Success Stories - Aboriginal Peoples & Communities

Look and listen to these short videos featuring the success of First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Northern communities. Whether it's about education, culture or governance, they all have the same goal – improving the quality of life of Aboriginal people across Canada.

See other Aboriginal success stories from across Canada.

The We Wai Kai Nation Operates Under its Own Land Code
The We Wai Kai Nation operates under its own land code, which has allowed it to take advantage of economic opportunities that benefit its members and as well as surrounding communities.
T'Sou-ke First Nation: A Leader in the Innovative Use of Renewable Energy in Canada
See how the T'Sou-ke First Nation on Vancouver Island has become a leader in the innovative use of renewable energy in Canada, through its solar thermal heating for hot water and photovoltaics community projects.
The Mi'kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island (MCPEI)
The Mi'kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island (MCPEI) is a not-for-profit tribal council and provincial territorial organization representing the Lennox Island and Abegweit First Nations.
Membertou First Nation, Nova Scotia: An ISO-certified community 
Through the marriage of indigenous knowledge and modern business practises, the Membertou First Nation has created its own good fortune.
Turtle Island Tourism Company
Through the efforts of Turtle Island Tourism Company, many non-Aboriginal Canadians have a greater understanding of the richness and diversity of Aboriginal culture.
Tourism in Wendake First Nation, Quebec
Pride in Huron-Wendat culture is reflected in all of its tourism projects, aimed at sharing the past, present and future.
St. John's Native Friendship Centre, Newfoundland
The St. John's Native Friendship Centre has successfully established itself as its own small community, reaching out to Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people from across Newfoundland and Labrador.
Westbank, British Columbia: A Self-Governing First Nation
See how this First Nations government is building a better quality of life for its members.
Osoyoos Indian Band
The combination of rich agricultural land and desert tracts provides ideal conditions for many of the Osoyoos Indian Band's businesses, most notably their vineyards and winery. 
Miawpukek First Nation
"We are Native people; we look after the land, we look after our spirit and we look after the people, and the businesses we developed to make this community a success must look after those three elements, so as we move forward our mission statement emphasizes this, that land, language and culture is equally as important as the profit and loss statements," Tammy Drew, General Manager, Miawpukek First Nation, D'Espoir, Newfoundland.