Changes to the Tribal Council Funding Program

On September 4, 2012 the Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) announced that the Government of Canada would be focusing funding on essential programs and services for Aboriginal Peoples through changes to funding for Aboriginal Representative Organizations and Tribal Councils.

The following information is meant to assist tribal councils in their planning as well as provide greater context and clarity.

The changes to the Tribal Council Funding program, which take effect on April 1, 2014, are specific to the Tribal Council Funding program only. In 2011-12, the Tribal Council Funding program provided approximately $46.4 million to 78 tribal councils. This funding will be reduced by approximately $16.6 million as of April 1, 2014. The reductions to the Tribal Council Funding program are part of the $165.6 million in savings from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) that were identified as part of the Budget 2012 Spending Review.

The reduction of funding is one of a number of changes to the Tribal Council Funding program. Other significant changes include a revised objective of the Tribal Council Funding program and reducing the administrative burden of tribal councils.

Beginning on April 1, 2014, the revised Tribal Council Funding program will provide a funding contribution towards core operational funding to Tribal Councils to enable them to support and develop the capacity of their member First Nations, as well as, provide aggregated program and service delivery, subject to the agreement with their member First Nations.

Funding levels will be based simply on the number of member First Nations, their on-reserve population, and the number of ongoing major AANDC programs delivered. Simpler application forms will be pre-populated by AANDC to list this information for confirmation by each tribal council. Data from 2011-12 was used to set the initial classifications of tribal councils for the notification letters distributed in early September 2012 to each tribal council. All the funding factors will be re-assessed prior to implementation in 2014.

Under the revised Tribal Council Funding program beginning in 2014, tribal councils will be required to submit straightforward program reports which demonstrate that they meet the terms of their agreement based on their annual plan that has been approved by their member First Nations. Additional details concerning the structure of application and reporting requirements will be defined and communicated prior to the implementation of changes in 2014.

It should be noted that the intent of the changes related to the administrative burden goes beyond the reporting domain. Tribal councils administer and/or deliver a variety of ongoing Major AANDC Programs. Over the next year, the Department will be working on simplifying how tribal councils access, plan and report on all the AANDC programs they are involved with. The intent is to move to a single application, a single plan and a single report.

For more information on the changes to the Tribal Council Funding Program, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions.

  New Funding Model

TCF Program Changes for 2014-15
Effective April 1, 2014
  On Reserve Population 2011-12 Tribal Council Funding Program entitlement* Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
* Note: for block funded Tribal Councils an estimate was derived based on the Indian Government Support Block amount less the maximum eligible Band Employee Benefits funding level from the Indian Government Support System.

** Note: flow through tribal council - Tribal Council Funding levels are estimated based on data in Indian Government Support System. Total level of block funding shown in FNITP includes Band Support Funding and Band Employee Benefits for some or all member bands as the tribal council manages their funding agreement for them.

1001 - SAINT JOHN RIVER VALLEY TRIBAL COUNCIL 1,533 $551,434   $350,000  
3283 - MI'KMAQ CONFEDERACY OF PEI INC. 659 $108,468   $350,000  
9005 - CONFEDERACY OF MAINLAND MICMACS 2,110 $694,792   $350,000  
9099 - NORTH SHORE MICMAC DISTRICT COUNCIL 1,608 $684,206   $350,000  
9113 - UNSI ADVISORY SERVICES 7,736 $588,102     $500,000
1064 - ATIKAMEKW SIPI - CONSEIL DE LA NATION ATIKAMEKW 5,648 $475,470     $500,000
1091 - CONSEIL TRIBAL MAMUITUN 9,029 $621,822     $500,000
1093 - ALGONGUIN ANISHINABEG NATION TRIBAL COUNCIL 4,674 $415,116   $350,000  
1106 - GRAND CONSEIL DE LA NATION WABANAKI INC. 385 $208,353   $350,000  
1140 - REGROUPEMENT MAMIT INNUAT INC. 2,855 $579,110   $350,000  
9957 - MI GMAWEI MAWIOMI SECRETARIAT 2,662 $261,680   $350,000  
1002 - BIMOSE TRIBAL COUNCIL 2,516 $572,410     $500,000
1003 - KEEWAYTINOOK OKIMAKANAK TRIBAL COUNCIL 2,931 $985,631   $350,000  
1045 - UNITED CHIEFS & COUNCILS OF MNIDOO MNISING 2,057 $492,278   $350,000  
1048 - WINDIGO FIRST NATIONS COUNCIL 2,433 $650,416   $350,000  
1075 - SHIBOGAMA TRIBAL COUNCIL 2,405 $754,049   $350,000  
1079 - MUSHKEGOWUK TRIBAL COUNCIL 6,436 $1,061,259     $500,000
1080 - WABUN TRIBAL COUNCIL 429 $311,727   $350,000  
1081 - WAABNOONG BEMJIWANG ASSOC. OF F.N. 1,394 $382,848 $200,000    
1082 - OGEMAWAHJ TRIBAL COUNCIL 2,006 $440,210   $350,000  
1083 - INDEPENDENT FIRST NATIONS ALLIANCE 5,029 $735,551   $350,000  
1084 - SOUTHERN FIRST NATIONS SECRETARIAT 6,049 $848,884     $500,000
1117 - MATAWA & FIRST NATIONS MGMT TRIBAL 4,912 $851,431     $500,000
4414 - NOKIIWIN TRIBAL COUNCIL 1,135 $337,406   $350,000  
9416 - ANISHINAABEG OF KABAPIKOTAWANGAG 1,644 $403,209   $350,000  
9819 - PWI-DI-GOO-ZING-NE-YAA-ZHING ADVISORY SERVICES 2,229 $887,482   $350,000  
1005 - SWAMPY CREE TRIBAL COUNCIL INCORPORATED 10,941 $1,059,004     $500,000
1021 - WEST REGION TRIBAL COUNCIL INC 5,502 $621,600     $500,000
1022 - KEEWATIN TRIBAL COUNCIL INC 10,412 $1,416,277     $500,000
1023 - ISLAND LAKE TRIBAL COUNCIL INC 9,335 $808,480     $500,000
1028 - DAKOTA OJIBWAY TRIBAL COUNCIL 11,236 $931,211     $500,000
1112 - INTERLAKE RESERVES TRIBAL COUNCIL INC 6,138 $621,575     $500,000
9011 - SOUTHEAST RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 8,337 $988,730     $500,000
1040 - PADC MANAGEMENT COMPANY LTD 30,349 $1,843,314     $500,000
1041 - FILE HILLS QU'APPELLE TC INC 4,480 $774,972     $500,000
1043 - TOUCHWOOD AGENCY TRIBAL COUNCIL INC 2,844 $345,618   $350,000  
1051 - SASKATOON TRIBAL COUNCIL 4,234 $552,009   $350,000  
1087 - AGENCY CHIEFS TRIBAL COUNCIL 3,912 $436,578   $350,000  
1120 - MLTC PROGRAM SERVICES INC 6,975 $1,201,886     $500,000
1122 - YORKTON TRIBAL ADMINISTRATION INC 2,811 $518,044   $350,000  
3433 - NORTHWEST PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CORP 3,510 $393,518   $350,000  
4451 - BATTLEFORDS AGENCY TRIBAL CHIEFS INC 4,871 $378,168   $350,000  
1025 - LESSER SLAVE LAKE IND REG COUNCIL** 2,149 $685,999     $500,000
1026 - NORTH PEACE TRIBAL COUNCIL 10,166 $822,866     $500,000
1027 - TRIBAL CHIEFS VENTURES INC 6,469 $567,877     $500,000
1029 - ATHABASCA TRIBAL COUNCIL LTD 1,987 $572,484 $200,000    
1030 - WESTERN CREE TRIBAL COUNCIL ** 1,986 $401,401     $500,000
1052 - KEE TAS KEE NOW TRIBAL COUNCIL 2,569 $447,639     $500,000
1063 - TREATY 7 MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 20,847 $1,051,496     $500,000
1138 - YELLOWHEAD TRIBAL DEVEL. FOUNDATION 5,193 $571,908   $350,000  
British Columbia
1004 - WUIKINUXV KITASOO NUXALK TRIBAL COUNCIL 1,291 $362,706 $200,000    
1006 - KWAKIUTL DISTRICT COUNCIL 2,106 $655,150     $500,000
1009 - KTUNAXA NATION COUNCIL SOCIETY 566 $211,451 $200,000    
1010 - NICOLA TRIBAL ASSOCIATION 1272 $383,098   $350,000  
1016 - OKANAGAN NATION ALLIANCE 2,219 $381,970   $350,000  
1019 - NORTHERN SHUSWAP TRIBAL COUNCIL SOCIETY 1,197 $217,267 $200,000    
1024 - NAUT'SA MAWT TRIBAL COUNCIL 3073 $675,141     $500,000
1039 - SECRETARIAT OF THE HAIDA NATION 1,473 $190,573 $200,000    
1046 - LILLOOET TRIBAL COUNCIL 2,988 $413,218   $350,000  
1049 - CARRIER-SEKANI TRIBAL COUNCIL 2,840 $531,551   $350,000  
1065 - SHUSWAP NATION TRIBAL COUNCIL 2,930 $545,147     $500,000
1069 - MUSGAMAGW TSAWATAINEUK TRIBAL COUNCIL 1,222 $355,073 $200,000    
1071 - NUU-CHAH-NULTH TRIBAL COUNCIL ** 3,043 $1,237,969     $500,000
1072 - TREATY 8 TRIBAL ASSOCIATION 1,279 $410,449   $350,000  
1076 - CARRIER CHILCOTIN TRIBAL COUNCIL 1,034 $309,615 $200,000    
1116 - GITKSAN LOCAL SERVICES SOCIETY ** 2,582 $420,958     $500,000
1126 - STO:LO NATION 1,406 $752,200     $500,000
1150 - LOWER STL'ATL'IMX TRIBAL COUNCIL 541 $332,233   $350,000  
1153 - STO:LO TRIBAL COUNCIL 1,720 $509,271   $350,000  
9097 - TSILHQOT'IN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT 1,524 $353,340   $350,000  
9155 - FRASER THOMPSON INDIAN SERVICES SOCIETY 1,414 $422,485   $350,000  
1088 - KASKA TRIBAL COUNCIL 1,083 $494,956 $200,000    
Northwest Territories
1034 - GWICH'IN TRIBAL COUNCIL 1,633 $642,989 $200,000    
1035 - AKAITCHO TERRITORY GOVERNMENT 1,909 $535,641 $200,000    
1036 - DEH CHO FIRST NATIONS 3,178 $780,724     $500,000
1141 - SAHTU DENE COUNCIL 1,955 $558,038 $200,000    
TOTAL (All Regions)   $46,411,256 $2,600,000 $12,250,000 $15,000,000

The tiers provide incentives to encourage aggregation based on the number of communities served by a tribal council, the aggregate size of population it serves and the range of ongoing major AANDC programs it delivers. As the implementation date of April 1, 2014 approaches, the department will have the opportunity to work with recipients to ensure that they are categorized in the correct tier level.

For more information on block funding agreements, please refer to "Frequently Asked Questions - Funding Approaches".