Nunavut Sivuniksavut

Nunavut Sivuniksavut (NS) is a unique eight-month college program based in Ottawa. In combination with traditional and cultural teachings, the NS program provides students with an opportunity to learn about Inuit history, organizations, land claims and other issues relevant to their future careers in Nunavut.

Students enrolled in the program also gain valuable life experience by spending eight months in an urban setting living on their own as independent adults.

This unique program is open to youth from Nunavut who are beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement.

Transcript: Nunavut Sivuniksavut

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Transcript: Nunavut Sivuniksavut

Narrator’s voice over:
Canada’s capital city is a long way from home for the students of Nunavut Sivuniksavut...

...they leave their families and friends in distant and often remote regions of Nunavut to attend this highly acclaimed post-secondary program...

Morley Hanson- Coordinator- Nunavut Sivuniksavut:
“Nunavut Sivuniksavut is a non-profit charitable organization that has as a mandate to provide programming for Inuit youth who are beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claim…to provide experiences where they develop the attitudes, the skills and the knowledge that will help them take the next steps in the development of Nunavut...and in their own personal lives.”

Lily Maniapik- student- Nunavut Sivuniksavut :
“There’s just much to learn from Nunavut Sivuniksavut , like learn about yourself, learn about your culture, learn about Inuit, learn about the history, and how Nunavut became, why Nunavut became and learn a lot about our passionate leaders that we’ve had in the past.

The different courses that we study here at NS are Computers, Inuktitut, Inter-government Relations, Land Claims, English, Contemporary issues and lots of other different interesting courses.”

Narrator voiceover:
While in Ottawa, NS students act as ambassadors for Nunavut. They learn cultural performing skills from professional instructors, and use them to educate southerners about Inuit culture and the north.

David Serkoak- Instructor- Nunavut Sivuniksavut:
“We try to visit at least one school a month. In typical school outing, it will be the combination of traditional drum dancing and a bit of throat singing ...and we also put on some Inuit sports...and from time to time we have a public participation.”

Narrator voiceover: Students develop self esteem and confidence by performing in front of large groups of people.

Adamie Ikkidluak- Student Nunavut Sivuniksavut:
“Even in family gatherings I couldn’t talk, really, like have my voice heard, because I was so I can speak my mind and say what I want.”

Narrator voiceover:
A major focus of NS is on learning the skills needed to live successfully in the south while studying.

They learn how to survive, how to budget their time and money and how to get around the working together.

By the end of the Nunavut Sivuniksavut program students are ready to take on new challenges with a whole new understanding of themselves; as future leaders of Nunavut.

Lily Maniapik- Student – Nunavut Sivuniksavut:
“I want to get my base, I want to get a foundation I want to learn about my History of my ancestors and I want to take that knowledge and just go forth...just keep going!”

Adamie Ikkidluak- Student- Nunavut Sivuniksavut:
“I see my culture in a different light and it makes me proud of who I am and where my ancestors came from.”