AANDC Web Site Changes

The AANDC Web site has been converted into the Web Experience Toolkit (WET) templates. These templates are ideal for mobile devices and accessible to different users and technologies. This change is part of the Government of Canada-wide adoption of the Standard on Web Accessibility, the Standard on Web Usability and the Standard on Web Interoperability.

The new look of the AANDC Web site offers Canadians mobile accessibility. With this new look, Canadians will be able to access important information quickly and easily through their mobile devices.

The updated Web site now complies with Web Experience Toolkit (WET) 2.0 standards. This includes a variety of improvements that makes our Web site more accessible to Canadians and much more user-friendly. In moving to the new WET 2.0 template, AANDC's Web site is now standardized and follows the same format as other Government of Canada Web pages. This means Canadians are able to able to easily and more efficiently navigate AANDC's and other Government of Canada Web pages because of their identical formatting.

Questions and Answers


Why has AANDC changed the look of the Web site?


AANDC Web user statistics show that an increasing number of visits to the AANDC Web site are coming from mobile devices, including smart-phones and tablets. The new Web site templates adapt automatically to display correctly in mobile devices.


What impact will these changes have on the Aboriginal and Northern communities?


These changes have made the AANDC Web site much more user-friendly. This means all Canadians will now be able to browse our content on mobile devices or on a computer quickly and easily.


Has the content of the Web site changed?


No, only the look and feel of the Web site has changed. The content remains the same.


How do Northerners and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Canada who do not have Internet access receive and find information?


AANDC uses a variety of communications channels to provide information and services. People who do not have Internet access can contact our Public Enquiries Centre by mail, phone, email or fax.


Do I need to update my bookmarks or links to the AANDC web site?


No, AANDC web page addresses are not changing. There is no need to update bookmarks or links to the site.


A bottom tab links to other Government Web sites. Will other Government Web Sites promote the AANDC Web page?


The bottom tab provides links to current Government of Canada priorities. These links are common to all Government of Canada web sites. The links will evolve along with the Government of Canada's priorities.


Are there any other changes planned for the AANDC Web site?


In the coming months we will be reviewing our Web site and removing content that has become redundant, outdated or trivial, to make it easier to find current, relevant information.

Contact Us

To report any issues with AANDC's Web site, including pages that do not display correctly in the new templates, contact webmaster@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca.

For any other enquiries, please visit our Contact Us page.