Cooperation with the Non-Governmental Sector for Second-Language Learning

Cooperation with the Non-Governmental Sector for Second-Language Learning aims to increase the production and dissemination of knowledge, methods and tools to support teaching of a second language through projects or initiatives designed to have an impact on many communities, preferably in more than one province or territory or nationwide.

  1. Cooperation framework
  2. Eligible recipients
  3. Funding decisions and evaluation criteria
  4. Eligible expenditures
  5. Schedule
  6. Funding terms
  7. Applicant's Guide
  8. Acknowledgment of the Government of Canada's contribution

I. Cooperation framework

Funds may be provided directly to organizations in the following two categories.


Programming funds may be provided to organizations to carry out ongoing regular activities that address issues in the area being supported. The funds aim to support the ongoing commitment and actions of organizations. They cover expenditures related to the activities and organizations' operating costs.

The Department will give priority to activities that have a lasting effect, strengthening relations between stakeholders and helping build the area being supported.


Project funds may be paid to organizations to carry out one-time activities that do not require ongoing funding.

The Department will give priority to activities that are innovative or address current issues specific to the area being supported.

II. Eligible recipients

  • Canadian not-for-profit organizations and professional associations.

The following are not eligible:

  • individuals;
  • government bodies, schools, school boards and foreign organizations.

III. Funding decisions and evaluation criteria

Funding decisions are based on available funds in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Demonstration of the organization's commitment to issues related to second‑language learning.
  • Linkages with the objectives of the Cooperation with the Non-Governmental Sector sub-component.
  • Linkages with issues related to second-language learning.
  • Relevance of the stated needs and proposed activities to the situation described in the application.
  • Scope of the project or initiative.
  • Projected outcomes and impact on the area being supported.
  • Relevance of proposed performance measurements.
  • Ability of the organization to carry out the activities.
  • Diversification of partnerships and quality of cooperation with other partners.
  • Diversification of funding sources.
  • Balance between budget and projected activities.

All funding decisions are made by the Minister of Canadian Heritage.

IV. Eligible expenditures

Eligible expenditures include:

  • costs related to research and the dissemination of knowledge, methods and tools to support the teaching of English or French as a second language that are to facilitate learning;
  • administrative overhead related to the funded activities.

The following expenditures are not eligible:

  • capital expenditures;
  • course development expenditures;
  • expenditures related to activities with an international dimension.

V. Schedule

Each year, the Program will set deadlines for submitting applications and post them on its website:

VI. Funding terms

The Department provides funding to successful applicants in the form of grants or contributions and establishes the reporting requirements as well as the terms and conditions of payment. Multi-year funding may be provided in some cases.

The Department will assume no responsibility for any contractual commitments entered into by the Applicant prior to confirmation of financial support from the Department.

VII. Applicant's Guide

The content of the application must include:

  • Assessment of the situation in the area being applied for (with a description of the facts that led to the application being developed and the rationale for selecting the proposed approach).
  • Description of the proposed programs, activities or projects.
  • Clear statement of expected outcomes, with performance indicators for the entire project.
  • Linkages with the objectives of the Cooperation with the Non-Governmental Sector sub-component.
  • Linkages with issues related to second-language learning.
  • Implementation schedule.
  • Budget with a breakdown of the projected expenditures and financial contribution of each party for the proposed programs or activities.

Applicants for funding under the Cooperation with the Non-Governmental Sector must use the Application Guide and Application Form, which can be obtained by on the Department's website at

VIII: Acknowledgment of the Government of Canada's contribution

Recipients are required to acknowledge the contribution from the Department of Canadian Heritage in any promotion or advertising related to the activities from which funding is provided.