based on the following criteria:

  • The project description contains sufficiently detailed information to understand the need for, and scope of the proposed project in relation to the existing system(s).
  • The project will lead to the reduction of heat and / or electricity use from a conventional, more GHG-intensive source. 
  • There is evidence of strong project governance and the roles of the partners are reasonable.
  • The chosen technology is appropriate to the local conditions.
  • The proponent has considered key technical and financial factors related to the project.
  • The technical information about the proposed project is complete and assumptions are reasonable.
  • That the proponent has considered environmental, regulatory and permitting requirements.
  • The proponent has considered appropriate project development considerations, project risks and mitigation measures.
  • The specific work activities are logical and sufficiently detailed to understand the scope of work and deliverables, and demonstrate understanding of the project development steps. Work activities for which ecoENERGY funding is being requested must be completed and funds expended by March 31, 2014.
  • The project budget is reasonable and links with the specific work activities.
  • The community in which the project is located is supportive of the project and has a vested interest in the successful outcome of the project.
  • The project is expected to achieve the stated economic, environmental and social benefits for the community in which it is located.
  • The project is likely to proceed to implementation.

Greater consideration will be given to projects with the following characteristics:

  • Projects in off-grid communities (those not connected to a provincial or regional electrical grid).
  • Communities/ proponents that have not received funding from EANCP in the past.
  • Projects where the proponent / community is shown to have strong involvement in the project (i.e., a community champion) and is contributing resources to the project’s success, through a monetary and / or in kind contribution.
  • Projects that include key partners (such as provincial/territorial governments, Aboriginal government, educational institutions, professional or industrial associations, non-governmental organizations or the private sector) whose contributions are monetary or in kind.

Funding Approval and Reporting Requirements

If approved, funds for the approved project activities will be transferred through a comprehensive funding arrangement between the recipient and the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. Only one project will be considered per community per fiscal year (in the case where more than one application is submitted per community).

Recipients are required to report to AANDC on the progress of their project and outcomes of the approved funding to show that expenditures are made for the approved project activities, to compare anticipated results with actual results, and to identify next steps. A reporting template will be provided by the program. The level and frequency of reporting is dependent on the recipient's risk rating as defined by their General Assessment.

Application Deadline for 2013-2014

Applications will be accepted from May 1, 2013 to June 7, 2013 at 12 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time for the 2013-2014 fiscal year (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014). Proponents are encouraged to apply early. Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted. 

How To Apply

Application templates can be obtained by contacting the program at, or on-line through the 2013-2014 Recipient Reporting Guide under the Proposals, Applications, Workplans section at

Applications and associated documentation must be emailed to Only applications that are complete and submitted on time will be considered.

Our electronic server will not accept emails that exceed 10 MB.   If your application documents exceed 10 MB, please submit your application in multiple emails with each email clearly describing the attachment(s) and referencing the name of the project. Emails containing .zip files may be blocked by our electronic server.

You will receive an email from the program to confirm the receipt of your application.  If you do not receive an email confirmation, your application has not been received by the program and will NOT be considered for funding. It is the sole responsibility of the proponent to ensure that the application has been received on time by the program.

Non-eligible Projects and Expenditures

  • For Stream A projects, EANCP will not provide funds for project construction or implementation. Construction costs may be supported through community-sourced funds, private sector partnerships and/or financing.
  • EANCP will not provide funds for projects that focus on fuel savings related to transportation.
  • EANCP will not provide funds for projects that involve co-firing, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, gasification, production of biofuels, and geothermal electricity generation.
  • EANCP will not provide funds for projects related to housing or for the general maintenance of community buildings, including the integration of energy efficiency products such as windows, insulation, lighting, etc.
  • EANCP will not provide funds for workshops, conferences and information meetings.
  • EANCP will not provide funds for international travel expenses.
  • EANCP will not provide funds for research and development projects, demonstration or pilot projects.
  • EANCP will not provide funds for project that include technologies that have not been proven or commercialized in Canada.
  • EANCP will not provide funds for projects that are submitted by an individual and/ or where the benefits of the proposed project do not accrue to the community and/ or First Nation.
Thank you for your interest in our program.

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