Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation is working to ensure a promising future for the Inuvialuit. Through its efforts, the people of the Western Arctic take part in, and benefit from the many successful business ventures serving the Canadian North.

Transcript: Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

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Transcript: Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

High above the Arctic Circle the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation is working to ensure a promising future for the lives of the Inuvialuit….

…..and through its efforts, the people of the Western Arctic are the beneficiaries of many successful business endeavors serving Canada’s North and beyond.

There are six Inuvialuit communities: Aklavik, Paulatuk, Sachs Harbour, Tuktoyaktuk, Ulukhaktok and Inuvik.

The 3,500 Inuvialuit residents in these communities live in extreme environmental conditions, from long weeks of cold, dark winter to warm summer days with 24 hour sunlight.

In 1984, the Inuvialuit and the Government of Canada signed the historic Inuvialuit Final Agreement.

The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, the IRC, was established to administer the rights and benefits resulting from the agreement.

One of its main goals was to enable Inuvialuit to be equal and meaningful participants in the northern and national economy and society.

It includes legal control and ownership of 91,000 square kilometres of land including 13,000 square kilometres with subsurface rights to oil, gas and minerals.

One of the Inuvilauit Regional Corporation’s subsidiaries is the Inuvialuit Development Corporation, or IDC.

Wayne Gordon- Chairperson of the Inuvialuit Development Corporation:
IDC is 100% Aboriginally owned. Our sole shareholder is the IRC and Inuvialuit beneficiaries …we own a number of businesses either 100% or joint-venture with  different partners and   we’re there to ensure when we invest that our bottom line is to make money and to have employment and training for our beneficiaries and also to be there for the long run…

IDC companies run the spectrum of services within the Energy, Manufacturing and Industrial, Real Estate and Management, Northern Services and Transportation sectors.

The Inuvik airport and nearby region is home to many IDC companies providing transportation and infrastructure and also many job opportunities.

Among its companies owned in partnership are Canadian North, Aklak Air, Aklak Canadian Helicopters and BBE/Aurora Expediting Services.

Nellie Cornoyea- Chair Person and Chief Executive Officer of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation:
We’re extremely lucky among the Inuvialuit, because a lot of Inuvialuit like doing business… …and if they can get meaningful employment and financial gain from it, you know it makes everyone much happier and much more involved with what’s going on.

For over 25 years, the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation has been devoted to managing resources and generating sustainable economic activity….

….ensuring that today’s careful planning and investments benefit the Inuvialuit for generations to come.