Mining Recorder's Office

The Mining Recorder's Office is responsible for subsurface rights administration of Crown land. This is your point of contact for information on subsurface rights on Crown land administered under the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations (with the exception of royalties' provisions). The Mining Recorder's Office is also responsible for administering the Territorial Coal Regulations. Through this office, you can apply for prospecting licences and permits, mining claims and leases, as well as coal leases, coal permits and coal exploration licences.

The following information summarizes several sections of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations. We have tried to accurately describe the sections of the Regulation in plain language. However, you should refer to the Regulations themselves, or contact the AANDC Mining Recorder's office, for a strict interpretation on any matter or for a more complete understanding of all parts of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations.

Mineral Tenure (Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations)