Canada Day Challenge 2013

The votes are in! After a nation-wide judging process, we are proud to present the winners of the 2013 Canada Day Challenge.

Thank you to everyone who participated.

Have a great Canada Day!

Information about the 2014 edition of the Challenge will be posted this fall.  In the meantime, we invite you to start thinking about the Challenge and how you can demonstrate pride in Canada all through the year.

Be original.
Be creative.
Be part of the new Canada Day Challenge!

If you’re between 8 and 18 years old and live in Canada, you’re invited to express what Canada means to you by submitting an original poster design, a digital photograph, or a piece of creative writing inspired by the theme Canada: Strong and Free.  You could win some really great prizes, including a VIP invitation to attend Canada Day 2013 events on Parliament Hill!

Entries will be accepted from February 1 to March 22, 2013. Be sure to check out How to Enter to learn more about this year’s exciting contest!