Success Stories

Social Programs

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) funds the delivery of five key social development programs in First Nation communities: Income Assistance Program, National Child Benefit Reinvestment, Assisted Living Program, First Nations Child and Family Services Program, and Family Violence Prevention Program.

The following stories showcase how AANDC successfully works with partners to help Aboriginal and Northern individuals, families and communities improve their health and social well-being.

See other Aboriginal success stories from across Canada and success stories related to Active Measures Pilot Project.

First Nation Child and Family Services Program

Lac La Ronge Indian Child and Family Service (CFS), Saskatchewan Region
Lac La Ronge Agency- the first and only agency in Canada to have accreditation status, has chosen to base its Enhanced Prevention Program on the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) which is an evidence-based prevention/early intervention approach to parenting.
Saskatchewan First Nations Family and Community Institute
The Saskatchewan First Nations Family and Community Institute (FNCFS Institute) conducts research, delivers training and develops policies and best practice standards to support First Nation and Child and Family Services agencies in Saskatchewan.
Effective tripartite working relationships and tools used in Manitoba
The current service structure model in Manitoba’s child welfare system is unlike any other in Canada and is considered a best practice in inter-jurisdictional cooperation.
Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island
On Prince Edward Island, all FNCFS funding flows to the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island (MCPEI) which provides prevention services to the two on-reserve First Nation communities.
Blood Tribe Family and Child Services
Since 1996, the Blood Tribe of southern Alberta have worked tirelessly in achieving their goal to help children become positive members of the community through holistic programming.

Active Measures Pilot Projects

Sto:lo Nation - Eagle Vision Program
A twelve week pre-employment program, which assisted parents to discover and overcome barriers to moving beyond income assistance in a culturally sensitive and supportive atmosphere.
Aboriginal people Saskatchewan Active Measures
Success stories about how Active Measures in Saskatchewan is making a difference for First Nations. Active Measures are strategies designed to help individuals move away from Income Assistance dependency.
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre
According to Snuneymuwx's Training and Career Counsellor Nancy Seward, easing young people into the workforce and encouraging them to take control of their lives requires team work. This inspired Seward and a small, dedicated team to start the Social Development Pilot Program to help Snuneymuxw youth.

Other Social Programs

Manitoba First Nations Regional Board for Family Violence Prevention
Helping Manitoba First Nations to strengthen their ability to design, administer, and manage prevention projects.
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre
The Friendship Centre provided a range of cultural enrichment, child care, child nutrition, and support to parents services by running summer day camps that served urban Aboriginal children and youth from seven to 14 years of age.
Pelican Lake First Nation - School Nutrition Program
Provided healthy breakfasts at school for children from low-income families, which helped kids arrive at school on time and ready to learn.
Timiskaming First Nation - CHNT Kids Wake Up and Get Educated
A fun and educational morning radio-show for youth, which helped parents get kids up out of bed and ready for school to start their days on a positive note.
Tseshaht First Nation - Social Education Employment Development Services (SEEDS) Program
Helps Income Assistance clients help themselves through healing, education, employment and personal development.
Alberta First Nations Regional Board for Family Violence Prevention
Helping to maximize the benefit of family violence prevention services for First Nation communities in Alberta.