Aboriginal Languages Initiative - Aboriginal Peoples’ Program

As the Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) is a part of the Aboriginal Peoples’ Program (APP), you are required to provide the information requested in the General Application Requirements along with the additional information requested for ALI.


The objective of the Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) is to support the preservation and revitalization of Aboriginal languages for the benefit of Aboriginal peoples and other Canadians.

Expected results of the ALI program include:

  • Aboriginal people have access to community-based projects and activities that support the preservation and revitalization of Aboriginal languages and cultures;
  • Aboriginal communities are assisted in their efforts to enhance languages and cultures; and
  • Aboriginal languages and cultures are preserved and enhanced as living cultures.

The Department of Canadian Heritage recognizes that initiatives that aim to preserve and revitalize Aboriginal languages must be flexible and responsive to the broad range of community needs, goals, and priorities, and that a concreted effort will be required to achieve the objective stated above.

Eligible Recipients

In addition to the eligible recipients found in the APP General Application Requirements, eligible recipients for ALI include the following:

  • not-for-profit Aboriginal organizations, societies and community groups;
  • Aboriginal service delivery and voluntary organizations;
  • Aboriginal academic institutions (does not include development of regular curriculum);
  • Aboriginal cultural, educational and recreational organizations/centres;
  • Aboriginal youth and women’s organizations; and
  • Where there exists an absence of an Aboriginal organization(s), non-Aboriginal organizations in a clearly defined partnership with Aboriginal organizations or Aboriginal advisory committees.

N.B.: Please note that these application requirements are for project funding only. ALI third party delivery organizations are not eligible for project funding under the ALI. Please refer to the ALI Third Party Delivery guide for eligibility information.

Please note that the following are not eligible to apply for funding:

  • individuals;
  • non-Aboriginal organizations (unless in partnership with Aboriginal organizations or Aboriginal advisory committees);
  • for-profit organizations;
  • federal departments and agencies; and
  • provincial/territorial and municipal governments and their agencies.

Eligible Activities

A project has the following characteristics:

  • stated start and end dates;
  • measurable objectives; and,
  • the identification of an activity or activities designed to achieve the goal(s) and objectives.

To qualify for funding, ALI projects must comply with the objectives and principles of the Aboriginal Languages Initiative, particularly the objective of preservation and revitalization of Aboriginal languages.

Examples of eligible projects include community-based activities such as:

  • recording, documenting and preserving endangered Aboriginal languages;
  • developing materials to increase Aboriginal language use and proficiency;
  • developing programs for training and certifying Aboriginal language teachers and resource people in the community
  • developing systems for facilitating communications in Aboriginal languages;
  • promoting traditional approaches to learning, such as language camps, immersion programs, etc; and
  • developing mechanisms for digital tools to sharing share information, materials, and other resources among Aboriginal languages groups.

Ineligible Expenditures

In addition to the ineligible expenditures found in the APP General Application Requirements, expenditures under the ALI related to the following are ineligible:

  • core funding costs for organizations including:
    • staffing
    • committees in the context of the ongoing governance structure of organizations
    • institutions
    • training organizations
    • commercial enterprises
    • professional industries
    • regular annual general, executive or board meetings of an organization or association;
  • employment training programs including apprenticeship or job training; and
  • festivals and gatherings, including career fairs and conferences.