Transfer of Mineral Claim

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Form 17

Protected A

Privacy Act Statement

The information you provide on this form is collected by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada under the authority of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations for the purpose of transferring of a mineral claim. The information may be made available for public inspection, as prescribed by the Regulations, and will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act  . Individuals have the right to the protection of unauthorized disclosure of and access to their personal information that is under the control of a federal government institution. Instructions for obtaining your personal information are provided in Info Source  , a copy of which is available at major public and academic libraries or on line.

For Office Use Only 
Registered and Recorded in the Office of the Mining Recorder at Yellowknife, NWT or at Iqaluit, Nunavut

Document Number
Mining Recorder's Signature

Name of Transferor

Amount of Fees

Receipt No.

Interest in Mining District


Ο Nunavut

Claim Tag No.



Claim Name



Claim Tag No.



Claim Name



If insufficient space attach a sheet which shall form part of this document.

I, the recorded holder of (indicate interest held) __________________________________ %,
in consideration of receipt of (dollars) $ _________________________________________
transfer (indicate interest transferred) __________________________________________ %
to (name of transferee) _____________________________________________________.


Prospector's License No. of Transferee (Valid Licence Required)

Address of Transferee




Signature of Transferor




Signature of Transferor




Corporate Seal

The second signature line is provided for corporations requiring two signing officers.
The signature(s) does(do) not need to be witnessed if a corporate seal is used.

Affidavit of Witness (Not required if Corporate Seal is used) 


I _________________________________________________________________________

of the _____________________________________________________________________

in the _____________________________________________________________________


THAT I was personally present and did see the within instrument duly signed, sealed and executed by one of the parties thereto.

At ________________________________ in the ________________________________

THAT I know the said ______________________________________________________

AND THAT I am a subscribing witness to the said instrument.

SWORN BEFORE ME this ______ (Day) of __________________ (Month), ________ (Year)

at ________________________________ in the ________________________________

Signature of Notary Public - Signature of Commissioner for Oaths

Signature of Witness

A Commissioner for Oaths / Notary Public in and for the

My Commission / Appointment Expires

Signature of Witness


INTER 50-012E 2012-04-01