Changes to the Funding of Aboriginal Representative Organizations (ARO)

Organization Current Core Funding 1 Funding Levels for 2014/15
1 Total as of August 10, 2012. Amounts are subject to change until the end of fiscal year.

* Including $1,750,000 in funding for fiscal year 11/12 under Authority 364, Canada's contribution to the British Columbia Treaty Commission and to the First Nation Summit for operating costs.

Project funding is defined as all sources of departmental funding allocated to an ARO outside of core funding. This includes funding provided under authorities such as consultation and policy development, education, economic development, the Federal Interlocutor’s Contribution Program, Urban Aboriginal Strategy, and governance.

AFN $5,000,000 $4,500,000
Metis National Council $1,140,900 $1,026,810
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples $1,000,000 $900,000
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami $1,300,000 $1,170,000
Native Women's Association of Canada $662,276 $596,048
Total National $9,103,176 $8,192,858
Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association $440,000 $396,000
Total Other $440,000 $396,000
British Columbia
Union of BC Indian Chiefs $537,350 $483,615
First Nation Summit Society * $537,350 $483,615
BC Assembly of First Nations $537,350 $483,615
Metis Nation of British Columbia $380,000 $342,000
Total British Columbia $1,992,050 $1,792,845
Treaty 7 First Nations Chiefs Associations $409,907 $368,916
Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta $409,907 $368,916
Confederacy of Treaty Six $409,907 $368,916
Metis Nation of Alberta Association $460,000 $414,000
Metis Settlements General Council $0 $0
Women of the Métis Nation $200,000 $180,000
Total Alberta $1,889,721 $1,700,749
Federation of Saskatchewan Indians $1,645,288 $500,000
Metis Nation of Saskatchewan $460,000 $414,000
Total Saskatchewan $2,105,288 $914,000
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Secretariat $2,592,298 $500,000
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. $1,586,583 $500,000
Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO) $839,119 $500,000
Manitoba Metis Federation $460,000 $414,000
Total Manitoba $5,478,000 $1,914,000
Chiefs of Ontario $155,707 $140,136
Nishnawbe Aski Nation $441,582 $397,424
Grand Council Treaty #3 $245,331 $220,798
Union of Ontario Indians $544,058 $489,652
Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians $170,387 $153,348
Metis Nation of Ontario $380,000 $342,000
Tungasuvvingat Inuit $200,000 $180,000
Total Ontario $2,137,065 $1,923,359
Secrétariat de l'Assemblée des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador $778,774 $500,000
Native Alliance of Quebec $290,000 $261,000
Makivik Corporation $201,645 $181,481
Total Quebec $1,270,419 $942,481
Union of New Brunswick Indians $150,848 $135,763
Union of Nova Scotia Indians $160,223 $144,201
Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI $252,532 $227,279
Atlantic Policy Congress $540,412 $486,371
Native Council of Nova Scotia $250,000 $225,000
Nunatukavut Comm. Cou. / Labrador Metis Nation $280,000 $252,000
Native Council of PEI $250,000 $225,000
New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council $250,000 $225,000
Total Atlantic $2,134,015 $1,920,614
Council of Yukon First Nations $408,393 $367,554
Total Yukon $408,393 $367,554
Northwest Territories
Dene Nation of NWT $489,226 $440,303
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation $200,000 $180,000
Total Northwest Territories $689,226 $620,303
Kitikmeot Inuit Association $200,000 $180,000
Kivalliq Inuit Association $200,000 $180,000
Qikiqtani Inuit Association $199,434 $179,491
Total Nunavut $599,434 $539,491
Total All Regions $19,143,611 $13,031,394
(National and All Regions)
$28,246,787 $21,224,252