2013-2014 Call for Nominations Launched in the Beaufort Sea & Mackenzie Delta

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Volume 22, Number 1
August 2013

The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development hereby calls for nominations on Crown reserve lands north of 60° in the Beaufort Sea & Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories. Companies interested in obtaining petroleum exploration rights are asked to nominate blocks of lands which they would like to see in a subsequent Call for Bids. Please refer to the complete Call for Nominations package.

All posting requests must be described in accordance with the Guidelines for Posting Parcels North of Latitude 60° N. Lands currently under licence which revert to Crown reserve status during the course of this Call for Nominations may also be nominated. Lands included in this Call for Nominations fall within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Aboriginal subsurface lands established pursuant to the Inuvialuit Final Agreement are not available for posting.

The Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement was signed on June 25, 2013. Interests issued in the onshore, which includes the Mackenzie Delta and permanent islands in the Beaufort Sea, will be under the administration and control of the Government of the Northwest Territories as of the Transfer Date (expected April 1st 2014).

All nominations must be received by September 24, 2013 at 4 p.m. (EDT) to be considered by the Minister. All nominations should be faxed to the attention of:

Northern Petroleum Resources Directorate
Northern Petroleum and Mineral Resources Branch
facsimile: 819-953-5828

Beaufort Sea & Mackenzie Delta

The Beaufort Sea & Mackenzie Delta is a region proven to be particularly rich in petroleum resources, reflective of the economic potential of Canada's North. Although some 60 discoveries have been made, there remains high potential for new oil and gas fields in large undrilled geological structures, particularly in the offshore.

Call for Bids

The exercise of petroleum exploration rights is subject to specific terms and conditions relating to the environment and must comply with requirements under land claims and for northern benefits. Such information is contained in the Proposed 2013-2014 Call for Bids and within the terms of the Exploration Licence. Should nominations be received, a Call for Bids for nominated blocks may be launched in October 2013.

Interests in the onshore, resulting from the 2013-2014 Call for Bids for Exploration Licences in the Beaufort Sea & Mackenzie Delta must be issued no later than one day before the Transfer Date.

Regulations of Operations

Oil and gas operations on exploration licences are regulated by the National Energy Board, who will continue as the technical regulator after the Transfer Date.

For more information on the rights issuance process or the resource management regime, please contact:

Rights Administration
Northern Petroleum Resources Directorate
Northern Petroleum and Mineral Resources Branch
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Tel: 819-953-2087 Fax: 819-953-5828

Media Enquiries: 819-953-1160

Note: This Bulletin is for information purposes only.