Sport Support Program (SSP)

Service Delivery Standards for this funding program.

Sport Support Program Contribution Guidelines (Accessible PDF format) for:

  • National Sport Organizations (NSOs)
  • National Multisport Service Organizations (MSOs)
  • Canadian Sport Centres (CSCs)
  • Other supporting initiatives (SIs)


The Sport Support Program (SSP) is the primary funding vehicle for national level initiatives associated with the delivery of the Canadian Sport Policy.  The SSP funding is aimed at developing athletes and coaches at the highest international levels; providing sound technically-based sport programming for all athletes; increasing the number of Canadians from all segments of society involved in sport, and advancing Canadian interests and values in Canada and abroad.  This funding is provided to eligible organizations in support of programming that supports the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy.  Funding is primarily focussed on programs and services that have a direct impact on athletes and athlete development, and that provide children and youth with their first experience in sport.

Program Objectives

The Sport Support Program’s objectives are:

  • to increase the opportunities to participate in quality sport activities for all Canadians, including under-represented groups;
  • to increase the capacity of the Canadian sport system to systematically achieve world class results at the highest international competitions;
  • to contribute to the provision of technical sport leadership within the Canadian Sport System; and
  • to advance Canadian interests, values and ethics in sport at home and abroad.

Key Stakeholders, Beneficiaries, and Recipients

The primary beneficiaries of the SSP are national team athletes, coaches and other sport participants. Services and programs are provided to these individuals through organizations directly supported by the program via contribution agreements.  Contribution agreements are signed with each recipient organization.  Each agreement outlines eligible projects and other financial, reporting and performance terms and conditions.

Recipient organizations include incorporated non-profit organizations, Provincial/Territorial government departments responsible for sport, and incorporated international sport organizations that support the principles and goals of the Canadian Sport Policy.

The Sport Funding and Accountability Framework (SFAF) is a process used by Sport Canada to determine which NSOs, MSOs and CSCs are eligible to apply for funding. As a condition of funding, recipients are also required to incorporate accountability performance measures in the areas of Governance and Management, Programs and Services and Engagement and Communication within their strategic and operating plans, serving as the blueprint for each sport’s athlete and sport development activities, and forming the basis of the funding relationship with the Government of Canada.