Success Stories


Improving educational outcomes is a shared responsibility. Governments, First Nation organizations, parents and individual students all have a role to play in achieving real results.

The following stories showcase the partnerships that help Aboriginal people get the skills and training to take advantage of job prospects in the North and across Canada.

See other Aboriginal success stories from across Canada.

The Kiuna Institution offers post-secondary education for First Nations
The Kiuna Institution, situated in Odanak, Quebec, is the result of an initiative of the First Nations Education Council, which has worked for almost a decade to launch a post-secondary institution specifically intended for First Nation students.
Ottawa Inuit Children's Centre
Serving the largest urban Inuit population in Canada, the Ottawa Inuit Children's Centre provides education programming with additional cultural content. Children who attend the Ottawa Inuit Children's Centre not only follow the same curriculum as any other child in Ontario, but they also get the added benefit of learning their own culture and language.
First Nation Student Success Program
The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that First Nation students have access to the quality education they need to build a successful future for themselves and their communities.
Aboriginal people Outma Sqilx’w Cultural School
Outma Sqilx’w Cultural School, at the Penticton Indian Band, is architecturally stunning, with state-of-the-art technology, balancing the past with the present. Outma Sqilx’w Cultural School will ensure a cultural legacy for the community’s children for generations to come.
Nunavut Sivuniksavut, Ottawa
Nunavut Sivuniksavut program provides students with an opportunity to learn about Inuit history, organizations, land claims and other issues relevant to their future careers in Nunavut.
Nunavik Youth Hockey Development Program, Kuujjuaq, Quebec
See how the Nunavik Youth Hockey Development Program is helping Nunavik youth stay in school and out of the penalty box.
Eel Ground First Nation School, New Brunswick
Since it first opened its doors, the Eel Ground First Nation School has seen attendance triple with their groundbreaking approach to learning.