Development of Official-Language Communities Program

Community Life component

The Community Life component of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program aims to enable the federal government to work with partners to offer official-language minority communities access to services in their own language, as well as the infrastructure necessary to ensure their growth and development.

  1. Objectives

  2. Immediate outcomes

  3. Sub-components

I. Objectives

The objectives of the Community Life component of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program are:

  • to foster the implementation of activities and projects that ensure the long-term development of official-language minority communities in key sectors;
  • to help provincial and territorial governments and their creations foster the growth of official-language minority communities (Anglophones in Quebec and Francophones outside Quebec) by providing them with, in accordance with the development priorities identified by the communities, services in English in Quebec and in French outside Quebec, as well as the necessary infrastructure to provide these services;
  • to help expand and diversify the range of partners working together towards the development of official-language minority communities;
  • to help make official-language minority communities more inclusive.

II. Immediate outcomes

Activities that receive funding from the Department must contribute to achieving one or several of the objectives of the Community Life component of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program as well as immediate outcomes targeted by this component.

The immediate outcomes targeted by the Community Life component are as follows:

  • creation, improvement and delivery of activities and services designed for official-language minority community organizations, provincial and territorial governments, municipalities and federal departments and agencies;
  • greater ability of all partners to effectively structure the development of official-language minority communities.

III. Sub-components

This component of the program seeks to encourage the initial growth and maintenance of conditions favorable to the development and expansion of official-language minority communities. Five sub-components are proposed to achieve this goal:

  1. Cooperation with the Community Sector
  2. Intergovernmental Cooperation on Minority-Language Services
  3. Cultural Development Fund
  4. Strategic Funds
  5. Young Canada Works


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