Success Stories

Arts, Culture and Heritage

AANDC works with Aboriginal partners to help celebrate, raise awareness of, and preserve Aboriginal arts, culture and heritage.

The following stories showcase the success of First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Northern communities and help define our national identity and enrich the lives of all Canadians.

See other Aboriginal success stories from across Canada.

The Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre 
The Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, situated along the Yukon River in the City of Whitehorse, Yukon, showcases the arts and culture of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation. The cultural centre is the largest meeting place in Whitehorse. It is used by both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples for large gatherings, conventions and weddings.
National Aboriginal Day 
First Nations, Métis and Inuit gather to celebrate and share with spectacular dance, song and theatrical performances both contemporary and traditional that will bring you to your feet! National Aboriginal Day is an opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal people and their contributions to Canada.
Aboriginal Music Week 
Aboriginal Music Week is a one week festival that takes place in downtown Winnipeg every fall, featuring musical performances by First Nation, Métis and Inuit artists. Performers of hip hop, folk, rock, blues and country take centre stage throughout the week.
Manitobah Mukluks – Job Creation and Economic Development
Founded by two Métis siblings, Manitobah Mukluks has grown from a tiny native crafts outlet to a thriving commercial operation, providing employment and taking the worldwide fashion industry by storm.
2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games – Aboriginal Art and Culture
The Four Host First Nations came together in the spirit of friendship and cooperation to welcome the world and showcase their First Nations cultures as a vibrant and integral part of Canada's heritage.
Haida Heritage Centre
See how the Haida Heritage Centre is a multi-function facility that teaches community members old and new skills with which to build a new and brighter future.
Fostering Northern Talent
The North knows how to rock! Read on to learn more about Yellowknife’s annual Folk on the Rocks Festival.
A Journey for Pabineau First Nation
A voyage of discovery with the Pabineau First Nation
Travel back in time with the Pabineau First Nation to learn more about authentic Mi’kmaq culture.