Enhancement of Official Languages Program

Promotion of Linguistic Duality component

The Promotion of Linguistic Duality component of the Enhancement of Official Languages Program aims to help organizations from various sectors to undertake or continue activities that promote a better understanding or appreciation of linguistic duality and to build stronger linguistic and cultural links among members of the two official-language communities. This component also aims to promote the provision of services in both official languages, English and French, in order to build a bilingual capability within non-governmental organizations.

  1. Objectives

  2. Immediate outcomes

  3. Sub-components

I. Objectives

The objectives of the Promotion of Linguistic Duality component of the Enhancement of Official Languages Program are:

  • to build understanding of the value of linguistic duality in Canada;
  • to contribute to promoting stronger links among Canadians;
  • to help Canadians appreciate the French language and understand its cultural context in Canada; and
  • to encourage organizations to increase their capacity to work in English and French and to share best practices in this area.

II. Immediate outcomes

Activities that receive funding from the Department must contribute to achieving one or more of the objectives of the Promotion of Linguistic Duality Program, as well as immediate outcomes targeted by this component.

The immediate outcomes targeted by this component are as follows:

  • increased participation in activities enhancing linguistic duality and uniting Canadians;
  • enhancement of the French language and culture in Canada;
  • increased access for Canadians to services in both official languages from non-governmental organizations.

III. Sub-components

This component aims to increase participation in activities that enhance linguistic duality and unite Canadians and promote the provision of services in both official languages. Another aim is to enlist the support of more partners to promote Canada’s two official languages. Three sub-components are proposed to achieve this goal:

  1. Appreciation and Rapprochement
  2. Support for Interpretation and Translation
  3. Promotion of Bilingual Services

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