Intergovernmental Cooperation for Second-Language Learning

Intergovernmental Cooperation for Second-Language Learning aims to help provincial and territorial governments, directly or through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), provide the residents of each province/territory with the opportunity to learn English or French as a second language and with opportunities for cultural enrichment through knowledge of the cultures of the other official-language community.

  1. Cooperation framework
  2. Eligible recipients
  3. Funding decisions and evaluation criteria
  4. Eligible expenditures
  5. Schedule
  6. Funding terms
  7. Applicant's Guide
  8. Acknowledgment of the Government of Canada's contribution

I. Cooperation framework

The Government of Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), the key partner for federal intervention in the field of education, sign a four-year protocol for agreements. Multi-year agreements accompanied by an action plan are then negotiated under the protocol with each provincial and territorial government for second-language learning or with CMEC for interprovincial, interterritorial or pan-Canadian projects. Complementary contributions may be made in addition to the bilateral agreements for the purpose of carrying out initiatives that address emerging priorities.

The funding provided under this sub-component is intended to support initiatives related to an outcomes framework (Appendix A), which describes for each linguistic objective six outcomes domains relevant to the advancement of official languages in education: student participation; provision of programs; student performance; enriched school environment; access to post-secondary education; and support for educational staff and research. These outcomes domains serve as a base for the provinces and territories in establishing their action plans and developing targets and performance indicators.

II. Eligible recipients

Provincial and territorial governments and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada.

III. Funding decisions and evaluation criteria

Funding decisions are based on available funds in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Linkages with the objectives of the Intergovernmental Cooperation sub-component.
  • Helping move forward and structuring the provision by the recipient of second-language learning services.
  • Linkages with second-language learning issues.
  • Linkages with consultation of the target partners.
  • Projected outcomes and impact on area of intervention.
  • Relevance of proposed performance measurements.
  • Balance between budget and proposed activities.
All funding decisions are made by the Minister of Canadian Heritage.

IV. Eligible expenditures

Eligible expenditures include:

  • a portion of the costs incurred by the provinces and territories for support and administration activities for teaching English and French as second official languages, program development, training and development for teachers, student support and all other expenditures covered under federal-provincial/territorial agreements, including expenditures related to implementation of interprovincial/interterritorial or pan-Canadian projects undertaken by the provinces and territories or through CMEC or other recipients.

V. Schedule

Bilateral agreements with each provincial and territorial government are reached after the protocol for agreements, which sets the parameters for the particular period of cooperation, is signed.

Applications for funding for complementary projects may be submitted at any time during the fiscal year.

VI. Funding terms

Funds are paid under a contribution agreement that specifies the reporting requirements and the terms and conditions of payment.

The Department will assume no responsibility for any contractual commitments entered into by the Applicant prior to confirmation of financial support from the Department.

VII. Applicant's Guide

The content of the application must include:


  • Overview of the province's/territory's second-language instruction programs.
  • (Baseline) reference data for provincial/territorial performance targets and data sources.
  • Description of the consultation process established for initiatives undertaken pursuant to the protocol.
  • If applicable, measures taken in communication and outreach activities to the other official-language group.


  • Provincial/territorial initiatives for each outcomes domain funded.
  • At least one performance indicator and one target for each outcomes domain funded.
  • A breakdown by fiscal year of contributions from the Government of Canada and the provincial/territorial government to expenditures projected for each outcomes domain funded, as well as total expected annual expenditures by initiative.

Provincial and territorial governments that wish to apply under the Intergovernmental Cooperation sub-component for funding for second-language learning should call the Official Languages Support Programs Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage at (819) 994-2222.

VIII: Acknowledgment of the Government of Canada's contribution

Recipients are required to acknowledge the contribution from the Department of Canadian Heritage in any promotion or advertising related to the activities from which funding is provided.