2010-11 Program Activity Architecture of Canadian Heritage

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Strategic Outcome 1
Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad

Program Activity 1
Program Activity 2
Cultural Industries
Program Activity 3
1.1 Canada Arts Presentation Fund 2.1 Broadcasting and Digital Communications Policy 3.1 Museums Assistance Program
1.2 Canada Cultural Spaces Fund 2.2 Canada Media Fund 3.2 Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program
1.3 Fathers of Confederation Buildings Trust 2.3 Canada Interactive Fund 3.3 Canadian Heritage Information Network
1.4 Canada Arts Training Fund 2.4 Film and Video Policy 3.4 Canadian Conservation Institute
1.5 Canada Cultural Investment Fund 2.5 Film or Video Production Tax Credits 3.5 Movable Cultural Property Program
  2.6 Canada Music Fund  
  2.7 Canada Book Fund  
  2.8 Canada Periodical Fund  
  2.9 Copyright Policy  
  2.10 Cultural Sector Investment Review  
  2.11 TV5  
  2.12 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and the Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions  

Strategic Outcome 2
Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity

Program Activity 4
Promotion of and Attachment to Canada
Program Activity 5
Engagement and Community Participation
Program Activity 6
Official Languages
4.1 Celebration and Commemoration Program 5.1 Human Rights Program 6.1 Development of Official Languages Communities Program
4.2 State Ceremonial and Protocol 5.2 Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage 6.2 Enhancement of Official Languages Program
4.3 International Expositions 5.3 Aboriginal Peoples' Program 6.3 Official Languages Coordination Program
4.4 Canadian Studies Program    
4.5 Exchanges Canada Program    
4.6 Katimavik Program    
4.7 Youth Take Charge    


Strategic Outcome 3
Canadians participate and excel in sport

Program Activity 7
7.1 Sport Hosting Program
7.2 Sport Support Program
7.3 Athlete Assistance Program
7.4 2010 Federal Secretariat

Other Program Activity

Program Activity 8
Internal Services
8.1 Governance and Management Support
8.2 Resource Management Services
8.3 Asset Management Services


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