Canada Music Fund

The Canadian music industry includes a wide range of creators and entrepreneurs who create, produce and market original and diverse Canadian music. To help the industry meet new challenges, the Government created the Canada Music Fund (CMF).

The CMF is the primary tool implementing the three major objectives of the Canadian Sound Recording Policy, From Creators to Audience, which are:

  • to enhance Canadians access to a diverse range of Canadian music choices through existing and emerging media;
  • to increase the opportunities available for Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs to make a significant and lasting contribution to Canadian cultural expression; and,
  • to ensure that Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs have the skills, know-how and tools to succeed in a global and digital environment.

The CMF consists of the following components:

Creators' Assistance Component

The Government of Canada is determined to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its programs and operations, while returning to fiscal balance to further support jobs and growth. As part of Budget 2012, funding for the Creators' Assistance Component of the Canada Music Fund was eliminated. This component, administered by the SOCAN Foundation, will cease its activities on March 31, 2013.

The Creators' Assistance Component assists Canadian composers, lyricists, and songwriters in developing their craft and business knowledge. The component enables Canadian performing artists and producers to have access to high-quality Canadian compositions. In turn, it enables Canadians to hear music and lyrics that are relevant to them and that they can identify with.

Eligible recipients are Canadian not-for-profit music sector organizations and associations representing Canadian creators. The component is administered by:

SOCAN Foundation
c/o Mr. Rick MacMillan
41 Valleybrook Drive
Toronto, Ontario
M3B 2S6
Tel. : 416-445-8700
Tel.: 1-800-55 SOCAN (toll free in Canada)
Fax: 416-442-3372
SOCAN Foundation 

New Musical Works Component

The New Musical Works Component provides Canadian creators and entrepreneurs with opportunities to produce and promote Canadian sound recordings and to develop their craft and expertise.

Eligible recipients are Canadian artists, not-for-profit organizations, associations, or corporations, including record labels, music publishers, and those involved in artist management. The component is administered by the Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings (FACTOR) for the English-language sector of the music industry, and the Fondation Musicaction (Musicaction) for the French-language sector:

247 Spadina Ave., 3rd Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 3A8
Tel.: 416-696-2215
Fax: 416-696-6857

4385 Saint-Hubert Street, Suite 2
Montréal, Quebec
H2J 2X1
Tel.: 514-861-8444
Tel.: 1-800-861-5561 (toll free in Canada)
Fax: 514-861-4423

Collective Initiatives Component

The Collective Initiatives Component supports the development of the Canadian sound recording industry by fostering an increased regional, national and international presence of Canadian undertakings, companies, record labels, creators, and artists. The component provides financial assistance for conferences and award shows, real and virtual showcases, as well as market development initiatives.

Eligible recipients are Canadian not-for-profit organizations, or associations or corporations owned and controlled by Canadians. The component is administered by FACTOR for the English-language sector of the music industry, and Musicaction for the French-language sector.

247 Spadina Ave., 3rd Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 3A8
Tel.: 416-696-2215
Fax: 416-696-6857

4385 Saint-Hubert Street, Suite 2
Montréal, Quebec
H2J 2X1
Tel.: 514-861-8444
Tel.: 1-800-861-5561 (toll free in Canada)
Fax: 514-861-4423

Music Entrepreneur Component

Service Standards for Canada Music Fund – Music Entrepreneur – Aid to Canadian Sound Recording Firms

Service Standards for Canada Music Fund – Music Entrepreneur – Aid to Canadian Music Publishing Firms

Canadian Music Entrepreneurs

The Music Entrepreneur Component provides support for established Canadian music entrepreneurs to build a strong, sustainable industry. It enables established entrepreneurs to offer a wide range of choices that enrich the Canadian musical experience in the long term, to become increasingly competitive nationally and internationally and to play a leading role in the global digital economy.

Eligible recipients are Canadian-owned and -controlled firms with a proven track record in the development and marketing of Canadian musical talent and whose principal business is the production and marketing of Canadian content sound recordings.

National Service Organizations

The Music Entrepreneur Component also provide support for National Service Organizations of the Canadian music industry to increase collective promotional activities for Canadian artists and music content, as well as services to the Canadian music industry.

Eligible recipients are not-for-profit Canadian organizations serving Canadian artists and entrepreneurs working in the music industry, namely as sound recording producers, distributors and artists managers.

To contact Music and Policy Programs, please visit our Contact Us page.

Canadian Music Memories Component

The Canadian Music Memories Component supports Library and Archives Canada in the preservation of Canadian sound recordings in order to provide Canadians with access to their musical heritage.

Library and Archives Canada
c/o Mr. Richard Green
Recorded Sound and Video
Music Division
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N4
Tel.: 613-996-5115
Tel.: 1-866-578-7777 (toll free in Canada)
Fax: 613-953-7272
Library and Archives Canada