Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool (PEMT)

PEMT Regions

Image map of regions of interest for Northern Oil and Gas

Beaufort Sea & Mackenzie DeltaHigh ArcticEastern Arctic

Welcome to the Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool (PEMT).

The PEMT has been developed by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. The PEMT displays generalized environmental and socio-economic information for selected Arctic regions to inform decisions about oil and gas exploration and land management.

Users may find the PEMT helpful in identifying potential environmental and socio-economic sensitivities.

Users are invited to read the DISCLAIMER.

Background Information

Extensive background information is available on the various layers used in this tool for the following regions:

These background materials have been selected from the reports prepared by AECOM Canada Ltd3, Nunami Stantec1,2,4,5, and Gartner Lee Limited6. These reports do not necessarily reflect the views of the Northern Oil and Gas Branch, AANDC.

  1. Nunami Stantec, 2011. Petroleum and environmental management tool : High Arctic study area : 2011 update   Prepared by Nunami Stantec for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.

  2. Nunami Stantec, 2011. Petroleum and environmental management tool : risk-based analysis and cumulative effects scenarios for the Eastern Arctic   Prepared by Nunami Stantec for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.

  3. AECOM Canada Ltd., 2010. Beaufort Sea Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool   Prepared by AECOM Canada Ltd. for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

  4. Nunami Stantec, 2010. Petroleum and environmental management tool : High Arctic study area   Prepared by Nunami Stantec for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

  5. Nunami Stantec, 2010. Petroleum and environmental management tool : Eastern Arctic study area   Prepared by Nunami Stantec for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

  6. Gartner Lee, 2008. Development of a decision support tool for resource management in support of a strategic environmental assessment for the Canadian Beaufort Sea   Prepared by Gartner Lee Limited for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

View all the PEMT reports in ASTIS.  


For questions and more information please contact us.