Audiovisual Treaty Coproduction

An audiovisual treaty coproduction is a feature film or television production that has been created by pooling creative, technical and financial resources of Canadian and foreign producers. Governed under the terms of a treaty between partnering countries, these productions are granted national status, and as such, are also eligible for federal and provincial tax credits and additional funding sources such as the Canada Media Fund and the Canada Feature Film Fund. In addition, in Canada, television treaty coproductions qualify for Canadian content quota for broadcasting, which offers Canadian producers greater opportunity for broadcasting their project on a Canadian network during prime viewing time, and for obtaining higher license fees for their productions.

Canada was one of the first countries to recognize the advantages of audiovisual treaty coproductions.  These treaties have advanced the audiovisual industry in Canada, strengthening international ties in the cultural sector; and promoting and disseminating Canadian culture abroad.  Canada has been coproducing for close to 50 years and has treaties and arrangements with 53 partners. Over the last past decade, Canada has coproduced close to 800 films and television coproductions.

Countries Interested in Negotiating a Coproduction Treaty with Canada

Producers Interested in Having their Coproduction Certified Need to Apply to Telefilm Canada