Departmental Performance Report (DPR), 2010-2011, of the Department of Canadian Heritage


Tables available only online

Table 1: Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue

Table 2: User Fees - External Fees 

Table 3: Details of Transfer Payment Programs (TPP)

Table 4: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

Table 5: Horizontal Initiatives

Table 6: Green Procurement

Table 7: Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits

Table 8: Internal Audits and Table 10: Evaluations

Report on the Administration of the Investment Canada Act (Canadian Heritage)

CANADIAN HERITAGE - Financial Statements

APPENDIX A to the 2010-2011 Departmental Performance Report of the Department of Canadian Heritage / Canadian Heritage Annex to the Statement of Management Responsibility Including Internal Control over Financial Reporting for the fiscal year 2010-2011

2010-2011 Canadian Heritage Report on Annual Expenditures for Travel, Hospitality anfd Conferences


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