Building Communities through Arts and Heritage

The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program was created to help you celebrate your community, its past and its present. The Program will increase opportunities, through festivals and other events and projects, for local artists and artisans to be involved in their community and for local groups to commemorate their local history and heritage.

Application Deadlines

The deadlines for Local Festivals applications are January 30, April 30 and September 30.

The deadline date for all Community Anniversary projects is January 30.

NEW: Commemoration of the Canadian Participation in World War II

We will be accepting applications for Community Anniversary projects on September 30, 2013 only for 2014 projects that commemorate the 75th anniversary of locally significant events directly related to the Canadian participation in World War II.

If you would like to submit a Community Anniversary application for such a project on September 30, 2013 please contact your Regional Program Officer.

There is no fixed deadline for Legacy Fund submissions; however, your project must be submitted at the latest by the date of your anniversary.

The Program

The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program delivers its funding through three separate components: Local Festivals, Community Anniversaries and The Legacy Fund.

Local Festivals
The Local Festivals component provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, artisans, or historical performers.
Community Anniversaries
The Community Anniversaries component provides funding to local groups for non–recurring local events and capital projects that commemorate an anniversary of 100 years or greater in increments of 25 years.
Legacy Fund
The Legacy Fund provides funding for community capital projects that commemorate a local historical anniversary of 100 years or greater in increments of 25 years. NEW We accept projects commemorating the 75th anniversary of locally significant events directly related to the Canadian participation in World War II.

Still not sure where your event or project fits? View this chart.

If you have any questions about the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program, please Contact us.

Service Delivery Standards for this funding program.

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